Sign to a god of wealth

Chapter 379, opponent surfaces

Chapter 379, opponent surfaces

right now! Things have been processed by the police.

The agriculture is: self-insurance!

Self-safe protection, don't be retaliated by the wicked people.

The farmer is too big, and the business outlet has developed to the town of rural areas, one of the largest banks.

Who knows? Where will the wicked?

The only way is: comprehensive prevention.

A full player, unified prevention.

Try to return to the business trip, try to live in units, don't go to work without going to work.

The family is the same, try to go out less, try not to go out separately.

Do not fall! The enemy has no chance to start.

Under Zhang Qiangliang's reminder and supervision, the Secretary immediately developed an internal notification file and issued to each branch. Then distributed by each branch to its own subordinate branch, and then distributed from the subordinate branch to each business outlet.

The responsible person of each business network is also implemented, and it is implemented in place.

The internal notice focuses on: Be sure to notify all the families of employees.

Notice this way is equivalent to "first-level battle * status".

Believe! The wicked is not so fast, immediately, immediately sent people to assassinate, secretly.

"Now! Waiting for the results of the police!" Zhang Qiangliang said.

Everything is arranged, Ye Chen, Zhang Qiangliang and other people are still idle.

The agriculture is already known as a certain kind of peers, but! Specifically, who is behind the scene, I don't know.

These goals are private holding. but! Who is the decision? Or! Who is the idea?

This is very important!

Some shareholders, they can't do the master.

Most shareholders can't do the master.

The owner! Only?

It is guess that it is: some shareholders are just a name.

They are awkward! They have a boss behind the scenes.

That is to say! Who is the truly boss? They don't say that you don't know at all.

Dusheng police station, the trial is in progress.

First put these people separately, and then touched.

Let's take a big investigation to find out the basic situation.

Then come to a big data analysis, then come back to break.

First pick those people who may be easily broken and tried them.

It has probably understands the situation through previous discovery.

If you can break through, the trial is easy.

If you can't break through, you can only implement "networked trial".

Is! Arrange as much trial personnel at the same time trial everyone.

As long as there is one person, it has been confirmed from other people.

After getting confirmed, it breaks from other people, open the new gap ...

There are also a few hours, and some people can't hold all the tricks.

And then! It's like the Yellow River decissete, and he vent thousand miles.

"Who is the thumb?" Said! "


The tried people were stupid on the spot: Who will give your thumb?

"Why is you called your thumb! Say?"

Under the police, the other party thought: Just say "thumb brother", not to provide thumb brother.

and so! Report.

Although the thumb brother is a mixed society, his public identity is open.

I used to be a society, and later bleached.

mix! I have been mixing! It is not publicly mixed.

to be honest! People are already advanced mix.

In the mixed world, who doesn't know him?

and so! Let's talk about it!

"The origin of the thumb is! His neck hangs a little thumbs up gold necklace. Therefore! It is called 'thumb'."

"The thumb brother has been mixed with society, but he mixed, there is no accident. Even if there is something, there is a brother to give him a bar."

"The thumb brother is very righteous, the brothers are willing to give him a bar."

"The thumb brother is generous! It is your honesty to him in advance."

"He ignored it for people who are not loyal to him. Finally! Maybe inexplicably die ..."

The police officer interrupted: "Can you give an example?"

"This one?"


"I also said to hear!"

"Say! This is your performance! Just say you said!"

Under the police, I have to "if it is actually sentenced", I have to shake what he knows.

Anyway! It's all open secrets, I don't say that others will also say.

result! The public secret is no longer a secret. One person adds a little, the information is complete.

The police that trial immediately immediately "shared" to other police officers being tried. result! The big mixer of the thumb has a large mixture.

The thumb brother was previously mixed, and later bleached the bank.

after that! Bankruptcy makes countless people follow bad luck.

The real situation is: illegal fundraising.

As a bait with high interest, people save money to him.

As long as you save money, pay you to pay first.

Some people have not handled the deposit, only one receipt.

These do not have a single person who only owe the compartment, and finally: money must not come back.

Now thumb brother! Behind the scenes, want to black away agriculture. Isn't this? Is it worked with the agricultural and benefit?

"Why do you have to retaliate agriculture?" Asked the police.

"This? Where do I know?"


"According to them!"

"Who are they?"

"They? They are! It is our accomplices ..."

"Continue! How did they say? Why do you have to revenue agriculture?"

"According to them: farm hair grabs their business! Everyone is open, all of which are private banks, why? The agricultural all business grabs all the business?"

"There are a lot of money in the agriculture, and you can't go out."

"And they! There is no savory. Their money is still from above."

"The money they loaned out, most of them are not returned."

"On the book, there is a string of beautiful numbers, the result is not returned. It is actually! A string of numbers. Once an accident, the scene is closed ..."

"It is to make them angry: they put interest to those who have no guarantees. And agriculture! Direct loans give these people who have not guaranteed."

"A high interest, a normal interest. Natural! The business is grabbed by agriculture."

"Some people can't get money around, can only make high interest through them. Once the agriculture is issued, let me know the people. As a result! Broken their finishing ..."

The thumb has a private bank on the surface, which is actually! But turned your money out of the interest.

Those who have high interest, actually he is guys. Loan out through a regular way, then put private goods.

result! Ye Chen big handwellings: the farmer's business outlets open to the rural town of the country, and the postal customs have formed a three-legged situation.

therefore! Grab the business of the thumb and others.

The stream of thumbs and "Bao Royal" is a group of people, one opens banks, a loan from them, then high interest lending those who urgently need money ...

therefore! Both parties win.

The business is not a red fire.

Since the agricultural and interests of the rural market, the traffic is expanded, and someone who has the character has went to the agricultural and all hair, it is no character. The result can be imagined: they don't break your bank.

Some people are, it is bankrupt, unlucky, and the money owed to others will return.

People who don't have a character, even if they have money, don't want to borrow your money.

The result can be imagined: What do you don't go bankrupt?