Sign in to the Naruto system

Chapter 250 Going to God's Domain (4)

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Hei Feng: "Do you feel it."

Fairy Zixia: "What do you feel?"

Hei Feng: "It feels like we are a woman, but we fail so well. We are not as good as Lingyun in cooking."

Xue Hanjing: "If you don't tell me, I haven't noticed it. Now I am full of inferiority complex."

Xia Li: "The room is already occupied. Let me let you live in my room."

Shion: "What about you?"


Jasmine: "If you don't mind, you can live with me."

Xia Li: "Thank you so much."

Jasmine: "We are all sisters, we should."

Ziyuan: "You guys, aren't they all Hao Lingyun's wives?"

Hei Feng: "Well, what's the problem?"

"No, no." Ziyuan: I didn't expect him to marry so many women in just a few years.

And each is unfathomable!

I'm so lucky to be his wife.

By the way, so many days have passed, I don't know if my mother has been to the Star Pattern Academy!

"Feng Xiao, my mother may still be on the way to Starmark Academy, can you ask your apprentice to drive the profound ark slowly, so that I can use my spiritual sense to capture my mother's breath."

Haochen: "No, do you have something about your mother?"

"Yes." Shion turned over with his right hand. It was obvious that there was a box and opened the lid, which contained a very beautiful pearl necklace: "When I married him, my mother gave me the necklace, saying that I will have a daughter in the future and wait for her to get married. When the time comes, pass it on to her daughter and pass it on."

Haochen's Divine Sense caught a breath in the necklace, then closed her eyes, widened the scope, and quickly got eyebrows: "She was stopped at the gate of the academy, and we will be there in two hours."

Shion: "Can your spiritual consciousness expand so far?"

Haochen smiled without saying a word, not caring about her qualifications.

When Hao Lingyun's meal was ready, the profound ark had just reached the gate of the Star Pattern Academy. Ziyuan's mother was still stopped outside, and beside her, there was a pretty maid.

For this reason, he was stared at by a group of male students who were returning to the academy. The leading man walked up to them with his little brothers, taking care of his hands and looking at the maid: "Your daughter is very beautiful."

"Madam." The maid was scared and hid behind her.

"Brother Dong, she seems to be a maid." A younger brother said.

"But, she has a bit of beauty, you can buy it and play slowly." Another younger brother said.

Leading man: "How much is your maid, I bought it."

Madam: "I didn't treat her as a maid, I had already treated her as a daughter, so there is no saying that parents sell their daughters."

"Brother Dong wants to buy your maid, it's your honor! Don't be shameless, old lady, be careful when I beat you." The little brother said.

Leading man: "I changed my mind. I don't buy it anymore. I want to grab it. Come on."

The four younger brothers came up, the wife was guarding the maid, stepping back, and then seeing the two guards who turned a blind eye, angrily said: "Do you care about the villains in your college?"

The two guards looked uncomfortably in other directions, obviously not daring to provoke these people.

Leading man: "Give those two gatekeepers a hundred daring to come up and stop us."

Madam: "You go first, I stop them."

The maid shook her head: "No, madam, Xiaoyu can't leave you and run away alone."

"Little girl, isn't it good to eat and drink spicy food with us? What good is it to be a maid with this old woman?"

"Come here, we will love you well."

Leading man: "Don't talk nonsense, grab her and take her back to drink."

"Received!" The four of them dispersed, one of them surrounded Madam and Xiaoyu, showing the Star Soul, four knives, and Madam showing a sword, ready to attack.

The four of them raised eyebrows, nodded, and rushed out at the same time, the lady was at a loss, Hao Lingyun fell from the sky, the pressure was released, the four of them instantly turned to ashes, and there was no scum left!

The leading man shuddered when he saw this scene, then turned around in a panic and fled, Hao Lingyun raised his right hand in no hurry: "Vientiane Tianyin!"

Sucking people in at once.

"Quickly let me go, be careful that my boss kills you all!"


"mother in law!"

Feng Xiao and Ziyuan landed quickly.

"Why are you here?" Madam: "Where is Feng Qin?"

"Feng Qin is on it." Ziyuan: "Mother, you are not hurt."

Madam: "No."

Xiaoyu: "The slave and maid had seen the eldest lady, grandpa."

Feng Xiao: "Yeah."

Ziyuan said with concern: "Xiaoyu, are you not scared?"

Xiaoyu: "This person, good or bad, let his subordinates want to take me away from my wife."

Leading man: "Listen to me. I am the second young master of the club. Let me go quickly, otherwise our club will make you look good!"

Hao Lingyun ignored his words, turned his head and asked, "What will this guy do?"

Shion: "I want to kill him!"

Feng Xiao: "Don't, it will cause trouble for the family."

Leading man: "Hehe, it's fine if you know, don't you let go of your dirty hands and dirty my young master's clothes, can you afford it?"

"You are very arrogant." Hao Lingyun: "My master said to let you go, but I didn't say to let you go!"

"Huh, do you dare to kill me?" the leader said with disdain.

"Arrogant, I have to have the ability, and learn to be good in my next life." Hao Lingyun Xianli wrapped him, and the leader struggled in horror: "Hey, don't mess around!"

Feng Xiao: "Ling Yun, don't."


Under Hao Lingyun's pinch, the leading man turned to ashes just like the death of the four little brothers just now!

"Ling Yun, doing this will cause trouble for..., don't you know?" Feng Xiao wanted to talk about the Zi family, but realized that it was wrong, so he stopped.

Hao Lingyun: "Then I will kill the boss now."

"Don't don't don't!" Feng Xiao: "Just so."

"Ling Yun, Hao Lingyun, you are God of War Hao Lingyun!" Onlookers, a woman exclaimed.

Hao Lingyun: "Help me tell the boss, dare to move my family, and say I will kill him."

"Hold on me and I will tell the boss for you!"

"Me too, so will I!"

"You are the symbol of our Star Pattern Academy!"

"Hey, everybody, he is really Hao Lingyun. A few years ago, I saw him fight Wang Shao, and Wang Shao's teeth were lost!"


More and more people watched, and Hao Lingyun said, "You go up and prepare to eat, I will take them two brothers and sisters, and... my other master."

Feng Xiao: "Another master?"

"It's a long story." Hao Lingyun: "Master, you won't blame me."

Feng Xiao: "No wonder, go."

Hao Lingyun shook his body and disappeared. When he appeared, he had come to the sky above Roland's yard and found that Zitong and Zitaixu were both present. Roland was holding a whip in his hand, and his brother and sister took two steps, teaching them the same way as he had taught him.

Roland noticed someone in the sky, and looked up, beaming with joy: "Guess who I saw."