Meanwhile, the same moment.

Although Mamon suffered serious damage as a result of Yodo's attack, he managed to retain his life by using expensive secret drugs he kept inside the treasure trove.

(...... Connoe Ut. I will never forgive you)

At the end of Mamon's journey, with his staff, is the underground facility of the Tower of the Four Beasts.

Mamon was trying to assemble his strongest men, the Four Beasts, in this place to secure new power.

"Whoo-hoo. What time is it since we got together? White Tiger."

"Ahem? Are you bogged down? Jizzy, we've been together since the Legendary Blood Battle 50 years ago."


The Four Beasts, who had received an urgent summons from their superiors, had gathered at Mamon.

Ten hierarchical guardians "Xuanbu" and twenty hierarchical guardians "White Tiger" who arrived earlier were mutually restrained.

"It's noisy. In front of the great Mamon... shame on you"

"Hey Blue Dragon. It's been a long time since we've gathered like Xuanbu said, so let's stick together."

When the later leader "Blue Dragon" draws attention, the member's red dot, "Peacock", puts it to rest.

The gathering of the Four Beasts, among the Demons, with comparable powers to the Seven Great Sins, resulted in the tower's underground facilities being filled with super-high concentrations of magic.

"Ah. There's nothing else you guys got together today. It's been a long time since I've tried to consume the Summoning Stone, so I'd like to ask for an escort between now and when I use the Slavery Agreement."

Mamon tells us when the four beasts have gathered.

The humiliation received from Yodo for Mamon, who was born and doesn't know defeat, was hard to put to the brush tongue.

Humans summoned from different worlds often possess powerful intrinsic abilities.

Mamon wanted an alien who would surely be enslaved as a force to defeat Yudo.

"Whoa. Mamon. Jokes are tough. You didn't summon us to call one human being, did you?

The first objection to this word was the White Tiger, one of the shortest of the four beasts.

"White Tiger. I've anticipated your reaction. I want you to see this first."

When Mamon prefaced so, he removed the Demon Stone of Summoning from his nostalgia.

"Ooh. Oh, my God..."

"Huh. Is that what this is about? Say it from the beginning!

"Seriously surprised! There's such a beautiful stone."

"The boulder is Master Mamon. I didn't know we had so many demonic stones..."

Each of the four beasts who have witnessed the demonic stone of the summons will leak an exclamation.


For the Demon Stone of Summoning, which Mamon had taken out, was so radiant that it illuminated the dim basement.

Although the Demon Stone of Summoning has the effect of summoning humans from different worlds, it was known that there is a correlation between the human ability to call and the purity of the demon stone.

Some of these cases don't apply to this example...

Humans who commonly invoke using the pure Demon Stone of Summoning often possess powerful intrinsic abilities.

"Indeed... with all that stone, you seem to be able to summon interesting humans. But it's Mamon. Isn't it too much power to collect the Four Beasts? No matter how strong their inherent abilities are, they're human, aren't they?

"I admit it's excessive force. But, well, I've never been cautious. I've never used a stone like this before."

If you bracket a taka because the other person is human, you might get your feet shrugged in unexpected places.

That is what I experienced in my battle with Yudo.

According to Mamon's standpoint, Yodo's ability to fight is equivalent to or greater than The Four Beasts.

If we want to keep our men together, we won't lose, but this one will be devastated.

In some cases, Mammon wanted a new subordinate, even at some risk.

"Well. There will be ghosts or snakes..."

Mamon can put his magic into the Demon Stone of Summoning while expecting new power.

Immediately after that.

The demonic stone is crushed with the sound of parint and the door of the dimension is opened.

"What is this guy...? Are you sure you're human......?

Mamon is stunned when he sees' it 'emerging from inside.

It was there as if it embodied every 'despair' in the world - a disastrous nanica.