Skeleton Soldier Couldn't Protect the Dungeon

86th Emperor, Your Majesty, Long Live (5)

To be precise, the knight's armor caught my eye. The material is not unusual at first glance. I know that kind of armor.


A warrior invading the dungeon.

The warrior who killed Ser Cubus. And the acolytes who followed him wore such misguided armor.

‘Wearing that kind of armor and wearing her.


“What's the matter? You got a problem with that? ”

Necromancers are sticking up for me.

“What do you mean? ”

“Do you have any regrets for Ash? Why are you staring at me like that? ”

“No way. ”

I don't even know him. There can be no regrets. It just reminded me of a bad scene.


If it is not a sword, and the entire armor is made of missiles, then its value is beyond rare. The Artifact class is not enough money. The necromancer points to the article.

^ 1,

“Isn't your armor pretty? ”

Certainly. The armor of the knight who lowered the helm was a masterpiece.

Runes and symbols are subtly acclaimed.

One by one must be a powerful magical symbol.

“You, take it. ”

“What are you talking about? ”

“If you cut that, I'll give it to you. ”

“Steal." ”


The necromancer nods.

“It's better than what you used to wear,

Isn't that right? ”

“I'll dress you up. Wear something nice. ”

Before offense.

The tension flowed through my body.

This woman, is she really going to do something crazy here?


The Necromancer takes a step forward.

She emerges from the shade of a white forest.


The sound of stepping on grass sounded like it was ringing on the skull. The world slowed down.

Gizgerai is on his way to his death right now.

Walk slowly towards the procession of Emperor Elton Clemens, a former warlord who waged nine years' war.

I stared at him dazed.

She keeps walking.

Two wizards, dozens of imperial guards, and only one Necromancer stumbling towards them.

Pill Paddle.


This is ridiculous.

There are no guided skeletons.

One skeleton grabs her hand and stares at her back, frozen and numb.


Late summer sunlight passes by, the early fall wind blows.

Something is making me shudder and shudder.

The grass is scattered. The undiscovered autumn flower seeds are scattered. Small leaves are torn off and smell the grass.

However, Necromancer's hair will not be confused.

Her curled heels have white bones in her hair.

At some point.

It was when she felt like she was passing through a transparent membrane.


Dozens of eyes were on her at the same time. The horses stared at her and stopped. The knights put all their strength into the spear's hands.

She walks on without giving off any energy. It seemed that unreal was walking towards reality.

It's stuck, huh? ’

Gizgerai just stands still in the middle.

With it, the matrix stops. The Knights in the Lead pause and pull at the top.

It was unnecessary. The horses had already stopped on instinct.

Unique fur and charisma have stopped them. If I'd gone out there, I'd have stuck it right in the window.

The knight in misrell armor alone gives the cold order.

“Is it just Rich? West Roxius,

Come on, Ozman, move it. ”

The dry tone was cold as a rusty breeze.

Slightly toned The helmet's shade remains intact.

"Is that the director? ’


Two knights nearby raise a giant spear high.

Distinguished from the other knights around you,

They held a particularly long spear.

It was a heavy iron spear about 50 centimeters from the window.

"Assault lance. ’

Dagdac. Dagdac.

Two knights approach.

You begin to tremble as if the end of Lance were alive. On a sharp day, there is a gentle aura.

‘That one.

It suddenly reminds me of a conversation I had with a man in a tournament.

A man who holds shields and curves and shreds his opponent efficiently.

You fought well. Cristina and I were on the verge of a battle.

I asked him.

< How about me, compared to the Four Swords of the Empire?

The man straightens up completely.

I laughed like an explosion on the spot. Then I opened my mouth.

< Why the sudden nonsense, you?


< Have you gone mad? At the level of using Qi, like this. It doesn't mean anything. If you let magic flow through the edges of your sword, you can cut steel like tofu.

The man then lowers his knife. and declared a withdrawal.

< I should quit. I'm not gonna fight this maniac. And when you fight in a place like this, what are you gonna do?

Eventually, he left the stadium.

The crowd's wilderness didn't seem to irritate him.

‘Clearly. Is that a sword? ’

Following the search party twice in a row, I felt like I knew.


A force that dramatically amplifies cutting and destruction.

But there was a twist.

The knights and warriors in blue armor will be much stronger than the ones before us. But no such energy appeared in their weapons.

I don't think he deserved that kind of power.

Dagdac. Dagdac.

Two knights drove little by little.

You aim for Gizgerai at a slanted angle, aiming for a single stitch with a 20-foot drop of Lance.

The two knights seemed to specialize in such processing. You look very familiar with the posture and movement.

You feel calm and calm just before you see an explosive movement.

Who dares to stop the Emperor's march?

There is no punishment but death.

As soon as they're about to make a move,


You hear a murky sound coming from behind you. It wasn't just a loud voice.

The air is vibrating.

The knights turn their backs as one.


Even the knight in Misrill armor, presumed to be a master, turns his head.

His gaze is on the wizard with the beard.

“What's the matter? ”

With power and authority, it is the cry of one who cannot be underestimated.

The group pauses in unison and waits for the wizard's word.

The bearded wizard looks at the intruder, Gizgerai, and shouts in a nervous voice.

“I know him. It is one of the three rivers that guards Embermere. Don't attack me!”

Dagdac! Dagdac!

The wizard swiftly pushes forward. But I didn't beat him, I didn't whip him.

It was like running to the will of 'I want to talk to you’.

The horse's posture is clumsy, but the horse matches the wizard's movements.

Dagdac! Dagdac!

The early autumn wind blows the robes away.

The Mage of Azura approaches the Necromancer and asks.

“What do you want? ”

The necromancer replies.

