Sign in to the Naruto system

Chapter 34 Goodbye!

You can search for "opening sign in Naruto System Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Well, I swear, if I tell a third person, I won't die."

Seeing her swear without hesitation, Hao Lingyun smiled with satisfaction, hum~ The storage ring flew out a spiritual fruit into her hand and stuffed it into her hand.

"Also, in order to cover people's eyes and ears, once someone asks, they will say that double cultivation with me will improve your mental strength." Hao Lingyun said with a flushed face.

"...Hmm." Zitong hesitated for a moment, and said a little disappointed.

Hao Lingyun backed up two steps, grabbed a stool and sat in the opposite direction, saying, "It shouldn't be late, just practice."

"Yeah" Zitong nodded, ate the spirit fruit, and sat on the bed to practice.

Killing Elder Fen Xin that day, I don't know which mission it was counted on. Look through the mission list.

Hao Lingyun combined his eyes and flipped through the task list in his mind. After more than 20 minutes of careful searching, he found that it was [Dayu Helix Pill], which was overjoyed.

This is a C+ level mission, which requires the killing of nine masters of the star element realm to complete.

He retracted his mind and waited silently. This time, it was noon. Hao Lingyun felt the profound ark shaking slightly in vain. Looking outside the window, the scene moved slowly, obviously starting to sail.

Zitong opened his eyes and said ecstatically: "I feel, I feel that my mental power has improved a lot, and my spiritual consciousness and vision have been greatly improved."

"Remember to keep it secret." Hao Lingyun


"Zi Tong, Brother Hao, have you two finished your work? Come out as soon as you are done. Parents and mothers are waiting to say goodbye to us." Zi Taixu knocked on the door.

"Well, you go out first, and we will arrive later." Hao Lingyun said.

"Hurry up." Zi Taixu walked out.

"Prince Hao, my second brother will definitely tell my parents about you and me in the same room. What should I say, I really want to admit that with you, but if this is the case, I will not be able to marry in the future. "Zi Tong looked confused and at a loss.

"That seems right, Mingjie has been corrupted by me, you want to marry again... Uh... annoying, how can you fix it?" Hao Lingyun couldn't figure it out. He hadn't considered this before, and now it's water poured out , The whole thing came out, but for the time being, I don't know how it ended well.

"Master Hao, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter if you marry me." Zi Tong twisted.

"..." Hao Lingyun.

"I will not trouble you, nor restrict where you go, but I hope to come back to see me in the future, I am satisfied, because your talent is outstanding, and sooner or later you will fly far, so I know in my heart that I can't catch it. You, but I am willing." Zi Tong said emotionally.

Hao Lingyun stood up: "Uh~ Zitong, forget it, this life-long event can't be done randomly. I'll just tell the truth and analyze it. Let's go out now."

"Aren't you afraid of being watched by others?" Zitong got out of bed.

Hao Lingyun opened the door: "I have a way to divert others' attention, so don't worry."

"..." Shion murmured, wondering: Am I so unattractive?

"Don't leave yet?" Hao Lingyun walked out of the room, turning around.

"Come here." Zitong trot to keep up and closed the door smoothly.

Outside, Hao Lingyun found that the number of qualified mental powers, together with him and Zitong, totaled only 18, and only a dozen of the hundreds qualified. I have to say that the enrollment conditions are really harsh.

"Give you a cup of tea time to say goodbye to your loved ones, pay attention, it is out of date." Master Gufeng stopped the profound ark.

Everyone went their separate ways, meeting with their relatives suspended in the air, hugging, and saying goodbye affectionately.Hao Lingyun and the others stopped in front of the Zi family couple, Feng Xiao, and the four of Elder Ziyuan.

"Ling Yun, you can't go with you as a teacher, do you blame being a teacher?" Feng Xiao said.

Hao Lingyun shook his head: "I hope I can see Master and Elder Ziyuan have a white and fat child when I come back." 596 Novel

Feng Xiao was stunned, and then smirked: "Do you want Master and Ziyuan to have only one child?"

"Oh~ it's a dull disciple, it should be said that eight or nine are right." Hao Lingyun patted himself on the head and said with a wicked smile.

"That's right." Feng Xiao

Seeing that the master and disciple sang together, Elder Ziyuan frowned, and folded his arms around his chest: "I don't care how many children are born. You take the child anyway."

"Puff! Don't bring this, don't bring the children, how can you say you are also a mother." Feng Xiao heard that Ziyuan didn't want to bring a child, and he was speechless.

"Before you said that you like to bring children, I am not beautiful as an adult, it is too unsatisfactory."

"I, I... Sigh." Feng Xiao.

"Daddy and mother, let me tell you a good news, the third sister has found the other half, and there is a relationship." Zi Taixu smiled.

"Who?" the parents said in love.

"He, Brother Hao, Lingyun Hao, the Spirit Mansion is in the realm of the Xi Mansion, and the spiritual power is second only to the existence of the Gufeng Master." Zi Taixu said with a shoulder.

"Mental power is second only to Gufeng Master!" the four exclaimed.

"What Taixu said is true?" Feng Xiao

"Yeah. But please don't misunderstand one thing. I have no relationship with Zitong." Hao Lingyun clarified.

"Do you want to start chaos and finally give up?" Zi Taixu frowned, grabbing his collar and said angrily.

"Second brother, we didn't have that kind of relationship. Let go of Young Master Hao." Zi Tong

"Hmph, I don't believe it, a man and a widow, living in the same room for a few hours, I don't believe that I did nothing in it." Zi Taixu said in disbelief.

"Why live in the same room?" Mrs. Zijia asked.

"He said he wanted to help the third younger sister to improve his mental power, so he brought the third younger sister into the room, and he stated that it was a double cultivation. Now he has defiled the third younger sister and refuses to admit it. You guy, I saw you wrong." Zi Taixu pushed Hao away. Ling Yun.

"Ling Yun has spiritual fruit, and spiritual fruit is so precious. Of course, you can't expose it at will. Bring purple pupil to the room and give it secretly. It's normal." Feng Xiao said.

"Spirit Fruit!" Except for Zitong, the Zi family was surprised.

"The mouth, the mouth is unprovoked, I only believe if you take out the spirit." Zi Taixu pointed to Hao Lingyun.

Hao Lingyun took a right hand, and the spirit fruit flashed from the storage ring.

"Also, it's really a spiritual fruit." Zi Taixu was embarrassed.

Patriarch of the Zi Family: "It seems to be a misunderstanding, but I really hope you two have a relationship."

"Haha..." Hao Lingyun smiled bitterly.

Purple pupil lowered his head.

"Zi Tong, if you really like this kid, my sister will give you the shot." Elder Ziyuan said.

Hao Lingyun secretly yelled badly, realizing that Elder Ziyuan might let the Master force him to marry Zitong, and hurriedly retreated: "The time for a cup of tea is almost here, let's go to the profound ark."

"What if I like it, he... doesn't like me." Zitong looked sadly at Hao Lingyun flying towards the profound ark.

"If it's not soft, come hard. You mean, Feng Xiao?" Elder Ziyuan smiled and turned his head and stared at Feng Xiao.

Feng Xiao shook his body, and then said seriously: "The twisted melon is not sweet. It is not good for anyone to push people in a hurry. Moreover, he and we are not people in the same world. Zitong, I advise you to put it down earlier and stop. If you persist in obsession, it will affect your future practice."