"We're still in the process of investigating actual sales. I'm going to check the prices at every store in this jewelry district."

"What, all of it?

"All of it."

To Leo's surprise, Oz naturally agrees.

"No, no, blah, blah. You'd be able to identify some stores or routes that you want to buy. Don't you have to check all the stores?

"Well, I can identify you. But you can't peddle their stories. I don't know exactly what the price difference is with other stores, and I don't know at what stage the value is jumping."

"Well, sure"

"It's a good idea to reveal it on this occasion. It's also useful information for my business, you know, the opportunities I've come across are limited to good things to use, right? Brother."

"I see."

The two of them are nodding with a kind of discerning face. I don't know, why does Mr. Leo seem to be more friendly with Mr. Oz already? A little regrettable.

"Washi and moveable men are too conspicuous in this jewellery town to investigate this hand."

"That's right."

"In that regard, Chris would like to investigate."

Following Mr. Oz's gaze, I was suddenly thrilled.

"I wonder if there are any products around here, it's not as uncomfortable as being around here, and most importantly, Chris would be able to investigate them both as a town girl and as a nobleman."

Seen with anticipation, he said, "I can! I just want to run out of words."

"It can be difficult to deceive the merchants. Me, the other day, when I stopped by the school uniform, a familiar jeweler spotted me as Christiane.... although it may be because my hair was a vertical roll"

"Um, well. I'm sure their eyes are sharp."

When Mr. Oz roared, Mr. Leo said, "Yes! Yes!" he raised his hand vigorously.

"How about me and Chris split up and find out?

"Say it."

"Even as a town girl, as a nobleman, you're also considering the possibility that the store side is changing prices depending on the other side, right?

"That kind of thing, it's quick and helpful"

"If I investigate as a civilian and Chris as a nobleman, the risk of the same person being definitely less uncomfortable than if they changed their appearance and investigated, and I can investigate price differences based on their identity without any problems"

"Sure. But then wouldn't I be better off as a civilian? I have cut my hair and no makeup, so I have quite a different impression, but I don't think Leo was that different from when he was a nobleman."

"Ma, it's pretty much the same. But I've decided to deal with only one jewelry store in my house, so I don't think this jewelry store has a broken face. In Chris's case, I think he's paying attention where there's no deal, just because the house is home."

"I wonder if that's what it is."

Oh, but Mr. Oz did know my name, too, so if you're in a jewellery store, it could be something you do recognize your face as well.