Yudo, who was charged with the final trial from Yuna, was on his way to the northern mountains as planned.

"By the way, have the two of you ever been to a hot spring?

"Of course it is. The hot springs of the mountains of the north are indispensable to optimize the flow of phantom steel."

"Let it go. But when we were eight, Sophie would have been given the same test by her teacher when she was eleven."

Maybe the journey to the hot springs is incredibly difficult? And he was afraid, but that's not even what he was going to look at from the mouth of the two of them.

As for Yudo, who was comfortable with the difficulty of the final trial, he felt beaten up.

"It's just. There's only one kind of cautious acan monster in this mountain."

"... right. We just have to be careful with that monster."

It was just after the two of them looked at each other unexpectedly.

Suddenly, multiple black shadows run through Yudo's back.

Seaf Ape Threat LV18

"" "Ukey! Kick, kick, kick!" "

It was a small monkey monster about 50 cm long that appeared before the Yodos.

"General! Please check your belongings! Maybe something has already been stolen in the current attack!

"Nooooooo! Shit! My wand! I don't have a cane!?"

Mikael kneels to the ground in dismay when he realizes that one of the sheaf apes is stealing his wand.

"Totally. The boulder is Mikael. Legendary Blood is the weakest. I didn't know you'd do it every time you seaf ape... it's not sloppy."

Sophia snorts muffled, making sure the bag she has was safe.

"You know. Sophie, it's hard to say..."

"What is it? Sally, say it clearly."

"Downstairs, you should see. Yeah?

"... Yes?

Following Sally's point, Sophia, who lowered her gaze, was stunned.


Because I realized that Sophia, who had her skirt stolen by Seaf Ape, was exposed to the ugliness of wearing a doya face while rounding out her pants.

"Wow! Why!? Why!?"

Sophia was upset.

No matter how fast Seaf Ape says it is, it is a monster level story.

It should not have been the enemy of Sofia, which is a legendary blood if it had been.

Apparently, compared to previous visits, Seaf Ape was polishing its speed.

"Temeye! Conoe uto! You're not looking at Sophie's pants!

"Don't look at me! Ponkotsu ramen!"


Mikael, who received Sophia's full force punch, was rolling to the ground and cramping his pimples and body.

(... I see. A monster that specializes in stats to speed)

In an earlier exchange, Yudo instantly understood the nature of Seaf Ape.

Even more troublesome is the fact that Seaf Ape is extremely intelligent.

It's never a coincidence that I aimed for Mikael's wand, Sophia's skirt.

Seaf Ape had the brains to think about what they could efficiently seal their movements if they stole from them.

"You monkey tu! Give me back my bra! Without that, your chest won't be in the way to fight."

"Hey, what-!?"

Yudo, hearing Sally scream, accidentally disturbs his concentration.

I'm also worried about Sophia's pants, Sally's bra, like switching to combat mode through my head.

(Shit. Don't do it, Seaf Ape! Our weaknesses are foreseen!

I can also snort that Sophia and Sally are alert.

Seaf Ape was more troublesome in some ways than any monster Yudo had ever met.

(Think the other way! It's more likely that you can defeat Seaf Ape and increase your liking later and have delicious thoughts than see girls underwear here!

Yudo uses his delusions of specialty to forcefully switch into combat mode through his head.

"Come on. What are you stealing from me? Lord Ete."

"" "Ukey! Kick, kick, kick!" "

I guess I was wary about Yudo, who wouldn't disturb only one person's concentration.

Seaf Ape uses his Trinity team play to storm toward Yodo.

"- A magical back? I thought so."

In addition to food, weapons and valuables, the magical backpack Yudo was carrying was cash worth half of his entire fortune.

He thought it would be safer to put some of the assets in the back than to keep them inside the mansion, where the security challenges remained.

"" "Ggah!?" "

Successfully robbing the magical back, the chronic Seaf Ape suddenly screams dull.

No matter how quickly they move, countermeasures are easy if you know how to move next.

Yudo, who had anticipated in advance that the buck would be stolen, was quickly breaking the bone in Seaf Ape's neck.

Yudo checks his status there.

Yodo Kimbai

Inherent Abilities: Ability Plundering Slavery Contract Demon Eye Through Alarm Growth Promotes Magic Refining Soul Creation Magic Compression Shadow Sewing

Magic: Fire Magic LV4 (12/40) Water Magic LV6 (10/60)

Wind Magic LV5 (13/50) Holy Magic LV6 (37/60)

Magic LV6 (6/60)

Characteristics: Fire resistant LV6 (9/60) Water resistant LV3 (0/30)

Wind resistant LV4 (6/40)

Wind magic experience was up by nine.

Apparently, the skills you can gain from Seaf Ape are Wind Magic Plus 3.

"- Apparently, this steal was my win."

Yudo, who activated the looting of abilities as he thought, muttered rather than directed it at anyone.