Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 122

This seems a bit similar.


The bedside lamp exudes faint gleams, the dim light leaps around in the moonlight, and the curtains in the room are not closed. If this is the case, tomorrow morning will be awakened by the harsh urban sunshine.

Think briefly about what you don't have, and try to distract yourself.

The single bed that was only suitable for one person is now a bit crowded.

Because there is one more person on the bed!A cute girl!Although very slender!But it still takes up space!

"Then, that, Xiaohui, it's a bit, a bit bad..."

Qianyi's tone changed with Xiaohui's discomfort to adjust her body position.

The legs and legs are here!And since the beginning of physical contact, more than 70% has been reached!Good body, so soft...It feels good to be caught...

I didn’t expect that this bed could welcome girls in the rest of my life--

"En? Sorry, did you feel painful?"

"No, no! Absolutely not! That's not what it meant!"

Her voice was so soft, but it sounded in her ears but it softened her ears and her body couldn't stop shaking.

"But Kanichi, your body is very stiff?"

please!Don't be so plain at this time, okay!Especially your body is so hot...

"No, nothing can be done... This is my first time..."

"For the first time..."

Seemingly realizing that the conversation was a bit ambiguous, both of them were silently silent.

After talking just now, Xiaohui went to the room and said, but she didn't expect that the air conditioner was turned on, so she asked Qianyi to sleep on the bed with that pair of showers.

Is that kind of topic really good in this posture?

"About what you asked just now..."

Really say it!


Qianyi groaned in pain and enjoyment. His body was about to change slowly. This was definitely not the smell of his shampoo. She brushed her teeth at such a close distance, but why the smell from her mouth was not toothpaste? Where does the sweet smell come from!

It's too cunning...

Girls are really amazing creatures...

Qianichi, who doesn't know where to put his hands, is absolutely stiff at the moment!

"Don't you remember?"

"you are right…?"

She went straight to the topic, and Qian Yi's attention was perfectly attracted when these words appeared.

"In the past, what happened in your country."

"Have we... really met."

Qianichi looked at her eyes closely through the light. She could feel the breath of each other at this distance. It was a little closer and even the heartbeat was exposed. The pores were so clear and flawless, she expected it to happen. Is this kind of thing?Have your nose hairs come out? Haven't been repaired...

"Well, if you want to know such a thing, we have seen it."


Qian was stunned, and in this way, it was true that her unreasonable goodwill was based on--

The bitterness emerges from the heart and spreads in the mouth.


She held Qianyi's right hand in both hands, her body went further, and the enquiry was even stronger.

But Qian Yi disappeared in an instant.

He took a deep breath and sorted out his thoughts briefly.

"I, memory, memory from 3 years ago, everything, I forgot."

"That's it."

She still did not let go of her hand holding Qianichi.

"Aren't you surprised?"

"I guessed it more or less."

"That's why you did so many things without telling me?"

Why do you ask such unrelated questions.

"For example?"


"Aanichi, do you care?"

She adjusted the position of her body again, resting her head on Qian Yi's shoulder. To be honest, the pillow was not important anymore.

"I don't think this should happen between me and you. I hope you discuss everything with me in advance."

"But Qianyi, you will definitely refuse."

"I don't think the result is different."

Qian Yi tapped her head lightly, and then hugged her waist. To be honest, this atmosphere is really full of a sense of security, and physical contact turns out to be able to fill the void in the spirit. If you really feel her body and voice, you can understand her love.

"You will refuse, but Zecun-san won't."

"..." After thinking about it for a moment, Qianyi understood what she meant, "You, this is helping me consume my network resources, do you know?"

"But this kind of network resource is like solar energy?"

"You really can't help it... Wait, only Ying Lili?"