“This sounds so cheerful. ”

Ridiculous words were popping out of my mouth. The consciousness came alive.

But I couldn't move my body covered in something.

One finger.

I couldn't move on my own.

I felt like I was carefully tied to my body and moving.

I was afraid of strange senses.

You bend over, trying to get away from the transparent thread. But even I was mistaken for trembling. I couldn't move or stop.

“What? What did you just say? Did you?”

Lena looked at me with a vague face. I turned my head naturally.

“I don't know. Didn't you hear? ”

"I" reached out.


Lena strokes her chin slowly.

‘What nonsense! ’

You can't even see the impulse of unconsciousness. I've never had such a heart for a human woman.

All I have is a little compassion and responsibility.

However, the movements of the fingers grabbing the chin were incredibly soft and proficient.


It's what I do.

I quickly came up with an answer.

1. I am crazy.

2. I was taken over by something.

In the past few days, nothing seems to have released the poison. Even madness requires minimal instrumentation.

The answer is number two.

Then who?

Like most problems.

The answer was given a long time ago.


Belle 'Homet Isaac.

When his body burns to the ground, I have no choice but to adopt the answer that it is attached to me.

A frenzied laugh that had just resounded in my head.

Maybe it was his plan from start to finish.

He made Chandler dream.

You brought me here.

‘Damn it.'

But there is one question.

Why me?

If you say you are strong, there are some Azura Towers. There are swordsmen.

There is also a red flake belonging to the star fox of Gizgeraina.

It's enough to have a champion, not me.

It would be much easier to live in the human world.

The smoke that came in at once was as fast as it didn't exist.

I'm thinking of running.

I can't even imagine cutting it with a sword.

I could have eaten him if I wasn't. Why me?

It was a dead end.

If you do not move freely, your body is narrower than any prison. Realizing the seriousness of the situation didn't take long.

I can't even die on my own.

Is Chandler in on this? ’

Chandler's gaze is blurred after losing control.

An emotional expression after burning the egg.

Looking at the confused look on his face right now.

I don't think so.

Even if it was smoke before, there's no reason to keep my mask now that I've been completely taken away.

“Ha. Look at that skin. It's too soft. Should I have done it with you? ”

Even when I'm troubled, I'm skillfully harassing Lena.

“Master.? ”

Lena's face turns red like a petal on a peak. I blinked, my body stiffened.


Lena reaches for her clavicle.

You check the pulse. You whisper in your ear.

“You like me, right? ”

Lena's white neck suddenly turns red.

What the hell are you doing? ’


You concentrate your mind and try to retrieve your fingers. But I didn't move.

I felt Lena's changing body temperature and skin tone. My pulse is racing like crazy.

I screamed psychologically.

‘Stop. Stop. Stop.!'

[Resist possession!]

[Psych Resistance Skill does not exist. The Wisdom reading determines the probability and range of resistance.]

['The Implied World Destiny' is triggered; if you have more than 150 wisdom, you fall into 'Fear' and 'Forgetfulness'.]

[Wisdom is too low. Failed to resist.]

I was desperate in the pop-up notification window.

I don't think my wisdom is high enough. But you don't have 150 or less opponents?

It was when I was staring at him dazed because he was absurd.


You hear sighing on one side. I turned the dog and looked at the direction of the sighing. Chandler opens his mouth to the baron with a big look on his face.

“Well, thank you very much! Thanks to you, I have avenged my family for generations! I'll never forget your kindness! ”

“Well done. Your role was the greatest. ”

“No! I'm not.

“I've been hurting everywhere.

Knock, knock.

I tapped the skull with my finger.

“You met someone like me, right? ”

I couldn't even sense what was popping out of my mouth.

Chandler also tilted for a moment. But is it a reasonable guess? Soon, I nodded my head.

“Yes, I've never met someone as strong as a silver ball in my life! ”

“Well, rather than being strong right now. Let's just say you bought it most likely. ”

Chandler and Lena look at each other beautifully.

I didn't know what ‘my’ was talking about. A story about seeing the possibilities and stealing a body.

Do you think the shaman Bell 'Homet Isaac knew about the inner ear?

“You want me to come up now? Baltol!

You, come here. That was really good. ”

Moon angle.

Bamthol took two steps back cautiously.


I grabbed Bamthol, who was pulling back. My doctor was about to get caught in the hands and feet of a moving man, completely ignoring him.

I realized for the first time how defenseless I was against this kind of attack.

Even if you have more swords than an Imperial Guard, it doesn't matter if you lose yourself that easily.

If I die again and come back to life.

You must.

I thought I'd have to come up with a countermeasure for this kind of attack.

“Hehehe. The skull curve is so adorable. ”

Moon, Moon, Moon!

Baltol tried to get out of my arms.

‘Did you notice anything strange? ’

But I didn't let go of Baltol's tail.

Thank you for recognizing me.

But I felt more sorry for the guy who was struggling with it.

I felt a sudden crisis when I was lost in thought.

I'm harassing Lena.

I grabbed Baltoli's tail.

I don't know how long my body will be taken away. But if Gail waits, he'll have to die.


If only I could see Lena Baltol's murder alive and conscious.

Will he be able to hold his own?

The thought seemed to have covered the cold water.

The fact that there was a crisis several times greater than death began to come true again.

Moon. Moon.

On one side of the view, a swinging balcony comes in.

“Why are you acting so tough? You don't have to fight your way in. Look at that. It's wide open. Huh?”

