
You can hear the little birds screaming from outside the window.

Boasting one of the best grounds in the city of Spain, this house was a place where a variety of wild birds gathered.

"Gugga...... Gugga......"

There was a man who slept comfortably in the bedroom of such a grand mansion.

The boy's name is Yudo Kinbu.

He is a very normal high school student everywhere.

The only place he would have worn a special martial arts called Kingsguard Fluid Technique since childhood if he were to raise a point different from an ordinary high school student.

Suddenly summoned to another world, Yudo was using his martial arts in front of him to show his octagonal activity, and he was young enough to possess a grand mansion.

(Hmm...? I wonder what it is. This discomfort......?

Unexpectedly uncomfortable, Yodo slowly opens his eyelid.

When I pulled the futon off my chest with a bad feeling, it was too unexpected a sight to wait there.

"Ah. Good morning. Your husband."

My gaze collided with one girl who would continue to serve with her ascendancy.

The girl's name is Spica Brunel.

A species named Lycan who grew dog ears from her head, she was one of the oldest of the slave girls living in the house of Yodo.

"Eh. Yeah! S, Spica!? What are you doing?!?"

"I'm sorry. Did you imitate that you went too far? I wanted to please your husband, not just at night, but in the morning."

It was the other day that Spica said she wanted to be independent as one adventurer.

As a result, I did not become independent as an adventurer, but I was able to realize my true feelings about 'wanting to live as your husband's possession'.

- I want to be useful, at least in other parts, for what I can't be very helpful in terms of combat.

Spica's "service" with such thoughts was becoming more aggressive every day.

"No. Nothing's wrong with me. Yeah. I'm just suddenly surprised."

I was confused, but when I opened my eyes, the girl was serving me, and there is something that tickles my manhood.

Having accurately analysed the situation, Yudo decided to try to deposit his body with Spica.

"I'm glad. Then it's strange, Spica Brunell. I will serve you for your husband!

Spica, who was tattooed by Yodo, stands vertically with her picon and dog ears.

Until now, I've been careful not to wake you up, but I don't need to hesitate when my permission has been granted.

(... I can please your husband number one! You can't beat the others!

Spica's technique, which is burning a strong sense of rivalry towards the female members of the mansion, was visibly improving.

In the end, Yudo was going to be squeezed out of strength by Spica plenty in the morning.