"... I see. You know, Sakura was originally a maid who worked at Sylphia's house."

While the body line remains a suit that is floating crisply, there is something that is troublesome about the place of the eye.

Yudo decided to ask Sylphia what was going on after guiding one end of Sakura inside the room for dressing.

"Mm-hmm. Sakura's lineage has made the work of a housekeeper in Lugenberg's house a living thing for generations."

How did the maid get the assassination technique?

And, it wasn't like I couldn't boil down to wanting to get the scratch in, but the biggest problem for Yudo was elsewhere.

"... how could a Sylphia maid be in my house?

It's a criminal act just to come up to the house without permission, but Sakura's words and actions were totally meant to kill Yudo.

At what time the hell did you buy Sakura's grudge?

Whether he thought about it or not, Yudo couldn't find a reason for it in himself.

"Let me explain this to you from the eagle."

After hearing the circumstances from Sylphia for a while, I hear Sakura from upstairs.

Sakura chose it as a change of clothes, a made-up outfit specially made by Yudo.

What to hide. This garment was made to order by Yodo according to his taste as the work clothes of Skeletons (beautiful girls).

So to speak, it's obviously different from the Orthodox long-skirt maid's clothes.

It was a romantic dish of a man with a garter belt + knee socks in a skirt of critical length that seemed invisible and invisible.

"And that's a terrible costume. Seems like the bottom bitchy hobby of the bottom bitchy erotic pig is clear."

Sakura throws up evil as soon as possible while positioning her skirt.

Sakura wore special made-up clothes from Yodo only because she was a housekeeper.

"... Connoe Ut. Free your daughter now. That way, don't just take your life."

"Huh? Say what..."

"Of course I won't tell you for free. Twice the price you paid when you bought your daughter... No, let's pay triple."

Sakura takes the white paper instead of the check and slaps it on the table.

Sometimes the slave trade, tens of millions of Leas, can move.

Trading in cash is risky in many ways, so in these cases it was manners to trade by cheque.

(... apparently you're serious)

I've only been clear about one thing from previous conversations.

It was that Sakura's purpose was to liberate Sylphia.

- There are two main ways to save human beings who have been dropped into slavery.

That is, it would kill the man who would be his master, or it would buy back the slave for an amount satisfactory to his master.

"... Sakura. Don't be silly. My lord will be in trouble."

As Sylphia attempts to enter arbitration, Sakura's expression becomes even more grumpy.

"My lady. Please wake up! Your daughter is being fooled by that man!

"... what are you talking about? I'm insane!

"No. The lady who knows the eagle will not go on and become a slave to the man himself. Your daughter is brainwashed by the man!

It is a terrible rhetoric full of misunderstandings and prejudices, but Sakura's claims seemed disastrous and partly convincing.

(Uh-huh. I do think Sylphia has changed the atmosphere compared to the old days...)

Meet Yodo had made a huge difference to Sylphia.

Sylphia had a strong distrust of men when she had just met them, which, unlike now, created an overall togetherness.

It was an inexorable story that Sylphia, who had reunited for a few months, would look like someone else before.

"… my lord. It would be useless to say anything more. Sorry for the inconvenience."

With a serious look on his face like he had decided to do something important, Sylphia put her hand on the sword she put on her hips.

"- I will not forgive you if you fool my lord any more. Choose which one you like. Leaving this house now, or staying here and being stuck with me."

"Oh, no... The eagle thinks above all of the lady..."

I never thought I could point a blade at you from the Lord that I cherished.

Sakura's attitude, pressured by Sylphia to kill, becomes weak as it moves.

"Sylphia. One end stop."

There could be more fights than this that no one will gain if we leave the two of them alone.

With that in mind, Yodo decided to put Pong and his hand on Sylphia's shoulder.

"Hey. You, you said Sakura or something"

"Lower bitch pig! It's a good courage to call the eagle's name......!

"I haven't brainwashed Sylphia. Sylphia became a slave of her own free will... would you believe me if I told you?

"... Impossible. The eagle has been serving beside the lady ever since she was attentive. It's not the same age as a pop pig like you."

Word persuasion was pointless.

There was absolute confidence in Sakura that he was more of a Sylphian understander than anyone else.

"Okay. I'll lend you a room for a while, so why don't you check with your own eyes?

Yudo slowly takes the key out of his pocket, causing it to grip in Sakura's palm.

"Huh? Say what..."

"Check our lives with your own eyes and go home when you're 'convinced'. You wouldn't be complaining about this, would you?

"... what if I'm not convinced?

"Then you can scratch your sleeping neck whenever you want."

While some parts are still unconvincing, Yudo's suggestions were fascinating for Sakura.

Sakura, staring at the key in her palm for a while, eventually shook her neck vertically with a regrettable face.

"... ok. That condition, let's swallow."

Sakura, who received the key, was to go up the stairs without thanking Yudo.

"Was it good? My Lord."

"Oh. Either way, this is the only option we have."

"? What do you mean?

"It doesn't make sense where I drove you back here. He'll come and kill me as many times as he wants, unless he convinces himself."

".................. Huh!?"

Exactly, if you ask me.

Sylphia was deeply impressed by Yudo's opinion.

Judging by the length of your relationship alone, you should know much more about Sakura -.

Yudo instantly revealed and showed the essence of the first person he met.

"Hehe...... The boulder is the master. You're reliable."

It's not just physical strength.

Sylphia began to think about getting to Yudo because she felt the size of an invisible vessel at the bottom in Yudo.

(... and that Sakura kid... awesome, he had a good body)

Burning into the back of Yodo's brain and not leaving is Sakura's glossy body wrapped in a pitchy catsuit.

My breasts are huge.

Compared to Sylphia, it falls a few steps in size to the boulder, but the strong personality and sleek figure help create a unique hue.

- Somewhat, even if you had personality difficulties, the more beautiful girls you live with, the better.

Yudo suggested the idea of cohabitation to Sakura because that's what he said, "Reason behind it" also existed.

(... Mm. Master. Any thoughts again?)

Sylphia sees Yudo staring somewhere far away with a worrying look on his face.

(It's about the master. Probably not even for people like me...... I guess you're thinking of something splendid......!

Sylphia, pure and unaware of doubting others, turned a sparkling, respectful eye toward Yudo.