Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 57

"Before, I used to discuss the plot with Ethics here several times a week, right here, this table, I sit here, he sits in your place, and he always rants endlessly. I am always very excited about my role and plot. All my expectations have been rewarded by him, and he has read all the value of my novels..."

Yes, it turned out to be here today to revisit the old place together.

"A very loyal fan."

"Yes, Jane has reached the level of hopelessly stupid fans, so stupid that it makes people think,'Even if you just write it to him'. So at that time, the follow-up development of my novels basically followed him. The idea that came out has been developed, and the outline has been revised many times for a small plot and a big fight with the editor."

Shiyu's expression is full of nostalgia.

She values ​​feelings very much; she is obsessed with the past, and sure enough, what she really wants in her heart is a friend who can know her thoughts, not someone who will take care of her.

Nothing is wrong.

"But you enjoy that kind of process."

Qianyi took a sip of water and adjusted her mood, not knowing what happened to Kato.

I always feel that I can leave, and the answer I want to know has already been given.

Her memories are still going on, and it didn't arrive halfway through the weekend.

Just accompany a good friend to revisit the old place and remember the beautiful past.

It's easy to adjust your mentality.

I hope everyone will support you~

Chapter 33—Ordinary Fantasy

[Aanichi Senior, where are you now?

After lunch, Qianyi continued to work with Shiyu to complete the work assigned by the editorial department. There is no way to deal with these trivial and complicated tasks in one day, so the accommodation here is also certain, mainly outside. The wind started to blow and there seemed to be signs of rain.

At dinner time, Qian turned on the phone and saw the message from Kato.

what happened?Problems?


I thought she would not reply right away, but after only 2 or 3 minutes, a picture came from Kato. It was a photo of the three people in front of the store.

I don't know why, the moment I saw the group photo, Qianyi's heart really relaxed, because the distance between Kato and Renya in the photo was social distance.

[Senior Qianyi, where are you?


The first time I saw her asking something so persistently, and the context was so abruptly disconnected.

I just want to know where Senichi Senpai and Shiyu Senpai are.

Asking like this is foul!!!!!!!

Obviously across the screen, but Qian Yi's heartbeat missed a beat, and even the phone almost fell.

"En? What's the matter? Are you feeling well?"

In the restaurant of the hotel, Shi Yu, who was sitting in front of each other, noticed that he was obviously abnormal.

"No, no! No! Everything is very good!"

Qian Yi's vacillation was too easy to recognize.

"I, I will reply a message first."

Share location

[I came out to help her with work. She has a joint bookstore to promote new novels here, but there seems to be a shortage of staff, so I came to help her. I have opened two rooms, no problem!do not worry!

do not worry...

With this kind of wording, Kanichi regretted it at the moment it was sent out. What did this position himself to be?

[That's good, thank you very much.


This answer can melt the simple one!

"...Your smiling face is disgusting."

"Hey! Is this a word for someone who accompanies you all day and makes selfless dedication!"

Although Qianyi's mouth was dissatisfied, she put down her phone. Kato, she is really a considerate girl.

"I used the public funds sent down for the whole day today? Just let you travel around a strange city for free and enjoy a short trip, isn't it?"

Shiyu lifted Erlang's legs, and her thighs wrapped in black silk tights overlapped. She held up a cup of coffee, her movements were elegant and mature.

"Don't raise your legs! How many times have you said it!"

But this is useless in front of Qian Yi.


Shi Yu was speechless.

"I have already said that before you get married and have children, don't get into this habit. You may look beautiful and elegant, but the actual harm is your own. You know..."

"Okay, okay, I see, you can stop the "Auntie Knowledge Column"?"

Just like the habit of shaking feet, Shiyu has many small problems in her life. She was used to this before she met Qianyi, and it was too difficult to change it.

"You got sick before. It's all your usual bad habits? How good do you think your living habits are!"

Qianyi couldn't stop once he talked about this aspect. Shiyu really has too many bad things in normal times, and I don't know how many times to remind him if he wants to change it. Qianyi is very clear because she is always in his sight. .

"...You can really take care of people."

Suddenly she said something like this.

The floor-to-ceiling windows began to sprinkle raindrops, and it started to rain outside.

"I'm not a nanny, so how can I take care of others? You are special. Even a lazy person like me can't stand seeing you. It's a shame that you can live to this day! Auntie must be here usually. They are nagging you."

Qian Yibai gave her a glance, and also took a sip of the lemon tea in front of him. Seeing the rain, his body was subconsciously uncomfortable, and he wanted to hit the aching waist with his hand. It was really annoying, rainy.

"...Why am I special?"