
When Yodo heard the noise and left the garden, there was a figure of Lassen & Luna tied up in a state of full creativity and plant crawling.

"Um... what are you both doing?

There was something very masculine about Lassen & Luna hanging from the top of the tree naked.

"Kuh...... kill it"

"No. I won't kill you, though."

Yudo calmly scratches at the confused Lassen words.

Musty, fleshy and good Lassen's body has a different colour than Spica & Sylphia's.

Lassen's full of zero breasts and buttocks were devoured by the crawl of "The Tree Incarnation," where he was once again creating unspeakable fun.

"Hey, what are you looking at as a giro! You pervert! Perverted pervert!

Upset by being seen naked, Luna rumbles around with jitter as she is tied up by a tree crawl.


This behavior was frivolous.

Luna's locality, which for this reason was hidden in a good way by the spreading of trees, will appear polarized.

"Hih. No!

If this is the animated world, then the mysterious light is where it enters, but naturally that can't happen because this place is real.

Luna, who had been seen locally, moved her hands and feet even more jittery...

The more she pulled back, the wider the sight of Eye Bliss was to be in Yudo's sight.

"Erm. Well, I can somehow imagine that this is the situation... The monsters guarding the garden caught you, didn't they?

Yudo had given orders to the monsters guarding his home to "disable him and detain him if he finds a suspicious person".

As for Yudo, I didn't mean anything by it...

Perhaps they interpreted the part of 'powerlessness' in a way that 'leaves you naked and tied up'.

"... hehe. hahaha!

Russen, who received Yodo's words, suddenly starts laughing softly at what he thought.

"What's wrong with you?

"Eut-kun. You won't have to underestimate me. The title of Bronze Rank is sweet, but I'm told that Atashi's strength is inherently matched by Gold Rank Adventurers.

There's no way that Atashi... could take a step backwards on junior monsters like Skeleton, is there?

"What. Then how did you end up like that...?

"This is a hobby"


"... Atashi learns sexual excitement about being tied naked in the garden of a man's house. Any complaints?

A turn away from the usual masculine attitude.

out of sight, dyeing her cheeks red, but Lassen tells her.

Naturally, her words are lies.

For Lassen, it was better to think he was a pervert of exposure fanaticism than to reveal the fact that he lost to guard the garden.

"Shh, seniors! What do you say!? Hate and hobbies like that to us..."

"Ha-ha-ha! Luna. Think of what you're going to say! They'll share the same hobbies together."

"Yu, Mr. Yut! This is different! Everything the seniors are saying is texty! Believe me!


Luna complains of her innocence in tears when she is to be put under unexpected suspicion.

(this guy...... how priceless is he!?)

Yudo put a scratch in his heart against senior adventurers who continued to act unexpectedly.