"I would like to show you my job as a civil servant, even at one end, is it possible?"


Mr. Oz looks like a pigeon with a bean cannon and opens his big mouth.

"Working as a civilian officer? Why again?"

"I, in fact, aspire to be a city marshal as a future job. From now on, I want to learn a little something that will help you with your job as a city officer."

"That's wrong, sister. If you're going to be a city marshal, you should go check it out."

I waved my hand up and down with a flicker, and I told you to come all the time, Mr. Oz. I can't help it, what Mr. Oz is trying to say is ultimate.

"Yes, I've been showing you the work of the city marshal since last week."

"Ha!? You're not supposed to be able to get into the royal castle for the work of a city marshal... No way, you"

Mr. Mark couldn't stop spraying.

"Oz, as you can guess, this child is noble."

Even if Mark cut me off like that, Mr. Oz has tilted his neck after seeing me from top to bottom in incredible ways.

... Well, it's just me now, my town daughter who's usually there no matter where I look from, you know how I feel, or what.

"This kid's a freak. Well, I'm pretty sure he's a top nobleman, but on school days off, he also hires day workers in Tails. I'm not saying it's just a road trip."

"Tails... is it a restaurant or a drinker, or a restaurant run by a prestigious general?"

"Yeah, that's it."

"I see the bastards who come to the store say they have a cute billboard girl in them. I stretched them under my nose, but you mean you."

Although Mr. Oz will see me again with cancer, I can't exactly tell if the billboard girls the adventurers are talking about me.

"Maybe, you're right. I've been working for three years now, and it's gonna be a rumor."

Looking at me plainly troubled, Mr. Mark gave me a rescue ship.

"Three years... I see. It's not just a game. It's years."

Mr. Oz, who shrugged, suddenly turned to the truth.

"What's the purpose? I've never heard of a woman's city attorney... but what are you up to?"

Looking directly from the front, I felt the temperature had suddenly dropped. I don't know, I'm kind of very scared.

Really, like I had a bear in front of me, the tension ran like my body was stiff.

"Oh, you know, me. of the people in town…… I wanted to help."

I don't know what to do, I'm afraid of Mr. Oz's eyes. Unlike the luxurious impression just now, the sharpened and pitiful atmosphere covers Mr. Oz's body.

I can tell myself that I'm nervous and that I'm in a lot of trouble. It's like he's in front of a seriously angry father.

I don't know why, but he made Mr. Oz very uncomfortable.