Shuttle of the city

Chapter 918: The Lord of the Universe!

I don't know how many generations and how many eras have passed since Ye Zichuan and Emperor Yan.

The two had never met before, but now Ye Zichuan has a very familiar feeling.

It's like meeting my elders.

This is the mark engraved in the blood. The blood of Yanhuang is flowing on his body, which cannot be changed.

For the Human Race to have such an outstanding descendant, Emperor Yan was very satisfied and gratified, just like the original Fuxi.

This also proves that the current human race is very strong and still stands on top of the heavens.

Emperor Yan sat down in the void, without the imperial pressure, like a wise and kind elder, and began to inquire about the current situation of the human race.

Ye Zichuan didn't conceal it, and followed all the things after he came into contact with the human race.

This is a respectable and admirable person who has used his own power to push the human race to the top, and has never retreated when facing many enemies.

It can be said that he and the Yellow Emperor are the founders of the glory of the human race!

Compared with the two of them, the emperor after that was slightly inferior.

They are the most admired among several emperors.


After hearing Fuxi's resurrection, Emperor Yan also showed a smile, somewhat relieved and somewhat delighted.

The human emperor of the human race in ancient times can't be seen now.

Some people have truly fallen, and some people have fallen into hell together with a few Dao ancestors, put them to death and live there, but some have preserved their souls and have the hope of resurrection.

Fuxi is a human emperor who can be resurrected.

"Hong Yi...who is this person?" Ye Zichuan asked.

The Emperor Yan was silent for a while, and then said: "He is a terrifying existence, coming from a supreme place. What I kill is only his avatar walking in the universe, and his body is still there."

"How strong is the body?"

"You can get rid of the shackles of a part of the universe, half the master of the universe."

"Half Lord of the Universe?"

"Yes!" Yandi nodded: "The realm above the ruler is the Lord of the universe. This is the result of calculations by multiple rulers. That realm is beyond the reach, masters the origin of the universe, and can create laws, so it is called the Lord of the universe."

"Hong Yi hasn't been completely detached yet, so he is half the master of the universe."

Ye Zichuan suddenly thought of a lot.

Since the ruler is the Lord of the universe, can you count as the Lord of the universe?

It seems to count, but it doesn't seem to count.

He opened up a universe himself, and he is logically the master of the universe.

But according to Emperor Yan, as long as he fully grasped the origin of a law, he would be considered the Lord of the universe.

It seems that he doesn't count.

He couldn't locate his current realm.

Yan Di looked at Ye Zichuan who was in deep thought, and smiled: "Don't think too much about it. The name Lord of the Universe sounds very domineering, but in fact it is nothing but our own name. Who knows that How do you call it in his eyes."

"In the eyes of others?"

"You have mastered the origin now, don't you have some awareness? Even if you fully grasp a source, you can create a law, but compared with the three thousand avenues of the entire universe, it is still nothing, just like merging into the sea. It’s just a river."

Emperor Yan sighed, "It is the real master of the universe who created the entire universe."

Ye Zichuan's heart moved: "The universe was created by man?"

Emperor Yan shook his head: "I don't know, maybe it is."

With that, he spread out his palms, and the colorless and transparent flame appeared.

"This is rootless fire. It is the first flame derived from the birth of the universe. It is the emperor of all flames. It can be said that it is the origin of the law of fire. Controlling it is equivalent to controlling the universe. The law of fire."

"This is what Hongyi has been looking for, but unfortunately, I got it."

"Can Hong Yi's body not come now?" Ye Zichuan asked.

This is definitely a terrible enemy.

Emperor Yan raised his head and looked at the starry sky in the universe: "The stronger the person, the greater the restriction. People like them will destroy the entire universe once a war breaks out. The law of the universe does not allow such people to appear."

"So they are in a special place, at the highest point of the universe."

"There, it is called the Supreme Court!"

"The Supreme Court?" Ye Zichuan's pupils shrank, and it was actually that place.

"It seems you know."

"Yes, Senior Fuxi mentioned to me before, and his fall seems to be related there."

"He was targeted by the Supreme Court because of me." Yandi apologized.

"Your reason?"

"Yes, when I got the rootless fire, Hong Yi held a grudge, and in the era when I was in the human race, there were many outstanding people, and the strong were like clouds. Soon from the inferior race of the universe to the high race, Civilization is threatened."

"Such power naturally aroused the fear of the Supreme Court. Their existence is to maintain the balance of the universe, so that all parties can avoid wars and harm the universe. They feel that the human race is a big threat, so they are very afraid of the human race."

"After that, several human emperors were born in the human race, each of which made the glory of the human race more than in the past, and the Supreme Court became more and more afraid."

"Later, the ancestor of the Human Race was smashed, and the Human Race was a little lost. Maybe, this is also the work of the Supreme Court."

"You mean?" Ye Zichuan's face suddenly changed.

It was hell that invaded the ancestor of the human race. If this matter is related to the Supreme Court, then the water in it is too deep and involves many things.

"The yin and yang of the universe seem to be opposed, but over the years, they have penetrated each other, not as distinct as they seem on the surface."

Ye Zichuan thought a lot.

On the ancestor star of the human race, there is still an entrance to hell, and with his current power, he can't completely destroy it, and can only seal it.

He thought of a few people who had disappeared, Emperor Daozu, who pushed themselves to hell, seeking a ray of life, and now they don't know how.

The forces in the universe are complex, and the calculations involved are too deep, even spanning several epochs, buried for a long time, and will not ferment until the time is right.

"The human emperors and Dao ancestors who established the land of reincarnation, can they still come back?" Ye Zichuan asked.

Emperor Yan smiled: "You should ask Fuxi, his gossip is the best at deducing secrets, and he should be able to calculate some."

"Senior Fuxi said that hope is slim."

"Hope is slim. It is better than no hope." Yandi sighed: "It is difficult for everyone, and it will be even harder in the future. I seem to have seen a glimpse of the future."

"You have to prepare early. The Supreme Court seems to be supreme, not asking about the mundane, but in the future, it may come to the universe in person and have to guard against it."

Ye Zichuan's heart shuddered: "Junior recorded it."