Chapter 257

The middle-aged uncle was arrested, and the people behind the scenes were also arrested. The foreigner's conspiracy completely failed.

These hired guys hired everything to survive.

They are all instructed by XX to do something.

Not only to kill Ye Chen, but also to destroy Nong Yifa.

The rapid development of Nong Yifa has seriously threatened their development.

They are not only that, but the main purpose is: to destroy Nong Yifa, and then let their funds come in.And then!Can sway companies that rely on them.therefore!Can control this country.

wild ambition!

result!They failed, they failed completely.

They did not assassinate Ye Chen, let alone bring down Nong Yifa.

in contrast!The middle-aged uncle was also captured alive by Ye Chen.

Is it?Didn't Ye Chen catch the middle-aged man alive?

He wanted to kill Ye Chen, but was caught alive by Ye Chen.

With the capture of the middle-aged uncle, the murder of Xi Jinsuan's father-in-law, mother-in-law, and husband was confirmed.

Death anyway!The middle-aged uncle recruited everything.

Because of lack of money, he was on the thief ship.At last!Be controlled by others and become a professional killer.

He wanted to quit, but couldn't quit.

That's it!He has been controlled by others.

He wants to marry Xi Jinjuan and live a normal life.but!Xi Jinjuan ignored him at all.

The original him!It's for money.

He got the money, and he had money that he couldn't spend in a few lifetimes.

He now!To survive.

When there is no task, he is free.

When the task comes, he has no freedom.

If he can't complete the task, he will die.

And the task!It's not so easy to do.Very likely!Died in the process of doing the task.

just now!Although he survived.but!Sooner or later it is dying.

The crime he committed is mortal.

Even if he escaped?The people behind him are also going to kill him.

and so!The same is death.

Since they are all dead, what else can be hidden?

Why conceal it?

Regrettably!He has more than 100 billion in Nongyi Development Bank.

He didn't kill Ye Chen, but he still lost more than 100 billion.

With the confession and evidence of these people, the state-to-state affairs can be resolved easily.

What others treat us, we will certainly adopt a response method.

therefore!The foreigners' conspiracy against Nongyifa Bank and Ye Chen completely went bankrupt.

"Hold the grass! I thought the foreigners had beaten the cows? The result! The same failed!"

When Brother Thumb learned of the situation, he despised the foreigner.

Nima land!Are you still a country?You still can't compare to my thumb brother!

Is there such a stupid comparison?

Fried Nong Yifa?

Kill Ye Chen directly?

Is this necessary?

This is completely stupid!

What if you blow up Nong Yifa?What if you killed Ye Chen?Can you get money?

Since taking such a big risk and not getting money, why are you doing that?

Look at my thumb brother!See how I defeat Ye Chen and get the money from Nong Yifa into my hands!

Hehe!Labor and management have countless ways to clean up you and wait for you!

always one option fit for you!

"Big data shows! The middle-aged uncle has 100 billion deposits in our Nongyifa Bank!"

Secretary Rong revealed the news to Ye Chen for the first time.

"Hahaha! Stupid!"

Knowing this situation, Ye Chen burst into laughter.

"He wants to take care of the old in the capital!"

"So much money, just interest is enough."

"One hundred billion in deposits, no matter how depreciated, they can't be used up!"

"Yes! He doesn't want to invest anymore, anyway, the money can't run out!"

"Normal use can't be used up, abnormal use, no amount of money is enough? For example! Just like a certain son, a trillion is not enough to lose?"

"Giving him the Nongyi Development Bank is not enough for him to lose! Hahaha!"

The foreigner's conspiracy was smashed, and Nong Yifa and Ye Chen were safe again.

After dealing with the Nongyi Development Bank headquarters, Ye Chen began to work as his credit reviewer again.

Secretary Rong sent him a task to review several large credit applications in Beiguang Province.

Beiguang Province is north of the capital, a very cold province.

Beiguang province and Nanguang province are relative, one is in the north and the other is in the south.

Ye Chen's hometown, Xiguang and Dongguang, are also relative, one in the west and the other in the east.

Ye Chen was thinking about going on a business trip, leaving Mumahe Village, leaving Xi Jinjuan and Zhu Yangguang.

He is there!There seemed to be something between Xi Jinjuan and Zhu Yangguang.

and also!He also felt that it was inappropriate for him to stand in front of him.

His relationship with Xi Jinjuan is there, as long as he is there, Xi Jinjuan has him in his heart.

If he hadn't had a wife and children, Xi Jinjuan would definitely choose him.

Even if he has a wife and children?As long as he takes the initiative, he can maintain a relationship with Xi Jinjuan.

and so!Ye Chen didn't want to stand in front of them.

Xi Jinjuan can find a home and have a happy life, which is what Ye Chen hopes for and hopes.

this day!Ye Chen packed up and left Mumahe Village, and left Xi Jinjuan and Zhu Yangguang for a business trip to Beiguang Province.

As always, there is no special plane or special car.Instead!Take the train.

and!Can't sit in sleeper, can only sit in hard seat.the best!There was no hard seat, so I stood to Beishi.

North City!The capital city of Beiguang Province.

Ye Chen is not only here to review several important loans, but also has another task: to check the work of the Beiguang Branch.

As the boss of Nongyifa Bank, I have to check all the branches below.

Sitting in the headquarters office and expecting various branches and sub-branches to manage the bank is absolutely impossible. Sooner or later, some worms will eat away your 700 million.

If you don't come down to check their work, they will eat away your 700 million.

The branch manager instructed the people below to take the money away, and then found a dead ghost to come out and commit the crime.

The people in the branch are the same?Instruct the people below to take the money away, and then find someone to come out and commit the crime.

The same goes for the person in charge of each business branch?Instruct the people below to take the money away, and then find someone to come out and commit the crime.

The same goes for each person in charge?Instruct the people below to take the money away, and then find someone to come out and commit the crime.

If you don't know their routine, they can repeat it N times.Don't say you only have 700 million billion, but 700 million billion billion?Isn't it enough for others to eat?

corruption!Be sure to check!

Credit!This is a way for these people to get money away.

They approve unqualified loans and first get the money out of the Nongyi Development Bank.then!Using all means to transfer money away.

Anyway!The money belongs to your Nongyi Development Bank.Even if the loan of 100 million is only transferred to one's own pocket, 10 million?The money lost belongs to your Nongyifa Bank. Is it his business?

When things were revealed, Lao Tzu slept on the ground, wanting to kill or slashing casually!

in fact!Be more precise, and you won't be able to find the people who get the money.Instead!Those who spend money are unlucky!they!It's the dead ghost.

but!Is it worthwhile for others to die?In addition to one hundred million, ten million, the remaining money is enough for them to enjoy, and they are not in vain.

Rather than a life of poverty, it is better to be chic!