Shepherding Humanity

Chapter one thousand and forty-eight is... God of Destruction! !

At this moment.

The spider beauty Nesera, her eight-footed curled up in the lower abdomen to form a ball, lying on the ground in despair and waiting to die, even the thought of suicidal flashed through, it can be said that he has already done enough tortured and played with his body Prepared in my heart... but now, completely lost.

Where is this?

What mysterious existence sent her here?

Why did she come to such a place?

Don't you covet my beauty?

Although she was imprisoned in a mysterious membrane and lost all her strength, she still saw the strange and cumbersome text on both sides of the street.

Bustling and lively.

It's summer.

A girl wearing a short skirt, pantyhose, and beautiful long legs on the street, walking on the street in twos and threes, carrying a small bag, holding a cup of milk tea, and pulling her boyfriend...

Next to it, there are part-time students distributing leaflets, a little brother who is delivering food is driving in a vehicle, and a small car is passing by.

Under the overpass farther away, there were still people singing, attracting the lumpy crowd.

"Ordinary low civilization."

On a hot summer day, the earth was baked into a small furnace, and she saw these mortal souls walking slowly like statues in low-dimensional time and space.

Listening to these bustling words, she instinctively entered the high-speed finishing study.

For the existence of her level, it is easy to learn a language to come to various civilization planets all the year round.

The speech and movement of the entire town and city are gathered, and the information flow of countless dialogues at every moment is used to organize big data, and she quickly understands their words.

"Have you heard? The price drop in the mall next door."

"When you're free, you have to visit Taobao and buy my goddess Caroline's hand."

"The exam is tomorrow, and our dormitory has got a hand from the Emperor Qi, and it is being incense.... Bless the god, I guess the small note of the Xueba brothers in the dormitory next door will be powerful, let us survive this exam!"

"Worship Emperor Qi? The god of learning? Stop it, are you the god of cheating?"

"Hey, both, both meanings!"

"The three pillars have been sold very well recently. It is said that many people have bought a home for offering. All living beings have a golden light. After all, they are authentic Buddhist doors! Only to protect peace."

"Go! Really when I don't visit Taobao? The sentient beings, the heads of sentient beings, looking at you with joy and sorrow and joy... For being at home, you can have nightmares at night, and it's terrifying."

"Now, the pattern of war is said to be fierce. The two lines of Buddhism and Taoism are still rising..."

"By the way, spores have evolved, can we enter now? There is no big brother, have researched the species for the mother river civilization, entered the heavens and the world, and revive our ancient Chinese civilization of Buddhism and Taoism?"


The spider beauty Nesera stood on the street, eight spider feet, floating lightly on the tiles, listening to the strange conversation, and felt a little inexplicable.

Look, it's ordinary...

But their conversation is a bit weird.

She keenly heard a unique word: Buddha!

This time, she instantly sweated in cold sweat, her face slightly changed.


Buddhism is that they are planning to go to war. As a logistics, the horror ancient civilization that has encircled and suppressed, has eliminated the existence of seven horror taboos of the rank of inspectors.... here even know?

Such a common, mediocre, low civilization, even knew?

Wow la la.

She moved slightly.

Entering an ordinary family, I began to look at the network here to learn all kinds of information, the structure and framework of this civilization, and the distant history.

After learning some knowledge, I quickly found the extremely popular "Spore Evolution" game on this planet. These horror messages made the concept of Genesis appear in her mind for the first time.

"This this?"

Nesera is incredible.

The whole universe,

Is it the original chaotic source of the universe?

Was it the original mix of all laws?

Dao Yi?

Avenue, the source of truth?

She glared out in front of the computer, which for her subverted the entire three views. It was simply that the entire life of tens of thousands of years was directly cracked and broken.

Then, she saw a more terrifying scene.

Genesis God Dimensional Yard!

The above description is that this is a hazy yard in a hazy concept, where all the creatures of the universe evolved... forming an illusion.

The Genesis God, in which adjusts the civilization and power of the the end, is it thrown everywhere to determine the future of civilization on each planet?

An unimaginable thought came to her mind:

"That is to say, our Muzhu family, it seems that they have spent hundreds of millions of years of natural evolution on their home planet, and they climbed out of the ocean, we thought it was naturally produced... In fact, it has already It is a fixed number. Our race has already evolved here. It has been viewed and adjusted... This is the result of calculating the future and determining the future civilization race of the universe?"

It first appeared here as a concept in meditation... and then evolved and appeared on the actual natural planet... This is equivalent to having "fruit", and then there is "cause", which involves the law of cause and effect.

In that dimension of the yard, the life of all life is determined, and the future of all life in the entire universe is foreseen!

"Dimensional yard..."

Nesera's entire body is a little bit soft, "The law of the universe concept in the past...past and future..."

