Even in front of the attacking brainwashers, Yudo was calm.

First, Yudo blows the Wind Attribute Magic, the 'detonation tag' held by the Brainwashers by Wind.

Next, the body of the brainwashers is individually restrained by the Restraint Magic, which applies water attribute magic.

Repeat this series of operations at super speed that cuts one second per person.

"... Ha! You're a clever one."

We know that it is their goal to drain their health and energy.

However, if there is a life that can be saved even if it is placed under extreme circumstances, save it, but it was the basic stance Yudo had set in order not to step off the path of people.

"Come on, it's your turn next. Naked Admiral"

At some point the brainwashers Gregory had kept warm for suicide bombing.

Yudo finally succeeded in creating a one-on-one situation with Gregory without bending the rules he imposed on him.

"Kukukuku...... Fine. If you want to die so badly, Temehe will be slaughtered by me straight away!

Dos, a low voice conceived of black killings echoed inside the underground cathedral. Shortly after that.

The engraving of the '' 'engraved on Gregory's clavicle begins to shine.

"I'll show you! This is the power of those who have been chosen by us as the Numbers… The Engraving of Numbers!

Moments later, Yudo's vision begins to distort with gnarity by the intense magic unleashed by Gregory.

Legendary Blood, a hero who saved the world 500 years ago, had left four legacies in preparation for the battle against the Evil Gods, which would later be revived.

Arch Schwartz, the hero of The Brave, who was the central figure of Legendary Blood, used his Reincarnation skills to leave his own flesh itself.

Sophia Brandol's ancestor, the "Wise Men" hero, left the "Deposition (Score)" detailing his later future.

The brave men of Sally Blossom's ancestors, the militants, left behind the technology of the original martial arts Fantasy Steel Stream, which was specific to the anti-demonic tribe.

The three aforementioned played an important role in the sense of 'stability in the world' from 500 years ago to today.


things vs. Evil God Specialist Organization, in the establishment of the Numbers, there were others who occupied important weights.

It was the original sorcery known as the Engraving of Numbers, left behind by Mikael Archardo's ancestor, the Sorcerer.

This "number of engravings" is a special sorcery constructed to bridge the overwhelming difference in "magic power" that spreads between humans and demons.

A total of ten engravings have been prepared.

Whoever wears this engraving, at four or six o'clock, is sucked of the magic in his body and continues to accumulate magic in the engraving.

Stored magic strengthens from generation to generation, but it can only draw strength from a very small number of talented power differences.

If you trace it back, Numbers was the word used to give the chosen person in The Engraving of Numbers.