Meanwhile, at the same time

Cloud J. First, who made the Blake Monster Crusade, a mission, was visiting the King's Capital, Spain, underground.

Knowing only a limited number of human beings as the first to draw royal blood muscles, this facility was an ultra-legislative organization founded to combat evil gods - the Azit of The Numbers.

(Since when on earth has da...? What triggered my "Alarm" skills...?

Mechanical Instructional Weapon (Deus Ex Magica) @ Rarity Details Unknown

(Skills of freely creating weapons)

Cloud's intrinsic ability to possess Rarity Details Unknown The Magic Instruction Weapon of Machinery boasted the most powerful class of killing abilities among existing skills.

From laser weapons to nuclear missiles, the cloud is at a glance in The Numbers, where all weapons can be handled freely.

The number given by the organization to the cloud is number [04].

Among the Numbers, which supposedly gained more power as the numbers went low, the cloud was unusual for being a latecomer member but in the top five position.

"Welcome back. Cloud. That was fast."

The girl who welcomes you about the cloud is named Lucy Lu.

She was a little girl with memories of being Japanese in her previous life.

"How'd it go? What is the performance of the new warp device?

"Perfect da. Number [07] Lucy Lu. As always, you're working fast, Na."

The warp device located at the Anti-Evil God headquarters was developed by Lucy, who is in charge of the Numbers "Systems Division.

The device identifies the location of the Blake Monster and allows the Crusade Squad to be sent in immediately.

"Well - hey. When it comes to programming, I work out at Death March in my previous life."

Lucy's previous life was SE for a black company.

Falling down during overwork at work, Lucy was one of the Numbers' ancient Ginseng members to reincarnate into the other world.

"So, how was it? Who are you today?

"Totally...... the shoulder watermark was a good place too yo. I'm not going to enjoy not getting a little more erosion going, sir."

Defeating the Giant Warm that occurred in the Raghur Mountains (primary) was easier for the cloud than twisting the baby's hand.

Now it's hard to even remember what Giant Warm looked like.

(I'm still worried about that guy, Na...)

Moment Memory @ Rarity

(Skill of fully remembering footage seen in the past)

Cloud was stunned as he stared at Yudo, who he preserved in Moment Memory.

"Lucy, by the way. Didn't you see Arch, Ka?

"Oh. If Ark was in the dossier room earlier..."


Without waiting until the end for Lucy's words, Cloud heads to the Documents Office of the Anti-Evil God Headquarters.

The man - Ark Schwartz was sitting in a chair but one, twilight in reading.

"I've met a man named Connoe Yut you were talking about."

"... right"

Ark scrolls through the pages of the book silently when he returns the words with no interest.

That throwing attitude had something to backstroke the nerves of the cloud.

"What do you mean, da? Number [06] Ark Schwartz. Why is Connoe on our side, Nye?

Compared to his simple combat abilities, Yodo's strengths lie shoulder to shoulder with the members of the Numbers.

Ark, who takes on the talent management of the organization in one hand, knows Yudo exists, and why doesn't he move to solicitation?

It didn't surprise the cloud.

"Konoe is not chosen by the goddess Artemis, Ka? From my eyes, he seemed qualified enough, Na."

"... what do you do when you know that? We'll find out when the time comes."

Rebirth @ Rarity Details Unknown

(The power to be reborn into another organism when you lose your life. This skill is taken over even after reincarnation)

Due to the nature of the skills held, Ark was inferior in combat ability compared to other members.


Arc, more familiar with the birth of this world than anyone else, and also deeply involved in the establishment of the Numbers, was a sight to behold in a different way than the Cloud.

At least, right now, until this moment...

"Miscellaneous fish ga that only has a handle on living longer. Don't get too well, yo?

With provocative words spoken, the cloud grabs the collar of the arc and tightens it up.

The arm of the machine with superhuman power lifts the body of the arc easily.

"Not at all...... You're a real clown, yo. How does it feel to betray Legendary Blood (your buddy) and be made a little fool of in the organization you make?


Ark, provoked by the cloud, bites his lips with regret.

He is the descendant of four heroes who saved the world - Legendary Blood was the strongest.

There were no enemies that could not be defeated by a party of four consisting of brave men, magicians, sages and militants.

However, the course of time is brutal.

With the exception of Arc, who has the skills of "Rebirth" that allows him to spend an infinite amount of time, his three companions lost power as his blood thinned.

It is underpowered in Legendary Blood as a force against the Evil God who will eventually be resurrected.

So to counter the power of the Evil God, Ark used many of the Demon Stones of Summoning, and the Demon Stones of Rebirth to organize the strongest group of otherworlds - the Numbers.

"Cora! How dare you quarrel with each other in the organization!

Noticed the commotion, Lucy breaks in between the two of them.

"Look, look. Let's get to the conference room quickly. That was the first time you said that, wasn't it? We're all in the Numbers."


Lucy's advised cloud reluctantly lowers the arm of the machine.

In preparation for the resurrection of the Evil God, the Numbers, each with the power of the "protagonist class" of the story, were beginning to move under the water.

Yudo will clash with The Numbers - it will be a little further.