When the Red Moon Festival was successfully completed and even processed afterwards, the school regained some calm. On the day shortly after the New Year's Eve, I had been summoned to the Student Council Room.

Lined up in front of you is a face full of faces. There is a line of current student councils, including His Highness, the student chairman, the vice chairman who assists him, Leo, the accountant, and even Leezalotte, Cleman's fiancée.

And across the desk, on this side, headed by Lady Gracelia, Lady Fein, who is also a court magician, and my brother Rufez, of course, have been convened to Martina and Adelaide, who have been fighting with me and Lady Gracelia for the first time in school exams all these days.

From the time of year and the touch of this member, it seemed to me that this was the appointment meeting of the next student union.

"Sorry to call you so suddenly."

His Highness cut it out.

"Not today, but I want to entrust the future student council to you, and I asked you to gather here."

"All of a sudden, I was wondering if there was an upfront consultation or something."

Lady Gracelia kept asking me what I was wondering too.

"The power to appoint is vested in the current student chairman, which is why I was allowed to exercise my authority. But I don't think that's a bad idea."

"Well, I'm relieved."

"As for the position, let me tell you what I think. Let me just designate the student chairman and vice chairman, but if it's the result of the discussion around the two of them, it's fine to change roles"

That's right, and His Royal Highness will announce his position lightly.

"The student chairman is Gracelia. You will guide this country with me in the near future. [M] I want you to first hear the voice of the people in this school and acquire the spirit and strength to guide the people. … although I'm not worried."

"I'll take care of it. We'll do everything we can to meet our expectations."

With a challenging smile, Lady Gracelia is stunningly reliable.

It's so piercing that I wonder when I can name the queen. Honestly, this wouldn't have happened to me, so I'm also envious, and I'm just a little tickled with inferiority.

"The vice chairman is Fane. He was also in charge of the secretary at the current student council, so he is familiar with the activities of the previous student council, including the past. I want you to help the student chairman."

"Copy that. Lady Gracelia has been almost like a student council officer for the past few months, so I guess I can do more about it without delay. On the contrary, you mean the stopping clerk, so that the lady from the Hufflefleur family doesn't run too wild, right? I don't even feel like I can stop it."