"Ah, thank you very much, Master Aelme......!

"I'm more than happy for you. So, what do we do?

Because I was happy and wanted to get back to you soon, but I can't let Lady Aelme or her cousin bother me.

"I'm so happy to hear from you now, but I just don't want to bother you. May I contact you again after receiving your father's approval?"

Clearly speaking so, Lady Aerme nodded with the Virgin's smile.

"After all, Master Cristiane was who I thought he was."

"My cousin's name is Courty Wissage. I was wondering if the Duke would pass by if he told me so."

"Okay, I'll get back to you as soon as I can"

"Coatie was also very pleased that the people who were willing to be city officials were valuable. We look forward to hearing the good news."

Deeply thanking Master Aerme, who still laughed softly, Mr. Aerme also meets with ya. If we were looking at each other and laughing at each other for some reason, Lady Gracelia appeared refreshed.

"If it's that vibe, it looks like we got the story together."

"Dear Gracelia, thank you. We were able to get some very nice stories from Mr. Aerme."

"We haven't received a formal response yet, but we hope it turns out well. I'm willing to spare no effort to help Cristiane become a city officer."

I really appreciate the story, but I wonder why Aerme would come so close to me. Maybe the question was on his face.

Master Aerme stared at me with his slightly lonely eyes.

"Because it's a path I can't choose what's wrong with me. I want Cristiane to choose the path she wants to take."

"Lady Aerme's house is typical of conservatives. Because it's strict for both men and women."

Lady Aerme also drops her shoulders on Lady Gracelia's pathetic expression. But it is certainly the case that such houses are more overwhelming.

Even I would have done bridesmaid training without even having any doubts and been married to a husband of considerable character, if I were a regular courtier.

"Well, in the meantime, Master Courtie is a heretic."

"Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen Gracelia, it's the hufflefleur family's sensibility. That's why I could ask you to do this."

"Indeed. But it's good to have a comforting side, Master Cristiane."

Looking at me and Master Aerme alternately, Master Gracelia seems very satisfied.

"Let's go, the other sisters will wait for you. We've got some delicious canapés over there, and if we don't get there soon, we're gonna lose them."

Me and Lady Aerme laughed face-to-face as we turned around and watched Lady Gracelia go back really fast.

Then you two head to the table where a lot of ladies laugh in a glorious way.

"Please let us know if you have any problems as well as this matter"

I was honestly delighted with the generosity of Mr. Aerme, who said so.