"Yes, my name is Cristiane, and it is an honor to have you today. Please don't interrupt me as much as you can, but I would like to learn more about one thing and go home."

"Oh, nice to meet you. I've always wanted to meet you. It's an honor."

Nico and I were offered a hand laughing and for a moment I hardened.

I don't care how you look at it, it was a handshake. But I don't have much of a 'handshake' habit in my nobility. In other words, although men seem to do it a lot, women are basically behaviors that they don't.

Though I cruised slightly, I immediately took that hand.

When I shook hands thoughtfully, the mist manager leaked a grin and an inclusive laugh.

"I see, there were rumors that Chancellor Shadow's daughter was a very quiet kid with few emotional ups and downs, but from what I've seen, that doesn't seem to be the case"

"Uh, that."

Wow, did I do something wrong? I can't let mud stain your father's face or bother Mr. Aelme or Mr. Courty.

The mist manager, who finally raised his voice and laughed, is gradually becoming someone who doesn't know what he's thinking because of the image of a gentleman who is calm.

"Hey, this is funny. I was half-hearted when Courty told me that you were aiming for a city marshal. I didn't think Chancellor Shadow would allow her to do this job."

The way Patchouli winked and showed up was very charming for your age.

"So is Chancellor Shadow really allowing you to want to be a city officer?

"Yes, I'm very worried, though."

The mist manager whistled Hu ♪ and was embarrassed by Master Courty.

Turning to me, my daughter, she didn't call me 'Shadow Chancellor' about your father, she asked me to shake his hand, she's kind of a belly-readable person.

"Well, this is interesting. What kind of magic did you use?

If I was stuck and in trouble, the hand of salvation was accidentally reached out.

"That's it, Chief. She's visiting our work as a city marshal. I didn't come here to answer your question of interest."


Mr. Courty, who broke in between me and the mist manager all the time, grabbed the mist manager's shoulder and twirled him. Let him turn right and push him.

I pushed him straight to the manager's desk and let him sit in the chair. Mr. Coatie, looking down at the mist manager with cold eyes, was scared even of me not staring at him.

"Mr. Mist, you said you shouldn't ask questions, right?

"Ugh, um, but"

As pressed by force, Mist manager says. After holding that tight with her eyes, Lady Courty looked back. I'm afraid the opposite is true of smiling.