When I replied with all my might, I was stopped by the bright red Rufest, feeling weak.

After all, I wonder if Rufez would be embarrassed or unwilling to get along with me.

A little sad, but looking back at my previous attitude, I don't think I can help that either.

I'm sorry, Rufez.

If I was sober, Courty, who seemed to have a lot of fun for some reason, prompted me, "Come on, shall we go?"

Well, not if you're depressed now. For Leo's safety, for a smooth investigation, we need to get to Cooley as soon as possible!

I ran as hard as I could towards the carriage.

After a hellish period of travel, we finally reached Coolay.

I tried my best to be a helo, but it took me eight days as a result. It was so difficult to sleep in a running carriage that the limits came between them.

Before me and Rufez made the noise, it took Dear Coatie's doctor stop, but the truth is, we were the limit too.

I guess it really is because Master Courty says we're at Coolay, but it's almost midnight already and all we see is the darkness through the carriage window.

"Did you really follow………? It was hell………."

A voice like the one that came out of the bottom of Rufest's stomach tells the harshness of this journey.

"No, you were both quite promising. I only threw up a few times, and somehow I got to Cooley without escaping."

"Its promising standard, not strange!?

"If you're energetic enough to scratch, you're fine."

Lady Courty, smiling calmly, has not even shown as much fatigue as she did. The two drafts have already been drafted, so there is plenty of room for it to go on as planned.

... It was eight days when I seriously suspected that maybe Master Courty might be out of the public.

"Sister, seriously, I think the city attorney should reconsider, right? Because this harshness, it's life-threatening!

"Don't listen."

Master Courty is pulling Rufez's ear up and ossifying. During this journey, both Master Courty and Rufes were no longer distant from each other.

It wasn't a journey I could care less about.

"I don't know about picking other buds of hope because I can't stand them. Miss Cristiane is still firmer. It's really promising."

Though Master Courty compliments me... that's right.

I'd say it was less damaging eventually, or maybe I'm still better than Rufes.

Perhaps this is due to Mr. Selva's circular healing magic effect. If so, it could be doping in a way.