"I" refers to the passageway that came in. The passageway was completely open. It was the same in front and back.

Lena blinks, with her white neck hanging red.

“Just like that.! ”

“Now that you've killed the shaman, the dungeon is over. ”

“By the way, teacher. Are you sure you're okay? ”

You're going to be as smart as Baltol.

Lena has a good feeling. You've been watching me right next to you.

After putting on the smoke, his attitude and behavior changed. I thought there was no way I wouldn't feel it.

But it was hopeless.

[Use Hypnotic Lv.15!]

[Use Implicit Lv.15!]

“Sure. I'm totally fine. Isn't that right?"

Your voice is strangely lowered.

I can feel the rhythm of the spells in my voice.

“I see. Are you going? ”

“Everyone here is fine. The people out there are fine, and the lord is fine, if that's cool. Right?"

I looked around slowly.

Just... just...

I bounced my fingers regularly.

The people nod, their faces dazed as if they were ringing in their ears.

“Oh, yeah.

“That's right.”

Cristina and Chandler nodded.

Hypnosis and implication.

Such skills have never been absorbed or learned.

‘My body was taken away. They even have skills in them. ’

Moreover, the level is too high.

It's hard to hope for resistance.

“I think everything's fine. ”

Lena nods.

Even a quick word of her revitalized me.

Regardless of the miserable heart, "my" mouth was open naturally.

“Everyone okay? Then let's go up.”

The group makes a simple getaway from the grave. Through the long corridors and the collapsed golems.

It was already night outside.

“Everyone take a break. Check with the lord. Well, he'll be fine. ”

You briefly tell the group.

Chandler looks like he just remembered the lord. Walking down the passageway, Chandler doesn't have much to worry about with the lord.

Before entering, I was very nervous that if a shaman dies, the lord will be shocked. Implications and hypnosis were triggered properly.

Chandler and Cristina step back.


My hand went up her collarbone to her neck. And I grabbed a small jaw skillfully.


Lena looked at me with obedient eyes.


I looked around my face. Her neck moves lightly to the left and to the right without resistance, even though she does not have the strength of her chin support.

“I'll rest by myself today. Is that okay?"

“Very well. I'll sleep further away today. ”

Lena takes a dazzling step away. Bamthol lowers himself and growls, holding her in his arms.

He's still in his right mind.

I thought it was not even worth hypnotizing.

Jubbuck, Jubbuck.

Her footsteps echo through the long corridor.


I'll sit on the couch. Fluffy.

Vision is the same as sensation. It's just taken control of the body.

In front of the big couch is a mirror.

I don't know if 'my’ is the intention, but it is the best place to slowly observe myself.


"I" began to take off my armor one by one. I turn my head and stutter one by one.


I put my hand inside the ribs.

I rubbed my fingertips together as if I were checking the width.

Augrad felt stiff as his joints became stiff.

You have to die. You have to kill yourself at some point.

I don't know what I'm going to do.

I may do things with my own hands that I will regret over and over again. You see a dagger leaning against the couch.


Move. Move. Let's move.

Come on, please.

I'll rip his head off with a sword and kill myself.

If I start over, I'm not going to find this tomb ever again.


Your fingertips move. You reach towards the hilt. That's all. I have no strength left. I was completely mentally exhausted.


After throwing off all the armor, the 'I’ held hands and looked in the mirror. You see a white skeleton tilting in front of the painted glass behind the mercury.

“Hmm? Still. Are you conscious? It didn't fall through the cracks? ”


The tinnitus rang in my head. The sound is sticky. It seems to envelop your mind.


The strange tinnitus continued endlessly.

Immediately, I began to hear every detail of the grain of tinnitus.

Tens of millions of crows roar.

A huge crow dug into the ritual downstairs.

The man with the blue eyes on top looked at me and spoke to me.

Ah. I said I was a little reluctant.

Are you really staying? Tell me. ”

Who are you? ’

Me? Who do you think I am? I can't believe this. I can't believe you can't take away your identity with a ghost. It never happened in the magic world.

‘Mahjong.? Are you going to be a Malphas? ’

This is the Temple of Malphas. Thought he'd been killed by a shaman, but it was a fairly likely story.

Hahahaha.! Hahahaha.!

However, the man on the crow grabbed the boat and laughed.

A large platinum earring on his ear was shaken by a terrible smile.

From the ten-finger ring to the bracelet to the jewelry pierced in the bottom of the hut, he was a jewel decorator.

“Hahahaha.! ”

The laughter did not end in consciousness. ‘Me’ smiled in front of the mirror, frowning.

“Don't exaggerate. Will the king come to you? ”


In reality and consciousness, the voice rang twice.

How long are you going to be here? If you don't like it, turn around. ’

Shut up.He's a fool who can't even use his abilities, but he's worth it to prepare for the coming.

A man wrapped in jewelry looked down at me with arrogant attitude.

You can't use your abilities? ’

The man did not answer.


My body moved without hesitation.


I opened a glass jar containing lurium with a clear sound.

Don't touch me! ’

You must give it to Lena.

Lena, who was caught in the dark, left all the vials in my room.

In order for her to be head of the branch.

If you interrupt for one second, I will kill her tonight.

“The sword.”


Suddenly, a blue sword comes out from the end of the dagger in your hand.

"I" looked in the mirror and began to hold the dagger inside the ribs with a careful hand.