Shepherding Humanity

983 Nomad Civilization

"It's not my idea. In the vast sky and the universe, many inheritances are like this."

The super ancient god shook his head.

"This is true of many civilizations? Is this the best way?"

Caroline was slightly startled and carefully thought about the deep meaning of it, revealing a look, "It is indeed so! Super ancient gods, you deserve to be the existence of an ancient universe that has lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

In fact, this is indeed the law of many powerful races in the universe.

At this time, Xu Zhi was naturally aware of the inheritance memory of the Renemansga family.

Because he thinks about it carefully now, in the heritage of Rene Mansga, he also recommends qualified descendants to cultivate the perfect road foundation and then break through the ninth level. If you don’t have the qualification, don’t force it.

But why should it be recommended?

Instead of telling directly, the tenth-order truth of the descendants of the Tieji family?

"Because this world is so cruel, it is good not to tell....Avoid despair."

Xu Zhi looked up and said, "Even the tenth-order ancestor of the Renemansga clan doesn't quite think that there may be offspring and can break through the tenth-order.... So, it is only a vaguely suggested descendant in the heritage Cultivate the perfect Daoji, but not directly explain it, so as to avoid future generations in the god stage, they will fall into the stunned, desperate... Have not yet broken through the ninth level, in order to polish the four gene Daoji, he killed himself alive. ."

This is a very cruel reality.

When a cosmic race with a strong heritage and a rare clan is rare, if the descendants do not even have the ninth rank, generations are eighth-order gods, and they all die on the weak ninth-level road....even the ninth rank did not appear, then In less than a few generations, this race will inevitably be completely aging and extinct!

This segmented memory inheritance method, which can be popular at this time, must have his rationality, which has been proved to be practical by time.

Even many cosmic anti-tian strong clan are shielded and concealed in this way.

"The cultivation path of the universe is really a path of despair and frustration that struggles with the sky and makes people unable to understand the end." Xu Zhi shook his head and sighed with emotion.

He plans to do the same right now, emulating the powerful race of the universe outside.

Infuse them with a stronger concept of the four genes, but imply that if they can’t do it, it’s okay to not create a perfect gene, and they can directly break through, just a little weaker than other ninth-order concepts.

After all, there is nothing wrong with cutting a lot of ninth ranks, but Xu Zhi still hopes that there will be a real tenth rank in the leek.

"Then tell them and notify them."

Caroline smiled and discussed: "After all, this was only known during the evolution of the promenade... This is a later matter, and it has not been left in their inheritance memory in advance."

The two are talking, talking about the future of the era of alternating and prosperous mode, in fact, the two are also discussing a new civilization development method of cutting leek.

"Super ancient gods, will you come with me? It's also time to see the descendants of this new world and the creatures..." Caroline laughed.

The super ancient god just shook his head, "Go, I won't accompany you."

Normally, there is nothing to go.

But at the thought of this extraordinary world, the style of painting has been mutated, and I am afraid that it will be broadcast on TV. After all, the gods are interviewed and focused interviews, it seems a bit embarrassing...

When he thought about it, he would not go.

Rather than going to such an awkward meeting, it is better to do something else...

"Then I will inform them." Caroline said with a smile. Caroline was used to it, and even felt very friendly.

After all, the Ishudaals and the Protoss of the year were also in a similar situation. The strong men's TV stations and live broadcasts have long been used to it.

Caroline was ready to leave, but said again: "Yes, I got some interesting memories from the memory of His Majesty Teal of the Teal Empire and the memories of the most high gods."

"What memory?" the super ancient god smiled.

"They hide deep,


Xu Zhi did not respond.

However, he soon felt that this was normal.

After all, there have been tens of thousands of years of development of the Tier civilization, there are some civilizations passing by, civilizations recognized, and various materials.

Especially in front of me is terrible.

Became part of Caroline's Memory Corridor, and even their most confidential memories have to be hollowed out.

Caroline smiled, "But it is clear that other worlds will not actively expose their specific coordinates... But Emperor Teal, through some special tracking method, followed a certain distance, knowing The approximate location coordinates of a nomadic civilization."

"A nomadic civilization?"

Xu Zhi looked indifferent.

The Tier civilization has not really possessed the ability to move "civilizations" at will, but just barely reached the threshold of civilizations. At the last moment, it was ready to realize the "Wandering Planet Project".

The true high-level civilization of the universe must exist in the form of "nomads", which is an inevitable law.

At the same time, at this level of civilization, the energy demand has reached an extremely exaggerated level, so it is impossible to stay in the same galaxy for a long time, and if enough resources are mined, it will choose to leave.

At the same time, it is not only illusory, flexible, unimaginable, and difficult to track.

This is the real powerful civilization of the universe. The planet can no longer confine them, and can even move with the whole planet.

Just like the nomadic family on the grassland, when the resources of one grassland are exhausted, they will migrate to another grassland and continue to graze and grow.

The simple analogy is like the drifting of "ancient wood planet".

She explained: "Knowing the approximate location, staying on that land, as long as you carefully explore the void of that area, the shielding is so good that it can't escape my eyes."

She thinks so.

After all, she thinks that she is also a very powerful class in the ninth order.

"If you are interested, you can visit." The ancient gods smiled. "But don't play with your funeral, but concentrate on cultivation."

Xu Zhi really didn't feel too cold about the civilization outside.

Before the Tyr civilization, Bird Planet?

It's just like playing a house, not at all!

In the end, Xu Zhi himself acted directly as a cosmic garden, only to make Caroline and others feel powerful... otherwise it would be a real battle against the indigenous people.

The nomadic civilization in front of her may be the civilization that actually entered the ninth level...but she doesn’t think that Caroline can beat the other party. Even among the enlightened cosmos, she is an extremely powerful group. ...

But observation is still to be observed, but that's all. Xu Zhi intends to build the center of gravity completely on the development and development of an extraordinary world sand table.

"Well, I will pay attention."

Caroline smiled and said, "Looking for the civilization outside, and all kinds of new stars, is also to find some energy supplements, otherwise, you have been relying on your accumulation of savings... It is too unexpected."

Xu Zhi smiled and said nothing.

Caroline had a few more conversations, and then she left. She went to the entire world of the tower to inform the future of the ninth order road, how to break through and move forward.

Xu Zhi looked calmly.

She is busy with her, and although she does not show up, it does not rule out that he did not want to explore this world.


Xu Zhi flashed into the tower world.