There was a desire to help the slave girls, but it is not possible, temporally or technically, to help nearly a hundred girls who are manipulated by Gregory's skills.

If there was a way to save them, it would be nothing more than defeating Gregory.

Having so decided, Yudo will continue to explore further behind the underground cathedral.

Bee. Bee. Bibibibibibie.

After a short walk, the electronic sound of the alarm skill rings in Yudo's head.

The sound eventually increases in intensity and serves as a radar indicating the location of the boss who nests in this underground cathedral.

I've never seen anything like this before.

For the alarm skill to activate, to some extent, it was conditional on approaching the enemy, but only this time it does not apply to that example.

Irregulars, whose alarm skills arose, could also be said to be a reversal of Gregory's ability to fight so high.

After a short walk, you reach the deepest part of the underground cathedral in the open space compared to your surroundings. The intended person was there.

"Ooh! I missed you ~! Blonde girl......!

Gregory Scanner

Race: Huma

Occupation: Rebel

Inherent Ability: Slavery Contract Reading Mind

Slavery Contract @ Rarity

(Ability to 'enslave' the subject by draining blood on the back of his hand. A man who has become a slave will not be able to disobey his master's command. it will be possible for those who have entered into contracts to know each other's position)

Reading Mind @ Rarity

(Skills that enable visual capture of the subject's state of mind)

Woven in a golden jacket, Gregory greets the Yodo as they peel off multiple beautiful women on a fuzzy couch.

- I want to hear one thing.

Sylphia stepped forward to confirm Gregory's appearance.

"You're the one who manipulated innocent people and caused this disturbance, right?

"Hmm? Oh. Yes."

Gregory, questioned by Sylphia, was scratching the hole in his ear looking bored with polypoly.

"Why do you do that!? You have no blood, no tears!? Why are you trying to hurt someone else who has nothing to do with it!

The question was natural for Sylphia, who was born and raised in a strict knight's family and has cultivated the spirit of 'frustrating strength and helping weakness'.

If he was born to be like a demonic tribe with a different mindset from the ground up, he still could not understand why the same person as himself could kill an unrelated human being.

"The answer is simple. Isn't that because it's irrelevant?

"... what!?"

"Even ladies don't care who's dead right now on the back of the world, do they? If the lives of other people are so irrelevant, why don't you go to the conflict area right now and volunteer?

".................. Huh!?"

Returned an unexpected opinion, Sylphia clogs the words.

It was as uninteresting as foreign weather, such as the death of others, for Gregory, who was born and raised in an environment where people's deaths were as familiar as usual in contrast to Sylphia.

"Uh. Can I ask you one thing?"

It was Yudo who moved in anticipation of Sylphia's question being separated.

"... for example, if you die in an accident, what happens to the person you're manipulating? Will my skills be disarmed? You're not gonna get caught up in this and die at the same time, are you?

Dew your nibbly and golden teeth to Gregory, who realizes what Yudo's question is intended to be.

"- The answer is yes. If I die, my skills will be removed. Believe it or not, you're on your own."

Being free for soldiers who were brainwashing when a skilled human dies was something they actually tried with their own men with the inherent ability of 'puppet play'.

Gregory's inherent ability to play diffuse puppets was one of the few drawbacks of a sudden reduction in the number of brainwashers when the upper echelons of humans ran out of breath.

"Kukakakaka. Dark hair there, by the way. You, you're from another world...?

It is unfair not to answer the question of the other person here alone.

Yudo, questioned by Gregory, shook his head in silence.

"Right. Is that what you mean? You're the conoe uto Ark was talking about! I got a point."


Gregory's words were a fierce shake on Yudo's spirit.

He was an interracial man with the same dark hair and dark eyes as Yudo, and a hero who saved this world 500 years ago - "Ark Schwartz" was also a profound opponent for Yudo.

"Tell me. You... what the hell are you guys?

At this point, Yudo was thinly aware that the man in front of him belonged to the same organization as' Ark Schwartz '.

The otherworlds connected to the Ark do not remain just Gregory.

I guess Cloud J. First, a half-man and a half aircraft gold ranked adventurer I met before, belongs to a similar organization again.

"Kukakakaka! Sorry, but that's the end of your Question Time. I've got a lot to ask, but I'm going to ask you when I'm a doll."

Shortly after Gregory laughed out loud.

I felt the underground cathedral sway with the footsteps of Dotadota.

(Koitsu et al...... did you come after me already?!?)

When I felt the signs of people and looked back, what was there was Sebastian, bleeding from his mouth but setting up a machete.

"I'm going to help you with the machete! Dear Gregory!"

Too soon than I expected.

Sebastian was crushed bones all over his body by summoning magic Leviathan, but returned to the front line with the resilience of a vampire's possessed threat.

He came to the addition of Gregory, the Lord, bringing with him men who remained conscious among the soldiers shed in the current.

"I'm sorry to hear that! You can't kill me! You three are going to be dolls working for me today!

At the rear are vampires and brainwashers with tough physical abilities, and at the front are mysterious otherworlders, masterminds of war.

Yudo and his men, who were strangled in the form of surprises, were in a desperate predicament.