This is one of the most insecure areas in Spain, known as the Slam.

Slimmed, thin street childrens in gullies.

A middle-aged man sleeping on the ground with a frightened look from a drug trip.

Thin dirty whore wrapped around a borough.


The slums are overflowing with human beings who are also turned to soppo by the slave traders.

There was such a magnificent mansion in the heart of such a slum as to be confused with a noble mansion.

One of the seven great sins...

The Lazy Demon King. It is the mansion of Belphegor.

"... Damn. Lucifer's husband does terrible things, too. More importantly, you're not going to choose my house as your rendezvous!

"I'm sorry. Belphegor, what a convenient environment for summoning the Seven Major Crimes is Slam."


Inside the mansion were the strongest demonic group - six demonic tribes assembled among the seven great sins.

Lucifer, the arrogant demon king.

Satan, the Angry Demon King.

Leviathan, the jealous demon king.

Belphegor, the lazy demon king.

Belzebub, the demon king of bulimia.

Asmodeus, demon king of lust.

It was not until 500 years ago, during the battle against Legendary Blood, that the seven great sins of the individualists gathered so much at once.

"Temeye! Cora! Lucifer! What happened to the Mamon bastard!? That kizza bastard...... when are you gonna show up!

It was Satan who cut the paralysis into a situation where Mamon would not show his face until hours later.

Satan's appearance with upside-down hair and silver accessories is no different than that of the slums wandering around.

But don't let the appearance fool you.

Satan, who lacks daily training as a Demon Nation, was known for his name as a militant who contends for one or two of the seven great sins.

"Mamon is dead. He was found dead in the Four Beasts Tower the other day. Nothing else has gotten me together today. I was thinking about talking about the aftermath."


The other five Demons, who received reports of their fellow deaths from Lucifer, were unable to spin much of the stunner.

"Hey Lucifer! What do you mean? Indeed, his combat ability was poor among us... It shouldn't have been such an easy ball to kill! That report...... is not a mistake!?

The first to object to this report was Leviathan, who is in a position to put together the Demons as Lucifer's right arm.

Known by his name as the beauty of the Seven Great Sins, Leviathan had a luscious colour that could only be served to older women.

"... I agree with Levia. There are 'Four Beasts' around him in the first place. Legendary Blood Class opponents are supposed to take a lag when they show up."

It was Asmodeus, the oldest of its members, who raised his voice to synchronize with Rare Viatan.

He was usually Asmodeus, known for his name as an oligarchy samurai, but all this time there was a mix of upset colors in his voice.

"I also thought it was some kind of mistake when I first heard it. But I actually confirmed it with this eye. Unfortunately, Mamon's death is an indisputable fact..."

"Don't be ridiculous!

Satan raises his angry voice to block Lucifer's report.

"That Mamon is dead......!? Mm-hmm. It's easy to believe! I'll never believe it! Until you check with these eyes... you'll never believe it!

Satan, who left himself to his emotions, leaves the room behind silently when he leaves such words behind.

"Hey! Satan! You... where are you going!?

"Leave him alone."


"That's what I knew from the beginning. You won't be able to convince him where you said something in your words."

So far for Lucifer, things are within our expectations.

It would take a while for Satan, who seemed thin and weighed his circle of companions more than anyone else, to start accepting Mamon's death.

"Well. Shall we decide on the future? First of all, it's the identification of the killer who killed Mamon... but I want to leave this to Leviathan and Belphegor. With Levia's abilities, it would be easy to determine the killer's abilities."

Copy that.

"... chip. Why me?"

Whoever killed Mamon, if Lucifer's predictions are correct, is so difficult to outwit any opponent in the past.

Given the compatibility of his abilities, Leviathan naturally cannot take off Berfegor, who is second only to Lucifer among the seven great sins in preparation for the unforeseen.

"Asmodeus and Belzebub follow the whereabouts of the missing Mamon men."

According to reports received from my men, there are demons on the run, taking advantage of Mamon's death to bring treasure from the Four Beasts' Tower.

It will be an authentic task, but with our nexus of the oldest Asmodeus, we will also be able to determine where we are.

Belzebab, the youngest member, often combined to work with an experienced Asmodeus, independent of the content of his work.

(Yabba ~. Could it be Ute who defeated Mamon? But Atashi hasn't given us any information on Mamon yet.)

Of all the demons who were in the room that Yudo was following Mamon's whereabouts, only Belzebub knew.

Belzebub had previously exchanged promises to report to Yodo as soon as he found out where Mamon was.


If something happens that makes Mamon and Yudo come into contact, the possibility of the two of them going into battle is well thought out.

(Ahhh. How could Atashi do such boring work...... I want to see you soon, Yuto.)

The content doesn't get in my head at all even when I'm listening to the job description.

Belzebub, passionate about Yudo, exhaled deeply.