Shuttle of the city

Chapter 1275 Chapter Pixel to Mai Mang

Come alien, Ye Zichuan has already refined the eleven Ziqi, as well as two purple gas essence.

Many people have not got so many rewards, but they are all refined by Yezawa.

So much purple gas, the strength of his strength is also obvious.

He is now a strong in the post-level, if it is divided, that is, the seventh or eight steps.

But the gap between the ground-level and the heavens is too big, so this division is actually not very great.

In the past, people who were trapped in the top-level peak were not a small number, but many people spent how much light, they could not break through the last layer.

Before the third number of hundreds of dragons, it was already the peak of the ground, and some people even called him the first person under the heavens.

But it's not being trapped in this level, I can't break through.

So, even if Ye Zichuan is now in the same stage, but it is still going to have a hard work.

Even if the remaining purple gas is all refined, there will be no great progress.

Therefore, he chose to leave Hong Meishan, I want to go to other places to continue to find a chance and breakthrough.

But before this, he had to handle the followed fart behind him.

Although he refines many purple gas, there is still some of them.

These include three ordinary purple gas, as well as four purple gas essence!

Purple is essential is the top priority, and it is also the key to attracting others.

After a few breaths, if there is a hidden, there is always no disappearance, keeping it back.

And in the dark, there are other people who are estimated.

However, they are very smart and very cautious, no rash.

After all, Ye Zichuan and Li Chang Night were boarded for more than 80 times, and it was the strong in the prefecture level.

There is not enough strength, it is likely that one will be inadvertently demonstrated.

So, they didn't have the first time ...

In the rolling Hongmont aura, the two stories stand in the distance, blocked, hidden outside the world.

They are watching this side and watching this chart.

"Hey, you seem to be very concerned about that boy." A voice sounded.

Talking is a man, but his face is covered with fog, it is not true, wearing a white dress, giving people a cloud, endless feelings.

Next to him, another figure opens the scorpion, flashing Yin Hui: "I haven't seen such interest in many years, and there is a goddess."

"What are you talking about Hong Kong? It is really amazing, even if you are your young period, may not be able to do it?" The white man smiled and smiled.

"Yeah, his talents are really amazing, walking is a different way of evolution, and the length of the people is a very suitable way to practice, so he is very smooth." The man said.

The white man is really a little surprised: "I can have a later generation of you, I still see it."

"He is worth such a praise."

"But there are a lot of people who follow him, you see that this guy is shot."

If Ye Zichuan heard this name, you will know that this person ranks eighth on the stone monument!

"Hey? Brahmaia kid also appeared, this guy did not go to hiking, and also ran to chase people." The white man saw a figure.

Silver men laughed: "They are dead, for your primitive life, but a huge loss."

"Guan my ass, it will die." White men did not speak, although it is the original life.

"But the words come back, your talent of your God is really powerful, I have been practicing, but I still can't catch up with your guy, I even doubt that you have hidden." White man is very .

Silver men are speechless: "You only see the power of the Great World, but you can't see the rareity of the Great God, there are several things above the stone monument, most of them are the original life."

"Yeah, though we have a lot, but the limit is too big, Hongmeng has given us a strong innate condition, but it also has a kind of imprisonment."

"There is a thing that will be lost, this is something wrong. If you are going to abolish all the magical talent, start cultivation, nor do you not."

"Is it so simple?" White men turned over the white eyes: "The waste of the gods, that is waiting for the whole person, it is better to commit suicide."

"Then there is no way, you either endure, or enjoy the talent, but as long as you will work hard, I believe that always breaking."

"Have it!" The white man scorpion suddenly, shot brilliant.


In the distance, a fried burst, and finally someone couldn't help but shot.

It is a man named Brahma, and he has never appeared so many years.

And now, he will challenge Leafchuan.

He was originally ranked ninth on the stone monument, but it was first surpassed by the Quench, followed by Ye Zhou.

If the foundation of Quinum, Brahma can still endure, after all, the number of the other person is not small, is a famous hard work around Hongmont Mountain, is a true Wuqing.

But Ye Zichuan, he never heard of this name, and I don't know what the other party is sacred.

How can he endure by such a small person who is not seen in such a name?

He came here today, it was hiking, and he wanted to take his ranking back.

But he heard that Ye Zichuan had just left Hongmont Mountain, so he hit his horse.

If Ye Zichuan can't see him to reward, what else does it mean?

So he personally came, and he used his own strength to prove that he is above Ye Zhou!

The flagrant fists is like dozens of the sun re-fried.

Brahma, this is a brave man, a tall figure, such as the devil, giving powerful oppression.

His blood is boiling, and a blood light is rushing out, just like a bloody dragon.

He is too strong, just like a big furnace that will not extinguish, and I don't know how many years.

In the face of such a pleasant punch, Ye Zichuan did not move, Li Chang Night did the initiative.

He is also a flesh, and the two are just a needle tip to Mai Mai.

"Rolling!" Brahky, the sound is like a thunder, rolling.

Li Chang Night's body is tough and strong, not how embossed muscles, but his flesh is the most perfect, and the muscle lines give people a sense of beauty.

In the face of this invincible punch, he also joined his fist and appeared, so a punch was bombarded.


Electric flash thunder, Hongmeng rolling, set off a horrible waves.

"Interesting, it is a cultivated flesh, this is a good show." The white man in the distance laughed. "Who do you think?"

Silver man looked over there, there is no first time to answer.