“Er, emperor assassination. ”

“Assassination"? ”

The wizard with the beard looked ridiculous. He glances at the Necromancer.

Then I turned my head.

I looked back.

In his vision, more than a hundred Imperial Guards and their dispatched wizards arrive. The wizard turns his head again and asks the necromancer.

“You're talking nonsense. Define assassination.”

Gizgerai smiles as if to ask what is natural.

“Assassination without witnesses. ”

“What.? ”

The Wizard's face frowns.

The bright-eyed knights also heard the word assassination.

“Ready to fire two. Escort the wagon in three. ”

The director gave the order coldly.

The progress of the knights around the emperor's cart has changed.

Dagdac. Dagdac.

Five knights with two metres of scales drive out their horses. After Lance's assault, he looks like a gin ready to cut and stab the opponent.

A quiet, refined life leads to the Necromancer, walking down the highway alone.

I looked around at the mess.

Perhaps something will arrive from somewhere in her army.

But the forest was still. The mountain passage is still. The cavalry is not coming from anywhere. It wasn't that far off.


The approaching guard holds up his hand.

“I'll take care of it myself. ”

The knights have a kind look on their faces.

He wants to assassinate the Emperor. It's natural for the guards to take care of it.

However, it is difficult to disobey the Wizard of Azura. He said he'd take care of it.

“Yes, sir. Stand down, all of you. ”

The two knights with Lance and the knights with the scales stand down.

While preparing for the third and fourth strokes in the rear, the guard lowers his head slightly and bites his lips.

The wizard looks at the Necromancer and continues to speak.

“A necromancer without an army is a bold choice. I've heard it's unusual. One. How dare you try to do this in front of magic? ”

The old man raises his staff at a slight angle. A meter long staff is stuffed with finely polished, yellow Kehrivari stone.

The yellow energy is strongly compressed into a gem of electrical properties that friction itself with ambient air.

The necromancer grins.

“That doesn't work, does it? ”

“You shouldn't either. ”

Wizard Erefor.

He was confident he would win.

Nearby, where the Arcane is very contained.

That's why I've been accumulating energy on the staff.

I'm ready.

The Necromancer in front of you is bare handed.

No Dagger. No machine.

There is no device. There is no way to lose a battle with a Necromancer without an army.


The compressed energy spreads out.

The energy of the compressed air was mixed with a fluttering yellow cerebral metastasis.

‘That was close.

Gizgerai dodges a swift attack.


Dozens of electricity spread to the ground hit by the epilepsy. The grass on the wide surface quickly turned to ash.

The attack doesn't end with a single blow.


Once more compressed air erupts from the old man's staff.

The air that was tearing through the air was mixed with a deep blue cold. The Necromancer has barely escaped this time.

The stone on the enchanted floor freezes quickly and splits in several places.

You're not yet under the spell, but Necromancer doesn't seem to have much room.

The guard who was watching was convinced of the wizard's victory.

Dagdac. Dagdac.

Another wizard approaches you from behind to help you.

“How are you feeling? It's mine.”


Two wizards. Joint ventures seemed difficult to cope with.


I got up out of bed.

‘It can't be helped. ’

But we can't run away like this.

I understood how Rubia came close to holding the stone, even though she was never going to come back.

There are actions you have to do, knowing that they are useless and meaningless.


I ran for Gizgerai.

The distance was not far.

Arrival was shortly.

Eyes are focused on me running.

The necromancer looks back at me. I winked and said.

“I'm impressed, aren't you coming? ”

“Don't you dare turn your eyes away! ”

The wizard with the white beard, who was continuing to attack, was annoyed.


The thrilling cold white froze the floor around which Gizgerai stood.

The air is cold as if it were a siege. It freezes all around her.

The linear attack doesn't work, so the entire area is frozen to avoid.

The knights make a grumbling face.

Freezing the floor will disrupt the Emperor's Wagon's journey.

Of course, the Wizard of Azura doesn't care about such trivial matters at all.

The staff of the Longbeard Wizard has begun to be electrocuted.

Parts! Parts!

At the same time, electricity begins to flow over the frozen solid ground.

“I, Erefor of Azura. I'll turn this place into a tomb. ”


Gizgerai whistles.

A signal leaked through the red lips, half to the bone and half to the flesh.

I reflectively looked around from afar. But there was nothing, and a strong and myriad of enemies were just facing us.

Gizgerai confirms his position.

From a small mark that only she could recognize, you are now four steps ahead.

Gizgerai opens his mouth.

“Phew. What grave are you talking about in front of the Necromancer? ”


Three steps.


She raises her bony hand.

You point forward. The white hand holds no weapon. There is no energy.

With a straight extension of the scapula.

The Necromancer pointed to the land two steps ahead.


Kugu Palace!

The ground began to disappear like a lie.

There are no cracks.

It collapsed as if something was standing overly underneath it, as if it had always been empty.

A thoroughly carved road collapses like a mirage.

Just a few steps ahead of the Necromancer.

I couldn't even spit out a little scream. More than a hundred people have fallen.

A hole that looks like Yooseong fell down.

I was so confused, I couldn't say anything. I've never seen or heard of magic like this.

There are no activation spells.

I didn't feel the energy.

I just instructed him.


I stood beside her and asked.

“This. This. What the hell?”

“I told you I had it under construction. You don't remember? ”

“What the hell.

“Sell below. My children bear the load. Collapse when needed. It's over.”

“Well, does that make sense? ”

“Ember is a city of engineering. How many civil engineers are there among my skeletons? Is this the land of the weak? Ask the dog for details. ”

Sounds beyond common sense. It's unacceptable. I stood speechless. What was really remarkable was what was inside the pit.