La Chaim Castle Saint Roth Temple

The Temple of the Holy Lord, with its many radiant chandeliers, was surrounded by a glorious atmosphere tonight.

A beautiful examination of the strings elegantly colours the Temple of the Holy See, each performing an elegant dance.

"Hey, a little slower"

"Huh. Can't you dance a little smarter?

"Well, I'm a civilian even if you say so..."

"Hey, what are you holding my sister's sober hand?

"How do you dance without holding hands ⁉"

Among them were also visible Ashton dancing irresistibly with Claudia's lead, and Ellis and Evansin taking their hands with a grin drawn to each other.

"─ Then everyone. I would like to introduce you to the guests of the Farnest Kingdom and my dear friend."

At the same time as the words of Sofitea, dressed in black dress, end, the entrance door slowly opens.

"Are you finally talking about someone?"

"I've never heard of a man who cares so much about the Holy Angel."

"Anyway, I'm telling you we're friends."

"I heard rumors she was a pretty girl."

"Compared to the beauty of the Holy Angel,"

Sofitea's thick treatment of Olivia was already something we all knew, and it was busy with high-ranking military and senior nobles gathering to see the figures in the vortex at first sight, but when Olivia's appearance was revealed, their movements stopped as if the time had stopped.

Olivia's costumes, which are described in the ancient documents of Mekia the Father, who will remain for generations to come, such as "Blinked by Too Much Beauty -", wear custom-made liturgical clothes and lion cloaks given to her by King Alphonse during the journey of Mekia the Father.


Olivia walks dignified under Sofitea. There was nothing to put on this occasion now to utter the word, and everyone was nailed to Olivia's beauty.

Claudia stares as proud as she is of herself, with Ellis next door trembling her shoulders loudly.

He had tronic eyes, no heart or red cheeks.

"What's up? You're not feeling well, either?

Ellis never responds with her voice lowered. Claudia tried to ask again, and Evansin, who came softly closer, said in a sigh of sigh.

"Lieutenant Colonel Claudia, don't worry, I think it's an example illness"

"Example illness? ─ ─ Oh. Is that an example? Totally confusing."

Olivia lined up next to Sofitea while Claudia stared at Ellis in awe. Perhaps she was also a beautiful woman competing for one or two on the continent of Dubey Dirica.

(Finally. I just don't think I would do a ridiculous imitation in a place like this... but still if I don't make sure I can move quickly when something happens)

Claudia put her strength into her fist.

"Holy Angel, Olivia is ready"

Sofitea nodded lightly, gently hoisting the glass she received and smiling. The men panicked and grabbed the glass.

"To the prosperity of the Divine Kingdom of Mekia and the Kingdom of Farnest"

"" "Light on the Holy Angel" "

At the same time that everyone tilts the glass, the sumptuous dishes prepared precisely for Olivia are carried simultaneously.

"Then Mr. Olivia. Shall I talk to you over dinner?

Sofitea, who invited Olivia to the table to snort without one or two, sat down on a pulled chair herself. Olivia said, shivering her eyes before the dishes that were left on the table one after the other.

"Can I eat now?

"Of course it is. Enjoy as much as you like."

Olivia acted fast. Grabbing the knife and fork placed on the nafkin, he mouths the dish in front of him at a terrible speed.

I meant to understand Olivia's wellbeing at the fold of the dinner party held in the Farnest kingdom because I saw it from a distance. Still too compelling, Sofitea also forgot to speak, staring at Olivia for a while.

"Dear Sofitea, that is so delicious!

"Right, right"

Sofitea, who returned to me, managed to put a grin on her face. I felt that I would somehow fall into Olivia's pace as it was, and I decided to cut the story out quickly.

"I heard a lot about Mr. Olivia's martial arts, but how did you get that much sword skill at that young age?

Sofitea who already knows the answer, but I dared ask in a body I didn't know.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

"You'll be fine after you drink it."

Olivia nodded cocklessly, sounding gobbly and flashy.

"That's right. Because Zed taught me."

"Is Mr. Zed Olivia's master?

"I'm not your master."

Stick a fork in the round roast of newly transported birds as I say. Sofitea decides that she does not appear to be going to delude herself, also because of the lack of discrepancy with the information Johann has brought about, and continues the conversation.