The enlightened people of their level exist. Who is not Taoist and has a solid heart, which is hard to cause the mind to lose its mind?But the "Tao" in front of them was subverted, and the mind was naturally restless.

Next, she continued to check.

Alchemy Emperor, Motherwort Ivy... All kinds of ancient historical processes are unobstructed.

She soon saw the ancient origins of Buddhism, reviving ancient civilizations, super ancient gods...

And, the protagonist they are facing-

The Three Pillar God.

The entire civilization is very vague about the details of this Buddhist door, but she now knows more than the mysterious deity of the inspectors and even the tenth weaker order!

She thought of this, and she felt excited.

After all, I was too weak before, and inferiority hovered in my heart.

"This is the origin...the origin of Buddhism and Taoism....The moon god season, the super ancient god, Rene Mansca..." She had just calmed down for a while and looked at a terrifying message again. The flood came, "Only by observing and understanding will the creator god exist and will be discovered...the end of this conceptual level universe..."

"In those days, Buddhism and Taoism were super ancient spirits. From an ancient ruin, the records and concepts of the creator god were discovered, so that this statue exists and is remembered by the world...

However, the entire Buddhism and Taoism civilization has also reached its heyday. In this heyday of the weak tenth-order civilization, I am afraid that it will be far beyond the current Yuanlan God Territory... The Moon God Season, aware of all this, began to compete for opportunities, So... the war broke out!"

The information recorded here is terrifying.

It is simply that the amount of information is so large that she has subverted the world.

According to this situation, even the Lianyuan Blue God Territory, the fallen civilization, did not know this concept at all...

Even the ultimate existence of many legends in the universe may not be known...

Perhaps, the civilization of Buddhism and Taoism is the only one in the entire universe, from the primitive times of ancient times, still remembering the creation of ancient history, and the subsequent moon god season and others.

Only by knowing his existence and understanding his concepts can we overcome all falsehoods and see such existence!

And I know the big secret!

She felt the whole person's head explode, with a sense of excitement, with a sense of fear, fear and excitement.

"According to records, this seemingly backward planet, I am afraid that it is the original place....The spirits here are all eternal blood....The super ancient gods of that year were known in this relic civilization. The existence of Genesis God..."

She sorted out her thoughts frantically. This is a place of mystery to taboo and unimaginable opportunities!Scrambled the territory of countless wars.

The blood of eternal life can be seen everywhere!

It's just a pity that she is full of genes and can't integrate.

"So, even the super ancient gods of that year, Luna Season, are all competing, and it is difficult to squeeze into such a mysterious realm, restricted... Who am I to be brought in with?" Her goose bumps were completely gone, Feeling a little thoughtful and terrifying, there is a feeling of being grasped by fate.

She looked next.

In the next picture, I saw the cosmic garden, the true sound of the avenue, that horrible evil spirit... It was actually going to be a genesis and calling for the existence in the underworld.

This evil god is terrible and unimaginable!

Her life structure is so unique that she has merged and mastered tens of thousands of genes of the blood of the law of the Dao. To reverse the law of the entire universe, she will collapse and return together to form the earth-shaking "primitive" of the world.

"Ultimately, they opened the magic box and observed a horrible existence in the future..." Quickly reading a screenshot, her eight hands and feet were shaking, and her soul was shaking, completely stunned, "Finally, they Seeing him... seeing him at the last moment of the universe... Destroyer."

The world is going to be destroyed...

She had never imagined that such a thing had happened in secret.

No outsider knows this. The terrible catastrophe has already happened. The entire universe will usher in an unprecedented catastrophe. The universe of this era will end early.

I have to say that the conversation and the true voice of the Dao made her extremely excited and frightened, which is so exciting!

It's just a pity that the recording is too vague, and you can't hear the true sound of the universe, otherwise... this kind of opportunity is simply terrible like a dream.

After all, the order and truth of all universal laws are recorded in it.

Neserrana said to herself, "This planet is so mysterious and thrilling...and even such terrible giants can hardly enter this kind of secret realm, and it costs a lot of money... Who is it? Send me in?"

She was more and more scared, and the more she understood, the more she felt that an incredible power was manipulating everything.

"It's impossible for me to come here," she suddenly shook her face, her voice hoarse, and muttered to herself: "Only by observing and understanding the concept of existence, will it collapse into an established fact."

"Collapse and become established"

She suddenly thought of something, and turned to look at it, and saw an unforgettable scene of immortality.

There is a faint shadow of black ruin and destruction seen in the picture just now, as if standing in the distant unknown space and time, looking at her quietly... This makes her a powerful enlightened person, all There was a finger-pointing fear that grabbed the beating bright red heart fiercely.

"Break... God of Destruction."