The old man opens his mouth.

“I'm a blacksmith. ”

“While drunk on opium. They insisted that they couldn't work. I survived.”

The story continues. The prince is reasonable. I looked into him as a non-addict, but he didn't seem to have much interest.

The old man continued to guide me to the Lord's Resistance. The inner gate was wide open.

The cowardly gatekeepers clasp their heads.

Before you go in.

Out in the open, the Marquis suddenly stops.

Did you feel a trap? ’

He puts his hand in the saddle pocket.

The humans around you flinch.



No violence has occurred.

It wasn't a weapon.

"The flare?"

A firecracker with a long strap.

The erl tugs at the end of the rope.


The plot line is on fire.

The wick burned fast.

Pee Pee Pei!

Fireworks soared rapidly up into the sky.

Bubble, bum, bum!

In the dusky evening, the blue veil spread.


I've seen something similar.

When surrounded by the inner circle of T&T, it felt like Lena's fireworks.

‘Who are you calling? ’

The lightning bolt goes straight inside.

Resistance was glamorous.

I fought with the guard commander, and I remembered the dead lord's face smashed in by a hammer.

[Accounting Lv.1 is working!]

The skill absorbed by the proximal knight is now active.

The landscape in front of me was never meant to be a normal wash.

‘That's a lot of skin. ’

Bet a traveler like Rubia was used for this decoration. A cold fury rises from the bone joints.

I looked at the humans around me.

The men who opened the door bent and trembled.


All of them actively assisted and abetted.

Even with an accounting skill of Lv.1, it can be recognized at a glance. They must be a lot smarter.

‘I couldn't run away because I didn't have a situation. ’

They must have committed a lot of crimes while serving.

The monarch doesn't even flinch a finger.

You don't let go of your life like you did with the guards.

However, there was not a single human being who moved freely within the immunity.

Just standing still, he was as white as a thick fog.

In fact, I felt an intangible energy spreading towards the administrators.

“Ugh. Ugh.! ”


Less than a tenth of a second after the energy had spread, a man fell forward and dozed off.

The monarch stops his energy as if it were a sign.

The administrators couldn't care less about their fallen comrades.

I was sweating all over my body, even though I wasn't tortured.

I feel a faint sensation of the baron's thirst for energy.

I focused on Gigi's release.

‘Maybe we can use it this way.

The administrators seemed like their hearts would melt and stand still if the Marquis were only a few seconds away.


The Marquis speaks low.

“Yes! Yes! ”

“All of them. ”

“I understand!”

The stiff men began to pay tribute by arranging the writings, asking only for their lives.

The man who could not breathe with the white energy of the fog was crawling on all fours and headed to the library.

It takes more than a decade for them to stand on two feet.

“It's the Lord's Book! ”

“Drug Farming Journal! ”

“Human trafficking record! ”

The baron quickly takes care of the paperwork.

Zec looked at the table of contents appropriately.

“You've done a lot of business. I wish I had the Emperor's Seal.

The Marquis looks around the officers and speaks.

“There are too many missing loops.

The men trembled less.

I didn't even feel what a missing loop was.

‘There's no way to know. ’

The administrators of Ublam.

There is no way to know about the Emperor's assassination.

I handed over the Emperor's Seal to the Guard Commander, and that was only an hour ago.

A lightning bolt in the dry sky.

I wonder what they'll think.

You'll think it's the apocalypse.

As punishment for all of Yublam's misdeeds,

You think the Imperial Court sent this man right in front of you.

The erl said.

“Talk to me. ”

Maybe that's why.

The officials began to thoroughly report the crimes committed by the lord and the guard commander.

Just like the Marquis wanted it.

You don't seem to have the time to tell me what to hide.

“Opium Cave is here! We're making greenhouses out of it. ”

An administrative officer reaches out his finger.

You point your hand at a point on the map.

For security reasons.

There were no markings on the map.

He swallowed a saliva and added an explanation.

“Across the stream, three kilometers through the forest! The cave entrance is hidden in the forest. ”

The other guy helped.

