A few days after returning from Coolay, I was determined to give your father time.

Today is, in a sense, the day of the showdown.

"Father, I have a favor to ask you"

Suppressing my inner anxiety, I cut out the story with a strange face.

"Well, say it."

"I am a partner at the Red Moon Festival, but I, Master Leonardo, would like you to escort me. Would you forgive me?

Your father looked a little surprised, but instantly shook his head to the side.

"No, I didn't allow you to get engaged yet. If you don't have a fiancée, it's a lesson for a relative man to escort you. You're part of a student council, I'm sure you are."

"I know. In addition, we know that students are allowed to participate from outside the school by their relatives, fiancées, or equivalent."


"Even if you are not officially engaged, you should be able to participate as a partner when both parents officially acknowledge you. … I would like your permission."

If he looked sincerely into his father's eyes, he narrowed his eyes delightfully.

"I didn't think they'd cut that story out of Cristiane. I thought the Huffleur's successor was going to say something."

Ugh, that's your father. You're actually right...... The originator was definitely Master Leo.

Or to be honest, before I went to Coolay, I just said exactly what Leo told me.

Although I was upset for a moment by your father's frivolous allegations, I tried to disguise myself as calm so that it would not appear on the surface.

"I think Master Leonardo will formally consult your father on the matter of his partner at a later date. However, when the two of you started talking, I thought I, I couldn't figure out where to put my mouth, and I was going to shut up as a result, and that's what I wanted to tell my father directly how I felt."

"I see."

"Master Leonardo was originally a member of the Student Council, so I would like you to see this Red Moon Festival… More importantly, I would really like to enjoy the Red Moon Festival with Mr. Leonardo."

"…… You've really changed."

With a little breath, your father snapped, very emotionally.

"I couldn't imagine it coming from you with such a cheeky face that I started to move with my own will clearly... and more importantly, I could make that clear"

Your father's big hand gently strokes my head.

Ever since I was just a little kid to have my head stroked so much by the wind.

It's kind of funny, but I'm glad.

"It's a pleasure to feel my daughter grow up."

Your father smiled.