"Kuzan, you are also injured, go to rest first, let me give me someone here."

The Carpenic lost.

Kutzan looked at Carl, then nodded, showed a smile of human animals.

"I will wait for you this sentence, don't put water, I am waiting for your good news on the boat!"

Carl: ......

Kutzan put his hand in Karl, and then stepped on the speed of the speed.

He and Carl's relationship is the best pair of Navy.

Naturally, I am not worried about you'll take an escape 'will be pursued by Carl.

Moreover, when he left, he added a spur, and pierced the Baret's arm again, then he left.

Barret can now be said to be a wolf to the extreme, and there are three blood caves in the chest position.

His arms position, there are also two blood caves, which are hung in the position of Hong Kong muscles, and there is more blood flow.

His current domineering is almost consumed, in addition to strong flesh, he is nowhere.

However, it is case, he has not admitted, but stared at Carl with a fierce expression.

"Carl, come, give up all the extensions, come with Laozi a real man war!"

"Abandon extra ability? Are you stupid or stupid?"

Carl landed on the ground, and it was a sword with a sword.

There is no suspense.

Barret is directly hitting this sword.

But he did not admit defeat, but he got up again to rush to Carl!

Although he didn't have armed high, but the ghosts were still turning, and at the same time, the king also broke out.

This is his last fight!

Carl can see the death from his eyes.

But he did not regret from his head, and even Cal couldn't see it. He is afraid to death.

"Baret, you are sinful, I will never allow you to continue to stay in this world!"

Carl is a sound.

Waving the magic in hand.

The air flashes a black ray.


The air stops circulation.

Some of the relatively high ice and rocks are suddenly broken.

Even if I have opened a big hole in the sky!

" -"

Carl whispered, slowly returning the knife sheath.

Barret's figure is slow, and finally the corpse is different, and die complete!

Although Baret seems to be very spiritual, he has paid attention to the body's monster.

Once this monster disappears, his power cannot be recovered in a short time.

This is why he is suddenly weakened.

It is precisely because of this, Carl can easily kill him.

'Killing Glas Baret, complete additional sign-in tasks, armed colors are upgraded to overrun! '

'System Tip: Armed color domineering has been upgraded to overrun, automatically get sakura domineering! '

'Testing the host through the system has learned to stream of cherry, thereby halving the consumption of flowing cherry domineering! '

'System Tip: The ability is improved to overrun, you can randomly extract a capability, whether to extract? '


'System Tip: Extract failure, welcome to visit next time! '


Carl's ability now has three overrunns, and the extraction capacity has also pumped three times.

The result is only once.


This is TX!


However, even if there is no extraction to the ability, it doesn't matter, with the power of Carl, I don't value some extra power.

And the consumption of sauage domineering is reduced, and it is also a unsuspension of the strength for Carlla.

After all, the original stream of cherry is required to consume a lot of physical strength, and the speed of the high-intensity combat field is intensive in this high-intensity combat field, consumption and recovery is completely incomplete.

However, after the consumption of the sakura domineering, the high-intensity battle will be substantially consumed and the recovery speed is almost consistent.

This is the biggest increase in Carl strength.

Because of this, he is the same as Ca, is not afraid to consume the battle.

The only unfortunate thing is that he wants Baret's fit fruit, but there is no hand.

In fact, Carl really wants to try, if you use fluttering fruit and fit fruit, it will be a spectacular scene.

It is very likely that the body has a huge talle of more than kilometers, flexible flight in the air.

This is simply invincible!

Unfortunately, Carl's illusion is destroyed, and there is no ability to get from Baret.

Then Karl's simple cleaning the battlefield and found a record pointer from the body of Barre.

Karl opened a look and found a few big characters in Lavdru ', which made Karl.

However, he is not very concerned about this thing, but it is handed over, then takes the body of Baret and returns to the main life.

Just he just returned here, he saw the CP0 members who fell from the air.

There is also a sea, and a member of the white beard pirates who have dizzy, suddenly a bit.

"When I fight with Barrett, what happened here?"

I heard the inquiry, Ka Peng Bayquet came out, explains the previous thing before explaining, which made Carlmada.

"Ka Peng Bayi, send us back, as for these CP0, I will take them to find five old stars."

Carl's eyes flashed, and his mouth was rare, showing a nuclear smile.

"Hey, this time I can extort them five ahead, just that the Navy has recently caused financial expensive due to the conscription, this time they are not full of blood!"


The five old stars at the same time, while playing a sneeze, it feels a bit not very wonderful.

"You said, how long will this war will continue?"

"Not very clear, but should not be too long, the previous live broadcast only once a day, and we can't see it.

However, Baret guys did not lose their devil descendants. The ability of this consistent fruit has been played by him, and does not know if Carl is his opponent. "

"Hey! Care for this blending, he is dead!"

"Oh, this little ghost should eat some bitterness! This time, he has gone!"

"Okay, you don't plead, he wants to die, unlucky is five."

Finally, the words of this beard, suddenly let the remaining five old stars have been silent.

Because he said yes.

If Carl is dead, they are five people, it is estimated to be abolished by Im.

Just at this time.

The phone is ringing.

Five old stars glared directly and opened their hands.

"Hahahaha, I am the Warring States, before I proposed that you don't agree!"

Carl came back, the hundred pirates did not, Baret was betentressed, and the Navy's casualties did not exceed ten people!

And the most important thing is that the dragon man sent CP0 to remove the Carl plan, I saw five, what reasons will stop me from retiring! "


The Warring States has never been so hard.

He laughed and hanged the phone, and even the five old stars were too lazy to listen.

Who let him be ready to retire.

Five old stars were stiff at this time, and everyone's eyes were exuded with a strong killing.

"The death of the Dragon!" I will know that it will be troubled! "