Sister, you miss me

Chapter 2 Feizhu

After a while, Gao Qinsheng walked out like a dog, holding a crocodile handbag, and a large sunglasses on his face, covering half of his fat face.

The intention could not be more obvious, for fear that others would recognize him as the county official.

Seeing Yang Feng still here, Gao Qinsheng's face was as if dripping water.

This kid is too cruel, and his tail bone is still painful now, how can he not get angry?

"Boy, you'd better not see anything about today's affairs, otherwise you want you to look good!" Gao Qinsheng threatened harshly, turning around and walking outside.

Yang Feng glanced at him, sneered, and replied lightly: "I didn't see anything...Is it? Deputy County Magistrate Gao."

These words were no less than a thunder blast above Gao Qinsheng's head. The magistrate Gao, who had just walked to the door, was so frightened that he almost smashed his feet. He turned his head and stared at Yang Feng fiercely before slamming the door.

"What's the matter? Pooh--" Yang Feng sipped Gao Qinsheng's back.

"Yang Feng!"

At this moment, Chen Lin came out from behind, wearing a black tight-fitting one-piece short skirt, neatly packed, she looked even more beautiful.

"Lin... Sister Lin." Seeing the lustrous thighs of the lady boss under her short skirt, Yang Feng's speech was a little awkward.

"Xiaofeng, aren't you usually easy-going? Why is your temper so big today?" Chen Lin asked with a frown.

Yang Fengxin said it wasn't because you didn't know good people.

He thought so, but he said, "Nothing."

Chen Lin sighed and asked, "Didn't you go to deliver the goods? Why did you come back early?"

Yang Feng scratched his head and said that there were cockroaches in the cake.

Unexpectedly, Chen Lin said indifferently after listening, "Okay, I know, you go back first, and talk about it at work in the afternoon."

After speaking, she turned her head and walked into the office.

When Yang Feng heard this, he was stunned, and said that you didn't care at all, and I was in vain running back to report the letter under the scorching sun.

With a stomach of fire, Yang Feng went out angrily, got on his bicycle, and rode to his clinic.

Thinking of the situation in the clinic, Yang Feng felt bitter.

The clinic at home is not big and the place is too small. There are not many patients who come to see the doctor on weekdays. Even if they come to see the doctor, it is just a small problem with headaches. The annual income of the clinic can only barely support the livelihood of a family of three.

Moreover, his father had been sick all the time, and taking medicine would not work. Seeing that the family's life was deteriorating, Yang Feng simply dropped out of school in his second year of high school and became an apprentice in a cake shop so that he could earn some money to support his family.

According to Yang Feng's idea, if she learns the cake-making craftsmanship from Sister Lin, after she finishes her studies, she will open her own store, so that life can be somewhat hopeful.

But now, everything has become illusory.

Nothing else, let's not mention that there were cockroaches in the cake that was given out. I was afraid that I would not be able to eat it if I just talked about the incident of breaking Gao Qinsheng today.

Riding a broken bicycle, Yang Feng felt a pain in his head as soon as he turned into an alley, and then with a bang, he fell down with the car and the car.

"Fuck! The stone thrown by that grandson!" Yang Feng stood up, and cursed, it's really bad!

He was already full of irritation, and even encountered this kind of thing, it would be strange if he didn't break out!

At this time, Yang Feng saw that it was a round bead hitting the back of his head.

I saw that the bead was white all over, with tiny cracks all over the surface. It seemed to have gone through a long time, and there was a little bit of deep light in the cracks. Let alone, it looks good.

"It's really unlucky for people, ghosts blowing lights, farting and hitting the heels, I provoke someone, which wicked thing to throw, and I am not afraid of having a son without eyes!"

No matter how upset Yang Feng was, he couldn't find the culprit, so he had to curse bitterly, threw the beads into his pocket, and then picked up the bicycle and rode home.