Skeleton Soldier Couldn't Protect the Dungeon

538.37969; Between Customization and Emotion (4)

I don't know what to say.

I didn't get a good idea. I wait for her to join me.

“Actually, where I'm going right now, I have a brother. ”

I was a little embarrassed.

“Are you leaving it to a guild member? ”

“Yes, in the nursing home. I don't know about that, but he's a very cute kid. ”

You're giving it to a guild member? What was he like?

She's a symbol of human disbelief.

I thought it was quite surprising that I was leaving my brother with someone.

The tournament you're talking about seems to save your brother quite a bit.

“Is he trustworthy? ”


Lena answered without hesitation. I wondered what kind of person she would be if she were a trustworthy human being.


The human will meet soon anyway. Lena walked and briefly talked about her brother.

I was pretending to be very dry on the outside, but I could see a little girl hiding somewhere, crying with her little brother in her arms.

The girl was left with her little brother. That's the exact street Rubia was hit on.

Of course, you don't need to know anything about her past or circumstances. Not that deep. You just have to use it appropriately.

Trying to think that way, I remembered what I had forgotten for a while.

‘Status window.’

Distribute points.

I gave you EXP. I got less than last time.

But both the guards and the dungeon bosses were independent. Level is up 11 to 12.

You distribute points appropriately for health, strength and agility.

[HP 46 Strength 48 Agility 48 Wisdom 15]


Three stats close to 50.

For a human, it's a pretty recognizable force to live with.

After some good training, I was born with a fairly unruly martial arts goal.

Maybe he's just a mercenary who grew up rolling around the world for years.

He would rule among the common soldiers as quite fearsome. Even if they can't do it, they'll still be a pretty big underboss.

But I am a skeleton.

It cannot stand in the trajectory of the mainstream.

The world belongs to man, and follows their perceptions and norms.

In their world.

I am defined as the Magic Shot to be defeated.


My enemy is the world, itself.

It is never a strength that can be seen with peace of mind.

‘I should turn the dungeon around. ’

It's still time to train.

It stopped raining. You can see the gray walls of Ublam now. A little damp in the autumn light.

Do not enter the city.

Where Lena is headed is nearby.

You put on a robe covering your armor.

You walk towards the town with a large wooden mill.

This one-story nursing home. I see children running in front of him.

“Wow! This is my beautiful Lena! ”

“She's my sister. ”

“How are you? ”

The children surround Lena with a smile on their face. Lena hugs one of them and kisses her cheek.

The girl hugged is red on her face and likes Carr. She doesn't look ten yet.

A girl who is ordinary and pretty and can be seen anywhere.

The child made a clear smile without any shade.

I felt like the fog was spreading to the darkness within me in that smile.

“Yes. Is that your brother? ”

“They look alike, don't they?"

Lena smiles brightly. It was a peeling smile.


He certainly looks like Lena. Minus the necessities one by one.


The atmosphere is completely different. I feel like I've lived in a completely different world.

Nineteen women in front of me.

Lena has lived in a world where human females stick swords in their eyes and poison their ears.

To keep her smile "normal", as you can see everywhere.

It wouldn't have been easy.

In a world with no parents, no nothing.

“Is the Prelate here? ”

“The Prelate went behind me. ”

One child pointed his finger at the bush and said.

With who?

“Sister, strange people have come. The Prelate said there was something for grown-ups to talk about. ”

“Who were they? ”

“They were scary looking people. I only saw the Prelate because I liked him. The other kids love to play.

Lena frowns slightly.

“Yes, when? ”

“Uh, just now. ”

Lena said with a few more hugs and a gentle stroke on her head.

“I'll go in with the Prelate. Can you wait with your friends for a minute? ”

“Yes. I'm a good kid, so I'll wait! ”

The girl nodded brightly and returned to the building with the children.

“I think we have a problem. ”

“Is it dangerous? ”

“Well, I don't know who's in danger. ”

Boom boom.

We walked into the grass.

“Is that it?”

There is a man with handcuffs around his neck and hands.

The chain around your neck is very short. I can't even move my hands.

You see five humans surrounding him with swords pointed at him.

"Talk"? ’

At least it doesn't have to end with a "talk." I heard the handcuffed man's voice. The chain moves as it wobbles.

“As requested, thank you for being here. I didn't want to be mean to my kids. ”

Five points to the knife.

Among them, a fat black face giggles. She yells at the handcuffed man.

“Fool, do you know what you're wearing? ”

“Well, aren't they handcuffs? ”

“It's made of lava stone. We're not getting out of here until we cut his head off. Thank you? Kick-kick. Yeah, you should be grateful. ”

A woman with curly hair giggles at the man. Humans around you smile once.

Back then.

The man asks people,

“Aren't they adorable? ”


“Things change a little bit. I love it.”

Sunlight came through the trees. You shine a light on the man's face.

What are you talking about? ’

I can see a man's eyes.

One is red and the other green. A diseased face. It was strangely unnatural. It was like a jeweled texture.

I asked Lena quietly.

“Is that him? A guild member. Don't you need to save him? ”

Lena nods as well. You're watching.

