Sign to a god of wealth

Chapter 360, shopping malls such as battlefield

Chapter 360, shopping malls such as battlefield

After some meeting, everyone sat down and discussed a big event.

Since the "car accident" from the eighth rings, the farmer's bank headquarters is surrounded.

These people should take evidence, see the Lamborghini gold armor of the agriculture bank in the garage?

Some people report: Lamborghini is a car with its three special drives in the outer ring.

in fact! Before you have a car accident, someone reported.

And the headquarters of the agriculture, the headquarters: Lamborghini is in the underground garage of the headquarters. Not only Lamborghini is there, and the other three cars are also there.

Our car is a boss special car, how can it be in the outside?

Do not believe? Do you want to see you?

of course! Not casual, you can come and see!

Our agriculture, Bank Headquarters is not casual.

You want to see it! Are you alarm?

The police can investigate to enter.

Well! Just anyone can enter our farmers, and our agricultural alliance is safe?

To know! Here is the headquarters of the farmer! Here are the underground treasury.

Just anyone can come in, if you blow us up our treasure?

Or! We open Lamborne nig from the underground garage to see you.

What do you want to see? Be sure to look around?

or! Do you open home?

Is this possible?

Bullying people?

fake? Do you say fake? Are you not unreasonable?

"The current situation is that the police came to the underground garage, and took photos, recorded like. But! The outside is not believed."

"Why don't you believe it?" Ye Chen asked.

"They said! The police helped us talk."

"Police help us talk?"

"They asked the police to change the city bureau to investigate, the police station's policeman took pictures, and they didn't believe it."

"Is there so unreasonable?"

"For the sake of interest, our agricultural and benefits have to be concession, so that the police of the Municipal Bureau enters. However! We must confirm that is the police in the municipal bureau? Is you send people to pretend?"

"It is! That's it!" Ye Chen stressed.

"Anyway! They are looking for us, we will not promise easily."

"Just after confirmation, the Secretary of the Municipal Bureau personally took photos and video. But those people still don't believe, say we bought the police ..."

"What are this?"

"Anyway! These people are eggs, they have to go with our agricultural alliance banks."

"What is it?" Ye Chen asked.

"Later! We have to let the bodyguard open the Lamborghini gold armor and the three cars."

"Deceive too much!" Ye Chen angry.

"But this is still not counted! They still said: The car we opened is fake!"

"One of the short! They are not admitted, we must hand over Lamborghini and three guards, hand it over to the police."

"With this truth?"

"Our car parked in the garage, who is there?"

"Is this not? Audio is a car accident? During the death of a few rises ..."

"Ah!" Ye Chen was shocked.

The secretary pulled the corner of the Lave morning, suggesting Ye Chen.

"Twenty super sports car jumped, the result is the car pressure pressure, some people can't escape, it is so dead."

"There are not many people who haven't been to besiege, now! There are more people. It is obvious! Some people call people."

"There are some people who eat melons!"

"This is a big half night! Not afraid of catching cold?"

"This is this?" Ye Chen couldn't help but ask: "What is going on?"

Suddenly the scene suddenly sat down, the people were old in Ye Chen.

"Look at me? What do you look at me?" Ye Chen asked.

After a while, the people looked at each other, and the looks were different.

"You don't know?"

suddenly! Asked an elderly.

"I?" Ye Chen shook his head, should be said: "I don't know what is going on, so! Just ask you?"

"Leaves always! You can be installed!"

"Hahaha!" The people were laughing.

"Cough and cough!" Ye Chen also smiled.

Not he can load! But! He doesn't know what these veterans are doing?

"Where did you go?" A elder looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"I?" Ye Chen stunned, and then said: "You ask the secretary!"

"Key Secretary! Where did you go?"

"This?" The secretary of the Rongshang did not respond.

"You won't you open a room?" Someone joked.

"No! No! No!" The secretary is as shameful.

Then I just defended: "We just went to the eight-rings grabbing logistics park."

"Sun and Logistics Park?"

"Isn't that a scene of a car accident?"

"Yeah! Yes!" The foreigners should come up.

Ye Chen saw these people in acting, only to admit: "Everyone is old! You don't go around the bend, what else is it! We just went to the Eighth Ring and Sun and the logistics park. And! I saw a car accident scene.

In addition! We saw the Lamborghini Molda and the other three special driving.

Just now! I also saw Lamborghini, the Lamborghini is also seen in the underground garage and the other three special driving! I am also suspected! What exactly is going on? Say! "

Zhongyuan saw that Ye Chen said out, looked at each other, nodded.

"Now! Give Ye a few test questions! Leaves always! Don't you mind?"

"The mall is like the battlefield, when the competitors and enemies in front of it! What do we respond to the bank?"

"The people outside are saying! Say that our agriculture-owned underground garage stopped by Lamborghini, the other three cars are fake. The real Lamborghini is in the event of the incident. How to break? "

"Competitors and enemies bring together our agricultural benefits, how to break?"

"Ye You also see it, then! When Ye always faces the people outside, how do you explain?"

"Recognizing that Lamborghini is participating in the car, misleading other car jumping river? Or! Deadly does not admit, say our car in the garage?"


The elders are hard to come up with it.

"You are the boss of the branch of agriculture, others are looking for the door, how do you face it?"

"The mall is like the battlefield! You have a business head, but you don't have a measures for competitors and enemies. If you don't have a wool? Say! Ye always! What should you do now?"

"The leaf is always! This is not our foreigner! This is what you have to face!"

"You can't face it correctly, then we can only" retire "in advance! Sorry! I am home to pension! You are an unforgettable."

"There is not enough, you must also have survival!"

"Survival! It is a war with no smoke!"

"Life! It is a battle!"

"Leaves! You make a decision!"

"Time is not early! Let's make a decision!"