"That's right. The people who are strong enough to rub you will rule over you. However, we will scrutinize the level of trial failure, especially water treatment, rights, and development."

"That's true, isn't it"

"I'll explain the procedure thoroughly, so listen carefully."

I can't help but take notes. I nodded forcefully.

"Periodically, we look at projects that are raised by people's health officials, adding importance, difficulty, and magnitude of impact to prioritize them."

"Priority............. Is that a priority to work on?

"It was a long time ago. If you don't investigate, you often don't know the true weight of the case. It won't take long to find out, and we will proceed with the investigation by dividing it from a case that seems urgent."

While pounding the pile of paperwork at hand, Master Courty said it was nothing, but I salivated. The documents, which are somehow divided into four columns, are piled high as if they support each other.

It seems pretty hard just to prioritize through your eyes on so many documents. It's pretty hard from the first stage, and I guess it's something that needs some experience.

"As soon as we investigate, we will be able to solve the case and the contents that can be handed back, so we will split the case from there."

"Sometimes you give it back."

"Yes, of course. If all the citizens have interests, there's nothing wrong with it, as long as the budget goes through, but sometimes there are proposals that should not be taken up, and for the most part, many that benefit one organization are disadvantageous to another. It's our duty to scrutinize it."

Though Master Courty speaks calmly, how difficult that would be. I nodded with seriousness when I felt one end of the difficulty of City Clerk's job.

With a slight smile, Master Courty continues to explain further.

"This paperwork, it looks like it's piled up unwrought, doesn't it? But now it's classified properly."

"Not investigated" on the left, "Not hired" on the next side, "Recruitment, urgent projects" on the far right, and "Recruitment, normal projects" on the far right, each in order of priority.

If I stared at the pile of documents on my desk in fear, it caught my eye that some documents were placed on my desk without being classified.


"It's for today's processing. Five of those cases are going to be investigated. And the four documents marked with this red mark will be handled by the Mist Manager as a remand project today. And the last one is what I'm going to make."

Master Courty said, "Please wait a minute," and he opened the door and said, "Chief Mist! I'm sorry to bother you, but I need you to give me instructions," he said.

"You're a rough messenger," he heard the mist chief fooling himself from across the door.