"Cooley? Yeah, I know. What's wrong with Cooley?

I really couldn't wait to hear about it, and that week I tried to cut out a subtle story about Coolay to Master Courty.

"No, when I spoke to Oz, a civilian health officer in town the other day, he said that the ore coming in from Coolay was very expensive, and conversely, this gem seemed to be flowing quite a bit."

"Yeah, I see."

"By the way, what about security in Coolay?"


Lady Courty, who for some reason gazed at me over the monocle, then laughs "huffy".

"Are you really cute?"

He smiled, but I don't know what that means.

Or I'm a little surprised that Master Courty said this, too. I'm embarrassed...

"That's right, are you worried about Cooley?

"Ha, yes!

"Would you like to go? Either way, I'm sending an investigator, and I thought it might be time for you to take a tour of the investigator's work."

"Yes, I'm going!

"Hehe, that's an instant answer."

"Oh, no, you know, if I can do it, I want to go......! However, I heard that it is very far away, so without the recognition of my family and school,"

"The school is...... I have a summer holiday coming up, so if you use that time of year you won't have a problem. Oh, just keep your family's understanding."

"Yes, of course!

"You'll have to learn the poker face one of these days," said Courty, who laughed finally, entering the Mist Manager's room next door.

Just a few moments later, my face popped out of the door of Mist's room.

"Mist Manager"

"Fine, fine. Just go. It's also because of you that I think I'm going to be able to work well with Mr. Oz. You should stretch your wings a little."

From behind the grinning mist manager, "At all, say it a little more plainly to you," Ms. Courty faces bitterly.

"Rest assured that you have also obtained the understanding of the mist manager regarding the earlier trip to Coolay."

Yes, Master Courty smiled at me, and I finally understood what I was talking about, too. What a quick worker.

Then it was hard when I got back to the mansion.

"Huh!? What are you talking about, sister!

Best opening, Rufest drank me. An electroluminescent fire that won't last long before even your father opens his mouth.

"Well, nice. Isn't Cooley where Leo's going right now? How romantic of you to go over that distance to see me."

I'll back you up, to your mother, because it's work! and Rufes barks.