That weekend I took action quickly.

When entering Tails, wear an apron and wrap your arms around it.

While responding vigorously to one order after another in the mood, I wondered what I would ask from time to time.

Actually, I'm trying to learn magic from Mr. Selva again. Because with my magic arm up, I'm sure I can handle Mr. Leo when he gets hurt again.

I'm just waiting for you earlier to do me a favor, but Mr. Selva's hard to come by.

Normally, Mr. Selva is only here to escort me to work at Tails, but I think he showed up at the same time that I did when I got to Tails. I wonder what happened today.

Seeing me sticking with a flicker and looking at the entrance, the general seemed to erupt strangely.

"Chris would probably be softening up today, wouldn't Leo Boy be home yet?

To the point of the general, I accidentally turn red. It's kind of embarrassing.

Was it so easy to understand and twitch? Besides, what a glimpse of what they think is waiting for Mr. Leo, the squirming equals.

"Yes, no, it's not. Well, Mr. Selva, I thought it was too late."

"Oh, have you been waiting for me? You're so full of profit."

Now I heard a teasing voice from the entrance, and looking back, Mr. Selva in the matter was standing with a tired face.

Wow, my face is kind of white through blue, and my kuma is amazing. Could I have stayed up all night?

"I'm sorry I'm late, but I've got a little work to do."

"It doesn't feel like a little... can I have my usual coffee?

"Yeah, thanks. It's not like this, it's everyday tea. So, Chris, what did you want from me?

Asked so, but I was just mindful to ask Mr. Selva, who looked exhausted, to say the least.

"That, what's wrong? I don't care, tell me."

"No... I wanted to ask you something, but I think you're tired, so I'll see you next time"

"Is that it? Me, you look like such a jerk?

Having opened his eyes for a moment, Mr. Selva roared, um, and then cast some sort of spell.


The sparkling and beautiful light wraps Mr. Selva, and in an instant the colour of fatigue disappears from his face. The skin returned to bloodstain and the gloss came back just as good as usual, and to my surprise, the dark spots under my eyes disappeared.

"Normally, it creeps after the magic of proper fatigue recovery, but it was troublesome, so it just disappeared. On the contrary, I think I'm worried about you. Sorry."