Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 91

These are all debts owed by women named Kasumigaoka Shiba and Sawamura Eriri.

Chapter 8 This is a doll full of poison

The setting sun was scattered on the river, the sparkling water flowed quietly, occasionally a few small grasshoppers jumped in the haystack beside the river embankment, occasionally pedestrians passed by on the small roads on the river embankment, and children came home with laughter.

Qianichi’s home is 2 tram stops away from Xiaohui’s home, and there are many roads to go there. Since coming here, Qianichi who occasionally drives a little sheep out for a ride has already figured out the surrounding road conditions, so now He would specifically walk around the river flowing through the town.

The scenery is also better.

"Um, Qianichi, where are we going?"

Since sitting in the back seat, Xiaohui has naturally supported her hands on her waist. The soft and boneless feeling has no abrupt touch. It will not have the sensitive and obvious heartbeat of taking Shiyu to the hospital that night, but it is There is an indescribable feeling, like a sense of fulfillment?

He also couldn't tell.

"Hey~ I'm going to sell you~"

"Oh, that's it."

Xiaohui’s voice is full of calmness, she withdrew a hand and pulled the hair that was blown away by the wind aside. She is wearing a light blue long skirt today, and the right light makeup makes her current movements full of youthful and beautiful breath. Many problems can be seen by the rate of return.

Indeed, the two people seem to be 100% full of lovers' atmosphere.

"You also doubt me somehow..."

"The sunset is so beautiful."

"Hello~~ Miss Kato who is about to be sold?"

"If Qianichi says he wants to sell me, then sell me~"

The focus has been on Qian Yi, who is driving the little sheep, and there is no sense of powerlessness in his heart. This girlfriend is really invulnerable.

"Do you believe me that way?"

This sentence seems to be asking something again.

"Such a thing, just leave it to Qianyi?"

She tilted her head, her tone of voice was taken for granted. Then, she leaned on Qian Yi’s shoulder, feeling the comfortable breeze brought by the slow driving speed. She squinted her eyes and seemed to enjoy the scenery in front of her. She seemed to be enjoying the warmth that her leaning body brought to her, maybe she was recalling something only she knew.

"Is it okay to believe so? Aren't you scared?"

"It doesn't matter, because you were there when I was most afraid."


Is this another statement?

I don’t know why, every time at this time, every time Xiaohui talks about something that has happened before, Qianyi will feel a sense of alienation. It is obvious that her temperature is conveyed through the touch on her shoulders. , It's clearly at hand.

"Aanichi is really an amazing person."

"What's magic."

"You will take me a long way to show me this kind of scenery~"

"So you know..."

This girlfriend is really naughty, but think about it, after all, she is an original inhabitant here.

"Hee hee, don't you often say it? The most important thing for a woman is'three-point beauty, seven-point beauty.'"

Is it my illusion that you sting the language limitations of fan works from another angle?

"Then why do you even say it specially now... it will only embarrass me."

Qianyi slowed down the car carefully, because she was wearing a long skirt today, it was inconvenient to use a small sheep, and only at this time would it be safer to take this kind of path, and it felt good. of.

"There is no way, who would call her boyfriend a too "smart" person. He obviously already has a girlfriend, but he will care about other girls, let alone those girls who have liked them before. If I am so likable, I don’t know when my boyfriend ran away. I’m really upset.


Qianyi was speechless, and suddenly the rhythm felt wrong!Can some buffer be!

"I...not like that..."

"En? What about that?"



Aggressive, his tone is so plain and unremarkable, and he is still leaning on his shoulders in a state of warmth, but he can't feel the warmth at all.

As if feeling the stiffness of Qian Yi's body, she didn't follow through for a long while, Xiaohui chuckled.

"I've already said it? Qianichi,'I am a wicked girl' like this~"

"I can't refute..."

Qianichi smiled wryly, then he sighed and said the thoughts hidden in his heart.

"Although saying this may cause your misunderstanding, but I really don't know how to say it, those two people, no, those three people, I... can't leave them alone."

"Do you want to intervene even if you are an outsider?"

Her voice sounded surprised.

"Perhaps I was an outsider before, but now..." Qianyi felt the warm current from behind to his atrium. "Now, I am definitely not an outsider."

"…I understand."

"Can you understand me?"

"That's not the case. I have never been able to speculate about your thoughts. However, Qian Yi, you are a nosy and like to make others feel guilty. I know now."

"It's really nasty saying..."

Kato Megumi, her first girlfriend, is really an incredible girl. She obviously feels the kind of love in her heart, but she also has a sense of trust in her. She goes around the circle and doesn't want to embarrass herself.

She stretched her distance and let go of her hands, seeming to be looking for something.

"Shallow one."

Clear as the sound of Dingdong spring water.