Down the stairs, carrying her legs to the living room on the ground floor, she had a familiar cat-eared slave sister.

"Oh! Ut. You finally woke up."

The name of the girl who speaks from inside the kitchen is Lilina Forresti.

She is an active girl who made ponytails out of red brown hair.

Despite her masculine character, Lilina, with a stunt called Domestic Versatility, was in the midst of preparing her breakfast.

"Ahahahaha! Your brother is a sleeper ~"

Sanya Forresti, a girl who laughs while carrying dishes with dishes to the table.

She is a twin-tailed girl with an unusual face.

Sanya, with the demons and the ability to let her mind pass freely, was in charge of the mansion's security, while she often helped prepare meals when her hands were free.

"... what's going on? My lord, this morning is weird."

It was the girl who got to the table and held the coffee cup who noticed the anomaly that happened to Yudo earlier than anyone else who was on the spot.

Her name is Sylphia Rougenberg.

She is a blonde blue eyed & styled knight with exceptional sword skills.

Originally born and raised in a prestigious knight family, Sylphia began to live as a slave to Yodo for many reasons.

"It's nothing. I had trouble sleeping last night."

It was Yudo who took up such an excuse, but he has not hidden the colour of agitation from the edge of the word.

I can't tell you.

There's no way I could say I was flirting with Spica in the morning.

If other members find out about this morning's secret, it is imperative that they receive some kind of condemnation.

(Pfft. Nevertheless this situation...... Isn't the Spica one in quite a hurry too...?

Yudo, fueled by his addiction, shifts his gaze to Spica.

However, Spica's reactions were the exact opposite of what Yudo had expected.

After noticing his gaze, Spica saw Yudo's upset and made a spare wink with Patti to show him.

(Oh my spica... up the adult stairs... so!?)

Does that mean it's easier for women to go up there than for men because of the graphics?

Yudo, who received a small demonic wink of Spica, broke his knee with less of a sense of defeat.

It was a delicious refreshing morning of air.

For breakfast today, toast, pumpkin salad, boiled eggs and Lilina handmade fruit juice.

The fruit juice, made with plenty of fruit that had just been harvested among them, was highly appreciated by female members.

"Heh heh heh. Today's juice is all pana! Instead, it is!

Sanya, juicing around her lips, pokes an empty glass towards Lilina.

The number of fruits grown at home by Yudo ranges from apples, momomos, kiwi fruits, pears, oysters, grapes, oranges, watermelons, melons, strawberries, and other Triwide-specific species to nearly twenty.

Growth Promotion @ Rarity

(ability to accelerate plant growth. Up to one degree can be used for one plant)

Using Growth Promotion, which allows you to freely manipulate the growth of plants, growing fruit at home also remains a thought.

Plant watering, nutritional management, etc. had become the task of the skeletons guarding the garden.


Tong tong. Tong tong.

It was shortly after Sanya tried to have a second drink.

Suddenly, the sound of tapping windows in the living room sounds.

"Ah! I'll go get it!

pitipizione threat LV1

It was a special monster called Pictipision that was knocking on the window.

Its body length is about 20 cm.

Pitypigeon, which is easy to hand without the skill of softness, acted like a scripture pigeon in this world.

"Yes. Go ahead. It was also a letter to Mr. Sylphia today."

"... sorry. Lord Spica, thank you."

Sylphia, who had received a letter from Spica, was floating with a seemingly complicated face.

Recently, Sylphia received letters more frequently.

Originally, Yudo's house only rarely received letters, but as for Yudo, it was a matter of concern.

"-Silphia. Something wrong?

"No. Nothing. I don't care, I want you to keep eating."

Sylphia, who defied her gaze, crushed the kushali and the letter and went up the stairs leading upstairs.

(... I'm sure there are some circumstances where you don't want others to step in)

Using my husband's position, I was likely to be able to extract information, but I want to respect the girls' privacy whenever possible.

Yudo, who thought so, focused first on flattening the breakfast in front of him.