“It's a poisonous area, planting more weeds on purpose. There are three guards. ”

The story was intoxicated.

The prince looked at the map for a long time. I looked at the location, too. You look down well from above, thanks to the Lord's chair.

‘Let's keep that in mind. ’

It's information that will someday be useful. It's hard to know if it's not now. There's nothing wrong with caring.

“If you're going to burn it, light it this way and it'll burn well inside! ”

The other administrators were annoyed as well.

I pointed to the other side of the map and told them everything.

“The guard commander buried a silver coffin here. I know because I'm in charge. ”

“Here it is, too! ”

Three points of treasure have been uncovered. The administrative officers didn't even know each other.

“There is a special room in the castle basement. This is a room where opium addicts disconnect their medication and lock up those who have symptoms of withdrawal in cages. ”

The administrator of the grim impression said.

He was a man who had blackened out under his tired eyes.

You hear the sound of swallowing saliva everywhere.

Most people didn't seem to know.

One last time.

The youngest administration intervened.

He pointed to a section of the map and said:

“This is a spider's den. Rebels, dragged here and eaten alive. ”

The information nodded similarly, knowing everyone.

However, the next words opened my eyes wide.

“My father was taken a few days ago.

I went into the cave just in case. I want to get rid of the remains.

Eyes on the madman poured on the young clerk.

Some mutter, "How did you get back in one piece?"

The young clerk spoke.

“But there were no spiders there. They were all burned to death. ”

“That's what happened.! ”

He made a loud noise around him.

Someone's face flashes through my head.


“I was burnt to death.

The Marquis mutters a small amount. It was a worrying face.


He unravels the guard commander.

“Khh, khh, khh, khh, khh! ”

The strange sound of hiccups came from the mixture of blood, saliva, and broken teeth.

Whether he's already taken it and penetrated the nerves, the guard commander is shivering and sweating.

“Is that true?"

The Marquis asks.

The guard commander nodded seizure.

It is said that they cleared out the rebels and went to catch spiders, but someone had already burned them all.



An old blacksmith steps forward.

“I'll tell you what. I had a liquid weapon that ignited when I sprayed it in my house.

The Marquis has a slight interest.

“The fire of Grasmear? ”

“Yes, it is. ”

“Did you make this? ”

“Yes, Mr. President. ”

“Not bad. I heard it's not easy to make a bottle for a craftsman in his lifetime. ”

“I was lucky. I hid everything I had. But a few days ago, it was stolen. ”

“Stolen?" ”

“Yes, I don't know who the culprit is. I was anxious because no one guessed. ”

Listen to that.

I muttered to myself.

‘I'm sure.'

There is no doubt.

Lena went there. There can't be anyone else but her. It must have slipped into the castle and snuck into Grasmear's fire.

I gave her the location of the old man's house.

Grasmear's Fire revealed exactly where it was hidden.

‘Information. You got it right. ’

Lena single-handedly attacked the Spider Dungeon.

‘I did it.'

I was able to forget my grip for a moment.

The first button was stitched well.

Lena will do better. While attacking the spider web, I realized that my information was accurate.

Based on the information I've given you, I can rush out into the world.

In a world of violence and lust.

I truly prayed that she could live as she wished.

Just a moment of relief.


The erl frowns slightly. I felt tense. A worst-case scenario was drawn in my head.

You're not going after him, are you? ’

If the Marquis is after us.

No matter how much Lena grows, she can't run away.

We must be caught.

The man in front of me is the maze I learned over the course of three years.

It has unimaginable tracking capabilities.

Not to mention his combat strength.

‘We have to stop it. ’

I thought I was the bald guard commander. We had to stop Lena from getting hurt like that.

I really, really didn't want to interfere with her life this time.

I wanted to help.


I tried to get attention by moving my body. The monarch glanced at me with a clear look at what to do with me.

‘I don't care about the spider cave. Please turn it off. ’

It was then.


The door to the Resistance is wide open.

Knights dressed in similar armor as the Marquis are on their way in.

His footsteps were like feathers.

It looked like a light cloth, not a full plate of steel.

There are only seven.