“How dare you cast false wind on your children? According to my research, he doesn't even have a backpack.

You're dying to take our children, aren't you? ”

A woman crouches the man's face with a dagger. Threatens the eye area.

“Sister, aren't you going to kill him anyway? ”

“Let's have some fun before we kill him. I was so thrilled to see these bastards whimpering, screaming," Please save me. "Huh?”

Then the man said,

“I heard you had them prostitute. ”

The fat woman, who was cutting into the man's face, turns to look away.

“Yeah, so? ”

“A boy who came to our daycare recently, he drank until his insides were turned upside down. to get away from that memory. ”

The man glanced at the woman with a relaxed expression.

“What do you think? ”

“What do you think, asshole? He's our kid, whether he's drinking or drinking semen. What, are you trying to take all the kids out and sell them yourself? ”

The fat woman gives more strength to the dagger she put around the handcuffed man's eyes.

The Dagger has gone deep.

Something began to flow around the man's eyes.

“Let's start with the eyes. ”


What is that? ’

The dagger is cutting.

Something flows around the man's eyes. It wasn't red blood.

It was a sticky green mucus.

“Hee hee hee! What the heck!”

“Sister! Are you okay! ”

Living, limp, rusty slime flows through the cold corpse.

“There's no need to mix words.

Chi Yin.

A grey smoke was rising from the blade of steel touching the mucus.

“Looks like you have a guest. I'll get it over with.

From the handcuffed man's mouth, his voice was "flowing."


For a moment, the man's whole body was "flowing down."

“Ugh, ahhhh! ”

The twitching green mucus quickly tangled onto the floor where five people stood.

In a thick green slime mass that was invisible to the gingivitis, five began to slowly melt from their ankles.


“Hehe, queek.! ”

“Monster, monster, monster! Monster!”


You try to run away screaming, but the dark green slime that spreads widely across the floor does not let go.

Their ankles soon melted.

Those who struggled not to get out of place soon suffocate, plummeting over the green slime.

I stared at Lena dazed.

The slime that spread widely across the floor, melting humans and twitching for a long time.

The mucus was slowly taking on a shape.

It seemed to be happening.

From a twitching green lump of mucus, a slender octopus began to rise up.

Then there was a 'back’ head. I turn my head and look this way.

He had two eyes on a dull gray head like an octopus. On the one hand, red.

One side glows green.


In a moment, a grey lump of mucus formed a nose and a mouth.

The widespread lower part became an arm and a leg.

Soon it became human like.

Now it was enough to recognize that he was the man I had seen before. I was surprised to see the whole process before my eyes.

The man bowed his head deeply to me.

“You have a customer, and I'm sorry I'm late. This is Lime, the principal of the preschool. He is also a member of the T&T Guild. Nice to meet you.”

I looked back at Lena with a look at what the hell is going on.

“Shouldn't you have told me this first? ”

She shrugs.

“See for yourself ^ It's fun, right?

“I'm channeling. Among them, Slime. ”

“Slime. Authorization.”

“Yes, I'm Slime, but do you dislike Slime? ”


I shaken my head.

Nothing to dislike or like.

It was my first time seeing Slime.

Slime with intelligence is said to be very rare. I just heard it.

If the Demon Lord shouts.

This man will rise to a much higher rank than I, the Skeleton Soldier. Nevertheless, the slime was respectful of the servants consistently.

“May I say, together, that we are at home in the human world? ”

“Of course.”

This slime melts better than I do.

“It was similar, and it was a pleasure meeting you. I heard you're helping Lena a a lot. ”

“Well, we use each other. ”

We went to the ledger.

Lena breaks a boring, hard cookie. I only drank a little coffee by taking pictures in the coffee blended by the ledger.

“You still have that habit, Lena. ”

“It's the Prelate's coffee. Save it.”

“I have a lot of beans.

“If I drink too much coffee, I get cramps. ”

“Very well. Please enjoy as much as you like. ”

Slim, look at me now.

You duck your head again.

“I'm channeling. You can transform it however you want. Would you be comfortable looking at the same skeleton? ”

“No, that's okay. Let me ask you something.”

“Tell me.”

“How is Slime doing at the preschool? ”

“We are a zero-less, zero-less, child-free existence. I love kids very much. It's amazing how things change. ”

“Aren't you the one who can change anything? ”

“It's just a shell. To put it simply, we are the ones who can't be changed. ”

The man smiles bitterly. Thinking about the mechanism for making that detailed look, something scared me.

When the man woke up, five bodies were melted and disappeared without a trace.

Very polite, but this man can get rid of me right in front of you.

“Once the identity is revealed.

“I'm trying not to get caught. so you can stay in the nursing home for a long time. ”

The man continued to drink coffee.

“So I immersed myself in the T&T Guild. If you're going to hide your identity, you need to know a lot of things. ”

I looked at the man quietly thinking about where the coffee went and how it was handled.

The man picks up the lava handcuffs he was tied to, and puts them in a large warehouse in the back.

"Handcuffs on Slim. ’

They were horrible fools.

“Why did they come in here earlier? ”