Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 43

"I don't want to be said by you, a lonely girl with a gloomy personality."

"'Girlfriend' will be sad?"

"How can a girlfriend go to a private meeting with a man who is being confided and then come back to show off with her boyfriend!"

"Huh? Eat...cough cough."

An unnatural rosy resurfaced again, and she coughed harder and harder.

"I'm used to it. You are not my girlfriend. Why are you jealous?" Qianyi put down the pen in his hand and looked at Shiyu who was still coughing with some worry, "Don't stay up late, I'll be serious. , Inspiration is not something you can squeeze out, you have to take a good rest."

If you fall down, wouldn't it be troublesome?

"Can you stop saying the same thing as my mother? A student with low academic ability who is still struggling to learn?"

"...Okay, okay, is it okay for the scumbag to keep silent?"


Shi Yu turned around and opened the notebook she had brought over.

After a while.

She remembered something.

"By the way, Asaichi-kun, didn't you tell Kato-san why you live alone?"

Qianichi's shoulders trembled.

"No, there are not many people like you who use the landlord's daughter's power to know personal privacy?"

"Ah, you can tell my mother not to keep nagging about how good you are in my ears?"

It seems that there are some rumors about Qian Yi in the shopping street. Of course, most of them are from the street office and store staff. Qian Yi has a high exposure rate in the shopping street, his attitude is also recognized, and he has abilities. Coupled with his life experience, it is easy to become an aunt's attention.

However, once I talked about this, Qian Yi would think of Shiyu who has come to her house occasionally since living here. Recently, her frequency has been getting higher and higher. Thanks to her, otherwise she would be too lonely. Right.

"Thank you, Shiyu."

Qianichi suddenly looked at Shiyu seriously.

His Shiyu made Shiyu uncomfortable for a while, and her eyes escaped unnaturally.

"Have you never heard fools often say thank you to others?"

"You apologize to polite people in the world!!!"

Chapter 26, Assist King

Working day in family restaurant.

The demand for part-time staff in this family restaurant is flexibly increased based on passenger flow. Generally, there are more people on Wednesdays and Fridays, because the restaurant seems to have cooperated with other companies. Will come here to help.

And Lun is also a long-term worker here.

"Ooo! Here is the order for table 32! Please include it!"

Qianyi is in charge of ordering food for the kitchen through the computer, and Ren Ye is the waiter in the lobby.

"Wait, Lun also."

Qianichi stopped Lun Ye, who was about to leave.

"What's the matter! Asanaichi senior!"

No help, this person is completely in a bloody mode.

"Wait for a while after get off work, I have something to tell you."


After get off work, Qianichi saw Renya who was waiting in the locker room. He still looked full of energy.

"Hey, Lun Ye."


"If you don't change the style of your hot-blooded boy, I will crush you?"

"...I knew it was wrong..."

Qianichi nodded in satisfaction, this style is right.

"I heard from Shiyu and the others, you are in need of money recently?"

"...Well, senior, I have no plans to borrow loan sharks..."

His face was conscientious.

"Do I look so scary..."

Just a kind question.

"Well, that's why I worked so hard recently. On the basis of my usual part-time job, I have an extra evening job on the Internet!"

Really, being paranoid is not generally terrible.

"Have you never saved before?"

"It's all in my room."

His face for granted.

"Then take them out and use them!"

"They have all become figures, novels, BDs, CDs, GAME and..."

"Enough is enough, I don't want to listen anymore."

I hide my face, and I really want to communicate with this SB in a normal way is not successful.

"Senior Qianyi, if there is nothing else important, I'm leaving now? There will be part-time jobs with traffic instructions."

It's really hard.

"and many more."

Qianichi handed Lun Ye a bag and patted him solemnly on the shoulder.