But as soon as I heard, the entire immunity seemed to take over again.

They stop right in front of the Marquis of Ten steps.


At the same time, seven people knelt on one knee and clenched their fists to the chest.

“Greetings, Master, seven Blue Lion Knights. ”

“??? It's too soon. "

“The garrison is a Durban cart, but I was patrolling the area by accident. I am honored to answer your call for the first time. ”

“Very good. Is there a problem?" ”

“Knight Merek Avenvik. He holds the title of a Class 10 Chief." ”

The first knight I spoke of raised his hand.

[Empire Combat Lv.1 is triggered!]

Operation No. 29234; refers to Class 9 or higher of the Empire's 20 Products.

He is not lacking in any way to carry out his duties above the countryside.

You hear the Marquis's voice.

“All right, chief of staff, Meredith Avenburg.

I leave Eublam to you. Take care of the security gaps. ”

The baron glances at the administrators.

“Investigate them and execute them for their crimes. ”

The administrative officers' faces brightened. There was a man who sat with his lips shaking.

“I take my master's orders. ”

“Your discretion depends on the reduction of your cooperation. ”


A strand of hope shines upon the faces of the dying administrators.

The baron turns his eyes to the map.

“Opium dens and spider dens.


When I feel nervous all over my body.

“Of course, I delegate it to the head of the throne. ”


The stiff joints slowly loosened. This monster is not going after Lena right now.

The Marquis looks at the administrative officer with a grim face.

“Did you say there is a prison in the basement of the castle? ”

“That's right.”

“Lead them.”


The monarch heads for the dungeon.

I came down with a thought that I couldn't be separated from him.

The dark passageway is covered in the scent of blood and disinfectant. The 50 cries were painted on top of it in tumult.

I'll dedicate my eyes and my heart, so I cried out earnestly for a sip of opium.

The baron glances unsightly at the dungeon once.

Then he tucks, and touches the head of the guard commander.

The energy of the digging seeps into the guard commander's bald head.

It was an energy that scraped my nerves.

The guard commander thumps. The muzzle is loosened.

He asks nothing, but he confesses his sins endlessly.

I begged him to die.

The goal seemed to be suffocating enough.

With the exception of the fact that his teeth could not be pronounced properly due to pain, the Marquis and his conversation patterns were roughly as follows:

“Everything that's completely tasted is in the opium dens.


“With your arms and legs cut off." Next. ”

The monarch didn't seem to like the answer.

The next thing I heard from the administration,

I kept saying it was next.

But new ones were really rare.

Even coming out was not what the erl wanted.

‘It's the only way. ’

That guard commander had nothing to do with the Emperor's assassination.

Knowing what's happening.

It's just me.

If you're wondering.

‘Put your chin back in. ’

The base of the maxillary bone is hollow.

The lower jawbone was torn apart, so I couldn't hit it.

Of course.

I don't have the slightest intention of letting you in on the details.

I'll tell you when I'm sure you'll get away from him.

“Next. Next. ”

That's all the prince kept saying.

He had to listen to the wrong story.

The bald guard commander has spoiled all his childhood abused children, even his childhood raped experiences.

As much blood flows from his body as his secret.

There was no wound from the weapon.

All due to pure pain, his eyes and ears were bursting with blood.

Time has passed.


The monarch sighs briefly, but deeply. He seemed to think there was nothing more to hear.

Inside the prison cage, the strange harmony between the screams of those struggling with withdrawal symptoms and the bending of the guard commander continues.

The baron points at me with his finger.

I asked the guard commander. That was the last question.

“You really don't know? ”

“Queek, hick, mo, mo! ”

‘Yes, there's no way to know. ’

The monarch looks genuinely squeezed. He no longer tortured the guard commander. I ordered the First Officer beside me.

“Bring me a piece of opium. ”

“Hey, here it is! ”

The clerk opened the box in the corner. There is a lump of opium that clumps black.

The monarch plumps a whole chunk of opium into the mouth of the trembling guard commander.

There were no intercepted teeth.

The guard commander, who swallowed a deadly mass of opium, suffers with blood gushing from his nostrils.

