Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleepover and Passerby Mistress Chapter 88

Turn around.

"...Xiaohui...when were you here?"

Didn’t you go to the kitchen just now?

"I activated the concealment function."

"That's still active! Hey!!"

It's really convenient.

"Yes, Shiyu-senpai, black tea, Qianichi's house only has black tea, no coffee, sorry."

Xiaohui handed Shiyu a cup of black tea with ice cubes, and Shiyu smiled at her.

"Thank you, Kato-san, I also know that Mushan-san does not have coffee at home. This annoying guy keeps saying that he can't drink too much coffee, so he didn't buy coffee and went back here."

"Ah~ That's it."

"Hehe, if some black long straight learners can restrain that casual heart, there won't be so much trouble."

"I don't think that coffee love has anything to do with my character."

"Who knows."

"Well~ Don't be so serious, Qian Yi, too, Shi Yu-senpai, Qian one is just for your own good," Xiaohui interrupted to ease the emotional bickering, "Also, thank you very much, Shi Yu Xue Sister, can come to tutor him in science."

In fact, it was Xiaohui who asked Shiyu to help Qianyi in private, and she took the initiative to kick it out. Although Shiyu was surprised at the time, she still didn't tell the matter, just mentioned it to Lun, so she learned The meeting proceeded smoothly.

Perhaps Kato is a girl who prioritizes her priorities, and she is not just a little girl.

Shi Yu suddenly felt such a feeling in her heart. What she saw was Xiaohui who had no sense of hypocrisy. Suddenly, she felt that the other party was invulnerable. Her words could really give this guy happiness.

"Xiaohui, I think we should unite our front to resist these uninvited guests! They ruined our study afternoon!"

Qian Yi is full of resentment.

"I always feel that if it is only me and Qian Yi or two, then the progress of learning must be very slow in the end."


"Maybe you can't help but do something else?"




The voice came from different places.

"Well, Miss Kato? I swear to God that I absolutely don't have that nasty thought."

Qianichi was a bit'cowardly', he was really defeated by his girlfriend at this moment.

"I have time to chat here, don't hurry up to finish all the next exercises!"

Shi Yu was very upset.

"Huh? Didn't I just say that just doing this is enough..."

"Do you still want to take the exam!"


I will endure.

Kato smiled and didn't bother the two who were in the state of learning again. She knew very well that the more she was like this, the less worry she had to worry about, and the only things she could do for Qianichi were these trivial things. If possible, she also wants to coach him herself.

"Aan Yi..."

An annoying voice rang from the door, like a cry from Shenyou.

"Teacher Shiyu, I feel so noisy."

Make a small report and send water to push the boat by the way.

"Yiichi, you know! Our GAME is of all ages! Don't want to do scumbag behaviors when we don’t know it. I’ll tell you! Liuli is our painstaking effort, yes Our users are pure and loving power leveling, don't put your nasty thoughts on her!!!"

"Where do you see that I have dirty thoughts!"

Although it is really a little bit.

Suddenly, at this moment, the TV in the living room came out-'Is that so?You don't want to care about me?Sorry, I disturbed you."the sound of.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!! Ah Lizi is wrong! Ying Lili what did you guy do!!!"

Then Lun threw back like a mad dog.


Ying Lili lightly clapped her palms and took the pad and manuscript paper into the cramped room that was already full. She just turned up the game volume and Bang Lun also chose a few options.

"Hey, wait, why did you come in, Yinglili."

"It's too hot outside."

"... Doesn't it mean that creators can't feel the heat while creating?"

"That's just a beautification to deceive readers, in fact, hehe."

Wearing a short skirt and knee-high socks, she sat on Qianyi's bed with knees bent indifferently, and the pad supported her thighs. There was no shelter between the thighs between the skirts. Qianyi hurriedly retracted her eyes when she realized this.

You should know that there is not only Shiyu here, but also my girlfriend here.

"Do a problem."

Holding a light novel and reading it next to him can still teach him with ease, what kind of academic gap is it!Desperate!

"Huh? Kato-san, what are you doing?"

Ying Lili's somewhat puzzled voice came from over the bed. Qian turned her head to look. Ying Lili was sitting against the wall, so there was a space next to it. I saw Kato put indoor shoes-by the way, she bought them. A new pair of indoor shoes was placed in Qianyi's house. She took off the shoes, took Qianyi's math textbook, and lay down on Qianyi's pillow.

Do you really not care about the existence of the opposite sex here?

"Help Qianyi organize the notes, copy the formula, and make an annotation. It should be a little help."

"Your own final test."