Yudo had a sister who will be in third grade this year.

Her name is Kingsguard Aikie.

Beautiful appearance. Excellent grades.

Besides having the humility not to put their talents on their noses, the boys in the class wanted to worship the love dish by calling it 'angel'.

"Me, I want to be your brother's daughter-in-law when I grow up!

The only drawback of a kind, smart sister...

That was severe enough to interfere with everyday life.

Yudo was laughing and listening to the dialogue 'I want to be your brother's daughter-in-law when I grow up' as child's bullshit...

Her thoughts just amplify with each passing day and there is no sign of her standing and disappearing.

Yudo lived a pioneering day for the days when he was favored by his blood-connected sister.

"How can you make me your brother's wife?

"Actually, I... I can only like girls stronger than myself. So I'll marry you when my appetizers are stronger than me."

Of course it is a lie.

Yudo, who knew that his sister's thoughts would never be fulfilled, tried to make him give up by offering impossible conditions for his appetizers.

"Okay! Well then, Summon, Kingsguard appetizer...... To be the woman of your choice... I will definitely try to be strong!

It was only in the third grade that Akitori began martial arts in this way.

It was Yudo's kindness to want his sister to live a true life that he lied about...

Years later.

I didn't expect my sister to acquire enough power to threaten herself with the most powerful martial art "Heart Funeral Stream" that remains in modern Japan -.

At the time, Yudo didn't even dream of it.

This is an apartment built in Ota-ku, Tokyo.

There was also a reputable and stately one girl living in the neighborhood in room 302 of that apartment.

Since Yodo was summoned to another world, the environment surrounding the vegetables will change.


Loving vegetables had completely lost their loving appearance as everyone looked back.

Her body is creepingly thin, and her crisp, big eyeballs are about to pop out of her face.

As a result of being drooling without drinking and eating, her lower body was flooded with manure, and her hair stretched out to bosom had massive amounts of silk.

"Brother... where are you..."

The reason why Akitori became like this today was in the disappearance of Yudo, a biased brother.

Since the time of the mood, the loving vegetable had a romantic sentiment that could also be called bigotry towards his blood-connected, fruitful brother.

The existence of Yudo for the appetizer is its own 'world' itself.

The loss of Yodo was synonymous with the annihilation of the world for Akitori.

"Brother... Brother... I want to see you... I want to see you..."

Akane stared at the photograph of Yodo decorated on the apartment wall in a state of sudden self-loss.

In addition to the photographs, the apartment is lined with her treasures such as dolls imitating Yudo's appearance, mufflers knitted with Yudo's body hair, and shredded tissue paper from the trash can in Yudo's room......

"Let's die now... I can't help but live in a 'world' without your brother..."

Loving vegetables, who were born with a sharpness in mind that strayed from the regular track, had a thin understanding that there was no Yodo in this world.

If I don't have a brother, I can't help it if I live any longer.

It doesn't make sense where I trained my body to be strong.

The world of losing its beloved man was for appetizers, just vain.

(Oh. Finally picked me up...)

Suddenly a dazzling light plunged in front of him.

When I thought about it, I had already been drinking and eating for over a month.

How extremely martial arts do you mean you can't beat hunger?

The appetizer goes in with a vain eye, trying to be invited into the light.