“Thirty minutes. ”

The Grand Heir decides the remaining lifespan of the Guard Commander.

And by hand, opium addicts remove the caged iron bars.

Queek! Queek!

The name is the iron bars, but it collapses sideways like clay. It can't resist.

The monarch hurls the bald guard commander through the crack in the spear.

“Hee, hee? ”

The addicts all turn their eyes upside down.

I was tearing the skin off my stomach and digging for a piece of opium that went down the guard captain's throat somehow.

“Hnng, Hnng, Hnng, Hnng! Hiyaaak!”


It appears to have thrown the burning activated charcoal into the dying campfire.

Blood and intestines spurt up instead of fire.

The clerk sat there trembling.

The monarch looks like it's no fun.

I didn't pray for the Commander's good fortune.

My mind is full of thoughts of escaping the Marquis, so I'm not so relaxed. Dozens of people were watching in the dungeons inside the castle, a hundred times better than being held by the Grand Marquis.

But the baron throws me in front of the saddle and drives me.

Dagdac! Dagdac!

‘??? What do you think you can get out of me? ’

There was no hope. There was nothing I could do. I didn't think I could get away from him without handcuffs. I stared at the view.

It was a typical Southern autumn landscape.

When I walked with Lena, I thought it was the best season.

Fresh air fills my whole body.

It is the season when the leaves show the most colorful colors.

But lying in the barn of the baron made me feel completely different. I felt all the worse.

‘I can't even taste it. ’

I bow my head.

Chadduck! Chadduck!

With your head long and your ears down,

You hear the sound of sharp flapping wings.

It was a brass scarab.

‘You fly so well. ’

I didn't know where it came from, but I was really envious of the guy who was flying freely in the autumn sky.

Of course he has enemies.

When you're on the ground, squirrels and weasels might tear you apart and eat you.

But for now.

It is flying freely through clear air without disturbing anyone.

‘At least, you can't die on your own terms and not be tied down. ’

I was so jealous that I blew him away. The brass beetle hovers around slightly and quickly disappears.

The monarch stops in a small village near the road. I fed her food and relaxed her horses.

I went into the room and took off my armor. A neat black robe was revealed. The number of materials and embroidery looked very luxurious.

He looks like he's washing up, sitting down and practicing something.


What's going on? ’

He sits still in a blocked room, but his body flutters as the wind rises, and he goes down again.

‘I don't know if I'm sleeping or not. ’

I watched him quietly.

Human life is called the Four Great Swords of the Empire. Maybe there's something to learn from it.

Let's concentrate! ’


There was no income.

I can't watch you sit around and get something.

It's only been a few days since I've watched him.

Level up your Talent.

If you watch for a long time, you might realize something.

‘Not now.

The night is deep. You hear a little cry from afar.

Cough, cough.

Observe the Marquis ^ There is no income now. I was naturally interested in the sound of crying.

It sounded like a human child crying, but I knew what it meant.

"The cry of the fox. ’

I knew that because I lived in the mountains for a long time.

Slow down. Slow down.

The fox kept crying.

"What are you doing, crying like that? ’

Suddenly, I remembered the old story of being a fox.

It was a story that Circus read me on my lap.

‘Foxes don't have to be people.

Can't a world like that come? ’

After I finished reading the book, I remembered the story she added.

Cough, cough, cough!

Another night passed with the sound of the fox crying. Every time I hear crying, I think of the Circus.

The Marquis departs at dawn.

The wind blows through your cheeks. The base of the mandible was separated, so the wind blew more faintly into the skull.

Sand dust penetrates the inside of the skull.

I hit and passed.


Scarabs flew this way, too.

It was the same brass as before.

Is this a beetle infested area? ’

He sat on his clavicle, flapped his wings and sat on his skull.


The skull was shaken reflexively.

The monarch glances at you with a nagging gesture, then pushes you back without a word.

A car?

The beetle flew around its body with a small sound.

I sat here and I sat there.

When I looked at him twice, I could feel something tilting.

Chad! Chad! Chad!

