Probably because maps were pasted all over the city.

It didn't take that long before Yudo arrived at the Adventurer's Guild after he left the inn.

The Adventurer's Guild was a big one among the stone buildings around it, and the interior was full of people.

They were uniformly armed with swords, axes, etc., and had an adventurous look.

"Hello, are you an adventurer?

A beautiful sister responded when Yodo stood in front of the reception.

Compared to the spica we met at the inn, she was as clear and elegant a woman as it was rude to compare.

Probably some famous family lady.

From her standing, the virtues of growing up seeped everywhere.

Emilia Gartnet

Race: Huma

Occupation: Alliance Staff

Inherent Ability: Sabotage Kanna Suspicious Arm (The Breaker)

Sabotage Kanna Suspicious Arm (The Breaker) @ Rarity

(Ability to strike out the magic of objects touched with your left hand without question)

Foreword withdrawn.

(This sister TUEEEE!

Yudo was stunned when he unexpectedly discovered his character-like intrinsic abilities (unique skills).

"... Yes, no. Actually, this is the first time I've been here. Is there anything I can do?

"... Got it. We will consult with you. Issuance of adventurer cards is mandatory for use of the facility. It will cost you 300 rears to register your card, but no problem?

"Yes, I'm fine"

"Now please sign this form."

After filling out the name on the paper handed over, I return it to Emilia.

"... you are Master Connoe Yut. This is the first time we have used the Alliance, so let me briefly describe this facility."

Emilia continues in a familiar tone.

"An Adventurer's Guild… To be brief, it is a facility that provides good offices to adventurers on quests requested by countries and individuals.

Quests range from crusading demons to searching for missing cats, and once accomplished, adventurers are rewarded with difficulty and paid QP (Quest Points). "

"... excuse me. What's QP?

"You can be interpreted in a way that is a necessary point to increase the QR (Quest Rank). QR means that our facility quantifies Yut's confidence.

Raising the QR will make it possible for Yut to order higher difficulty quests… or to obtain loans from banks depending on their level of trust. "

"I see. Okay."

When I heard that the Adventurer Guild assures me of my identity... I thought the mush was too good a story, but now I have a point.

Apparently, the trust you need to live in this world is what you have to do the trick and the quest and stack it up and go.

"Your guild card has been issued. Do you want to place an order for the quest quickly?


"Yes, this will be a list of quests that can be ordered with Master Yut's QR"

Crusade Quest

● Crusade for Red Slime

Required QR: LV1

Conditions of success: Crusading ten Red Slime.

Success Reward: 200 Rear & 10 QP

Repeat: Yes

● Crusade for Blue Slime

Required QR: LV1

Conditions of success: Crusading ten Blue Slime.

Success Reward: 200 Rear & 10 QP

Repeat: Yes

● Bat Crusade

Required QR: LV1

Conditions of success: Crusading ten bats.

Success Reward: 400 Rear & 20 QP

Repeat: Yes

Exploratory Quest

● Exploring the Lost Dragon

Required QR: LV1

Conditions of success: Discover the lost child dragon and bring it back to the Adventurer Alliance

Success Reward: 8000 Lear

Repeat: not allowed

"Um... it's a crusading quest, how can I prove that I defeated a demon?

"I've also included the details in the booklet I'll give you after I place the quest order, but basically you need to strip away the demon area you defeated and take it home.

For example, in the case of Red Slime, an item called "Red Slime Nucleus" must be delivered here. "

"... I see"

(But you pay less for crusade-based quests than I thought)

If you're going to judge it on par, even if you succeed in doing three crusade-based quests, the reward you get is 800 Lear.

If I stayed two nights at the Borough Inn last night, all my money for the day would be blown away.

"All these quests are indefinite. It is possible to order everything at the same time, as long as Master Yut is available, but how?

"Then let me order everything in bulk"

"I understand. That and this will be the Beginner's Support Set, which is to be given to those who are new to the Alliance. Feel free to use it if you like."

"Thank you"

"We'll move on to the later process here. I pray that Lord Yut's journey is a good one"

Apparently now the adventure is all set.

Receiving the Beginner's Support Set from Emilia, Yodo gives a token before leaving the Adventurer's Guild behind.

(This will be my first job in a different world life.)

In Yudo's chest, the emotions of excitement and anxiety were mixed in half.