"Oh, I'm done talking to you. Miss Cristiane was involved with my mother and helped me investigate the civilian health officer."

"Did you investigate the civilian life officer? May I have a word with you, too?

"Oh, you're interested."

"Yep. Miss Cristiane, I'd like to know more if I can...... can I ask you from the name of the civil life officer first?

While I was slightly surprised at how Mr. Courty looked when he suddenly turned serious, I said, "I'm Mr. Oz. He ran an arms store," he answered honestly.

"Speaking of Mr. Oz, the arms dealer, you're one of the West Side's civilian life officers."

"Oh, a fancy weapon shop like that bear. Yeah, he's rough, but he's a dependable guy."

Exactly. You both look familiar with Mr. Oz.

"The West Side has a lot of adventurers and mining people, so hey, thanks to his help with Nirami, you can also put away the rubbing well. It's an invaluable person."

"I trust my judgment as a civilian officer."

Master Courty smiles as he gently pushes up the monocle.

"He's so discreet and steadfast. Some civil servants throw a whole lot of cases without really investigating them, so there's really a lot of remand, but there's an overwhelmingly small number of remand cases filed by civil servants in the West End, including him."

Yes, I put it in front of me, and Lady Courty turned to me again.

"I'm interested in something called an investigation being conducted by a civilian health officer. Miss Cristiane, could you please elaborate on the case that we have investigated and what we have investigated?


I responded with impetus. I honestly wish.

I was secretly told by Oz, "When you get a chance, give O'Eli and the city attorneys a listen, and that will make it easier for them to talk to you when you file."

Rooting seems to be very important to get the big story through.

Lady Courty was listening with a serious look to the content of this investigation that I would talk about while holding onto and the coordination with the East Side that Mr. Oz was about to make.

After listening to the whole story, Master Courty takes a slow breath.

"I see, I understand very well"

"It's something that goes down a lot. Hey, it's not just a bear."

"I'm guessing you've been doing a lot of scrutiny on your previous projects before giving them to me."

"I don't know…………………."

To the conversation between you two, I was about to follow in, and I closed my mouth in a hurry.

"What is it? I think I'm about to say something now."

It seems that Mr. Coatie was listening carefully.

Honestly, I've been thinking about something a little hard to say, but this is an opportunity for me to say it out of the blue.

"No, I thought it was kind of a waste."

"Waste? What do you mean?

"I have shown both jobs so I thought it would be a waste of time for both sides to take the time to investigate."