‘Sounds... unusual. ’

It felt like tiny blades were constantly tightening.

Of course, it's a useless idea.

There can't be a scarab with blade wings.

The one with the thumb is actually quite cute. It was a beautiful and sophisticated creature.

But I was also a little worried.

Don't you think you're overreacting? ’

It seemed to lack awareness of the risks. You sneak up on a big creature like a running horse and pretend to be friendly around me.

I could feel it hovering around me.

‘It's annoying.

Shake and you'll be able to chase.

But I let my head down.

I watched him play.

I'm tied up and I can't do anything.

I didn't like myself trying to be tough on this little guy.

These beetles.

Maybe they think I'm some kind of rest stop.

The one with the thumb was crawling up my rib.

The widest rib was spun all the way around. The gear rotates around the pelvis on the spine.

Finally, slowly crawl from head to toe.


He swiftly flaps his wings and flies away.

What did you just do to my body? Is it like scarab habit? ’

Dagdac! Dagdac!

As you enter the mountain passage, the slope gradually curves. My body was shaking roughly up and down. The thought of the little scarab soon cleared my mind.

Day of the road week.

The horse entered the 'Black Forest Path'. Night has come.

‘Are you going camping by the river? There aren't any villages nearby.

I watched the baron and the horse sleep around the campfire.

They seemed to be fast asleep.

Hanging by my arms and legs, I began to move in earnest.

Dalgric. Dalgric.

The bones moved gradually. I've been doing this all week.

That's all I could do.

To get out of the handcuffs, I gather the carpal bones.

But there were no results.

Add-on to 'Lord of Bones'.

The skill level of skeletal displacement did not exceed 5.02%.

‘There's nothing I can do. ’

A feeling of helplessness came upon me.

It's not just a crisis. It was an overwhelmingly helpless situation where there was no chance of anything being won.

I remembered my first life.

It's time to be trampled by a valiant acolyte.

I remember crawling on the dungeon floor, picking up my broken leg bone and throwing it powerlessly.

I remember being trampled on by a warrior's foot and crushed by the acolyte's shield.

All the memories that were taken away from me.

I wanted to bite it, but it was missing a mandible.

The maxillary vertebrae are powerless to move through the air.

A similar feeling of helplessness came upon my whole body.

I compared the Marquis to the Warrior.

‘The feeling is quite different. ’

But one thing is similar.

It's unbelievably strong.

I have the power to force myself.

Accept your existence.

Invade the world and the typewriter

Humanity as a species rules the world.

There is no ethics or logic there.

‘I don't need it. ’

Only violence and desire.

Even then and even now, I am being coerced into infringement. I thought I was stronger, but I was mistaken.

I know.

‘Not yet. It's meaningless. ’

It reminds me of Circus, who was brutally murdered.

To protect her.

We must defeat warriors as strong as or above this mortal. I felt embarrassed by myself who had relaxed my mind a little.

I was terribly hungry for a moment. Thinking about how far I was going, I once again craved power.

I was prepared.

They may have to be trapped for decades. I decided to think of it as a fitting punishment for taking a loose attitude.


Wherever I take you, I take you. The Imperial Secret Prison is fine, or Azura's Spell Hold is fine.

It doesn't matter if I read the memory and seal me for a long time.

As long as it takes.

You might be able to steer clear.

I'm not finished if I die.

‘Maybe we can do better next time.

It was time to tighten up like that.

Cough, cough.

"Do foxes live a lot? ’

It was the sound of crying I heard the first night.

You hear the sound of the grass worm, the roar of another beast, and the sound of the river water.

However, according to today, the sound of crying was strangely troubling.

I looked at the deep sleep of the Marquis.

There was no sign of a breakup.

Rather, he looked more comfortable as if he were listening to a lullaby.

Slow down. Slow down.

The fox's cry echoes once more.

I used a skill. A skill that can be used while bound.

Often used with 'skeletal metamorphosis', my skill level has improved considerably.


[Detection Lv. م [Switch to Active.]

[Skill Effectiveness 400%.]

[0.0014% Health per second.]

But nothing caught my senses.

