Yudo's looting continued afterwards.

Good thing the landlord is dead. Yudo walks freely through the Oaks' mansion.

Found cluttered clothes hanging in one of the rooms I accidentally entered.

Adventurer's Clothing @ Rarity

(clothes that runaway adventurers prefer to wear. It feels good and moves easily)

The first thing Yudo saw was a change of clothes.

I don't know what's going on with the culture in this world, but at least it won't be a good idea to walk outside in a jersey stained with the Oaks' return blood.

How come there's human clothing in the Oaks' mansion?

It was Yudo who only questioned it for a moment, etc., but for the slave traders who treat humans as commodities, I guess these are also one of the tools of commerce.

When Yudo found the affordable man's clothes hanging in his room, he decided to dress his jersey inside the Magic Bag and change into Adventurer's Clothes.

(In case... you need spare clothes too...)

Yudo packs the men's clothes in the room in a magic bag from next to next.

"Oh, I'll take this."

Bat Cloak @ Rarity

(Cloak made by smoothing Giant Bud's skin. Excellent resistance to wind magic)

Yudo glanced at the description by the Devil's Eye. No, he just decided to wear the Bat's Cloak.

This equipment could be treasured for a long time to come.

Apparently made of bat skin, the black cloak has the perfect shade to disperse in the darkness during night warfare.

I can't really feel the effect yet, but from now on, it's also convenient to hide the weapons I've got.

In the end.

Yudo succeeded in obtaining a total of fifteen pieces of "Adventurer's Clothes" in addition to "Bat's Cloak" in this room.

Legendary Oak Treasure Sword @ Rarity

(A wave in the sword once supposedly used by Orcs heroes. diverse gemstones, and owning this sword will be a status for the Orcs to boast their status)

"Something awesome came up -!!"

In the middle of walking down the hallway of the mansion.

Yudo discovers items that appear to be highly rare at first sight.

"But I don't know what it feels like to stay in this chest..."

I feel like the word oak is ruining everything even though it is an item with a well-dressed name because of it.

What the hell is a legendary oak......

While Yodo thinks about it, he stores it in a magic bag with a flat face when he takes the Legendary Oak Sword decorated on the wall.

"... ugh. You're getting heavy."

Shortly afterwards, I felt The Magic Bag gaining weight all at once.

Apparently, if this item exceeds the limit capacity of 100 kilograms, the specifications will reflect the weight as it is after that.

"... have you stolen too much from the boulders?"

It would be too long given the risk of the orcs coming back out there, and it would be dangerous to stop at the mansion.

Yudo, who had so decided, went out of the mansion in exasperation.