"If you're not a master, could you possibly be your father?

"Hehe. Wow."

"I'll be fine after drinking"

"I was dumped in the woods when I was a baby, so you don't know my parents' faces."

Olivia, obsessed with cutting bird meat apart, tells her to be nothing. Though unexpected, it touched on the delicate part, and Sofitea quickly switched the subject.


"Hey, aren't you going to eat? The dish's gonna get cold."

"... right"

I cut into the fish dish in front of me, reflecting that I was in a bit of a hurry. He spoke again after Olivia had flattened the dishes at the table all the way through.

"How did Mr. Olivia get into the Royal Army in the first place?

"The trigger? To find Zed."

"Are you gone?

"Yeah. Suddenly."

Olivia looked lonely when she remembered something. Having decided that it was a "gap" that would show the reaction for the first time, Sofitea decided to inflate the story.

"I miss that. Because losing someone you love is harder than losing them."

"Am I hard?

Olivia leans her little neck strangely. Apparently, he doesn't really understand his emotions.

"I think it's hard...... But how did you get into the Royal Army to find Mr. Zed?

"A human being who traveled with me before joining the Royal Army taught me. The kingdom of Farnest has a lot of information because it is the oldest country in history. He just came in because he said the quick thing was to join the army."

"I see..."

It's definitely easier to get information if you belong in the military. I know why Olivia joins the Royal Army, and Sofitea chuckled inside. If it all means looking for Zed, it's not that hard to take in either.

Now that Zed turns out to be missing, Olivia just wants it to be.

"So did you get a lead on Mr. Zed?

"Yeah. I could grab it there, but it's still going to take a while"

Olivia laughs haha.

Sofitea, who regarded it as an excellent opportunity, decided to get down to business.

"Mr. Olivia may not know, but our country has an excellent intelligence force"


"Yes, we are proud to say that we are better than the Imperial Army's intelligence unit, Yangyan."

"Pseudomonas? ─ Oh, that rat.]

Apparently she has been relative to Yangitis by word, but Olivia, who hails Yangitis as a rat more than that, was laughable, and Sofitea desperately caught her wanting to laugh out loud.

"The intelligence unit of the Imperial Mekia is better than its throat rat. ─ ─ What do you think? If Mr. Olivia wants to, we'll have all the intelligence forces mobilized to find Mr. Zed's whereabouts.


Olivia rises from her chair with momentum. The chair falls flashly and everyone's gaze gathers in unison. There was also a figure of Claudia in that gaze.

Either the illusion of the eye, or Sofitea seemed to have Claudia's eyes glowing golden.

"You sure?

While Claudia was distracted for a moment, Olivia's face was imminent in front of her. Sofitea replied, thinking she looked really scary and beautiful.

"Yeah, I just wish you'd listened to my wish."

"Wish? ─ Could it be money?

"Huh. No. It's not money."

Sofitea, urging Olivia to take a seat, continues the conversation feeling a definite response.

"I would like to welcome Mr. Olivia into the Holy Shore Army."

"─ Uh. Does that mean you quit the Royal Army and joined the Saint Shore Army?

"Exactly. Of course, we're going to welcome you with more than your current status."

"I don't care what your status is..."

It turns out from that statement that Olivia is a person who has no adherence to status or power at all. And that Olivia's purpose is to find out where Zed is.

"If Mr. Olivia could shake his head vertically, I'd move the intelligence force right now."


Olivia looking up at the ceiling with her arms in her arms, mostly. Sofitea, who decides to be troubled, just folds here.

"As I told you earlier, we have a better ability to gather information than the imperial pneumonia. That is no different even if it is the kingdom of Furnest. I think we can expect results, don't we?

"... can I think about it for a second?


Sofitea responded instantly. I can't help but be in a hurry here. Though it was the consent that was not obtained, I felt the pulse was sufficient. It's a satisfactory result for now.

"By the way..."

"What's up? Don't be shy of your friends, do you?

"Is this the end of the food?

To Olivia stomaching, Sofitea laughed out loud this time. Eating seems to be a priority now over anything else.

"They'll still carry the food. Be prepared to continue cooking today until Olivia's tummy is filled."


Olivia will store the dishes that are carried additionally in her stomach more quickly than earlier. Sofitea looked at her with a smile.