‘I hear crying, but there's no sign of it.' ’

I felt a chill.

Suddenly, the clear air of autumn night felt strange and heavy.

I turned around slowly, tied up.

It's not open yet, but the darkness starts to faint from the outside!

An iron screech echoes through the air. My head is throbbing.

I looked at the sound side.

It was the sound from the other side, right behind the bush I was looking back at.


Under the cloudy darkness, iron and iron scrape together and sparks flash.

Even in the face of the Dark Dagger, the Marquis's blade, which had only been drawn by a finger, was plucked from the sheath.

It was a well-sharpened sword without a single drop of stain. Silver and white without radiance seemed to suck the darkness out.

Who is it?

On the other side, there was torture. I couldn't see well in the dark.

Kaga River!

One more time, the blade got tangled.

The bounced wretch takes a deep breath and takes a large step back. And I fixed the weapon in my hand. The weapon in each hand was extremely bizarre.

It seemed like that would happen if I made the grappling hook look like a Lesser Sword.

It looked good after digging sharply and pulling.

‘Like that. You mean you used it on an opponent wearing armor? ’

I don't know what you're trying to pull, but...

It was an inappropriate weapon here.

At first, it seemed that the purpose of the torture was not a brawl. You see the Marquis's backpack falling between the two.

‘You tried to run away with it. ’

Since the Marquis woke up.

Or pretending to be asleep and getting ready. The bitter fate was steepening towards failure.

“I've waited a long time. ”

The monarch takes a step forward and swings his sword across. There was no preparation, and it was fast enough not to be noticed.


The bitter man crosses the grappling hook of his hands, barely holding back the blade. The sword scratches its hook and sparks.

The villain grumbles lightly.

“??? It's too strong, isn't it? ”

It was a voice with no gender or age at all.

A familiar voice would recognize it.

It was a natural story, but it wasn't.

The shock of the brawl makes you take five steps back. The monarch catches up to his movements in an instant.

“Let's talk slowly. ”

The baron speaks slowly. The swinging knife is not slow at all.

Ka 'ang!

The bitter man whines. Barely able to stop the blade. The floor standing on the ground is deep. The bitter leg dug deep into the mud to the calf.

“I'll take your arms. ”

The Marquis's body blurs momentarily.

A swarm of white light rises sharply from his sword.

At the same time, the dark red hook in both hands is cut like a rotten branch.

I couldn't avoid the agony of being cut off. It was not a sword swung at that speed.


A silver and white sword cuts through your arms. The swarm of light on the sword remains intact.

The assault was long enough to cut the beast right off, even if the beast had retreated ten steps back. The bitter man could not take a step back.

But I couldn't hear the sound of the herring.

There was no blood.

There were no short screams.

The bitter man extends his arm as it is. The arm that was broken by the sword was still the same.

The severed hand extends toward the duchess.

The 'cracked’ dark red hook in his hand returned to its original shape and passed through the Marquis's armor chest.

It wasn't pierced.

You hear no sharp clash of iron and iron. For the first time, the Marquis's face is full of embarrassment.

The two grappling hooks were ripping the Earl's heart out from both sides.

“Heart, you're taking it? ”

You hear a pranky voice behind the mask.


The monarch crashes into the ground.


The thrown body passes through the pain and is lying on the floor.

The hook falls forward, and the barnacle hurls a handful of blood on the floor.

Your heart is guarded, but your hook appears to have damaged your internal organs.

The monarch rolls the floor.

I put my trembling hand in my arms.

You pull out a small vial of golden light. Without daughter time, I forcibly shoved blood in my mouth.

Whoa, whoa!

The sound of chewing the bottle potion rings.

A sharp piece of glass blooms over the duchess' insides.

Meanwhile, the wretched man grabs his backpack.



He simply pulled out the stake and grabbed me. I was only able to look him in the face.


It wasn't a real fox.

It is a mask. The bitter man is wearing a white fox mask with three red stripes on his forehead.


The beast hits the floor. The modulated voice behind the mask whispers to me.

“Codename, 'Starlight Fox’. Initiate entry activities. ”