Lady Gracelia is very comfortable talking because she is smart and rusty.

He taught me to study at times, let me fight the interpretation, and I often helped the student council work here, but today I'm ending up chatting about what's going on.

I don't dispute that because it's fun, but Lady Gracelia is more concerned about the door from time to time, and she finally said, "It's too late."

"Actually, I'm not the one who needs Cristiane today."

"Earlier, I thought you were expecting someone."

"Maybe I can't get out of this because of the student council work I've been accumulating. But I really want to talk to you as soon as possible."

I can only think of someone who is a member of the Student Council and seems to ask Lady Gracelia to do that, though I can only think of Leo or His Royal Highness...... but you just talked to Leo yesterday.

But I didn't even think His Highness wanted to talk to me, so I had to tilt my neck.

"Sorry! It's late!

In the end, Mr. Leo opened the door and came in.

I was in such a hurry, my hair is slightly disturbed and my breath is completely up. I wonder if you've been running quite a distance to see where the sweat started to come from on your forehead.

"Ah, thank you"

If I gently offered him a handkerchief, Mr. Leo happily lowered his face.

"Oh, my goodness, a face without a mark."

Lady Gracelia, who laughed teasingly, said, "I'll move between the back. And then you talk," he quickly pulled into the back room, and I couldn't figure it out, and Leo and I were left in this room.

Mr. Leo isn't even breathing yet, and it's kind of awkward.

"Um, I'll make you some tea."

"Oh, fine, I'm fine. I don't have much time."

Leo, who wiped the sweat with the handkerchief he gave him, took the adorable chin out of his chest pocket and gently offered it to me.

It is very beautiful, with a bouquet of red roses embroidered.

"Will you have this?

"Well, can I have it? Glad."

Is it a souvenir of Garave? I'm so glad I never thought I'd get something so nice. When I looked up at the embroidery I received, I was distracted by its delicate embroidery.


"No, I'm glad you were happy...... meaning, you know?



Flower words, that kind of thing?

When I looked up, Mr. Leo looked very troubled and I was in a hurry.