Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 207

"Of course the two of us rented together."

Ying Lili raised her head triumphantly.


"Wait, wait! What are you doing with your phone!"

Ying Lili was a little panicked when she saw Shiyu taking out her cell phone without saying a word.

"I'm looking at where there is an apartment for 3 people to rent near the school."

"Hey, hello! You!"

Bad, bad.

The enemy is entering the village...


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Chapter 5 The coquettish royal sister

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Meme~~ Get a recommendation ticket. Home> Doujin> Sleeping and Passerby Heroine Chapter 5 The Acting Sister

Fiction: sleep and take care of the household passers-author of the novel: Fishermen gentleman Updated: 2015-11-03 00:41:28 Tucao: 112 Word Count: 3474

The symbol of the beginning of a new life, the former "old room" was such an iconic existence for Qian Yi. The elevator was refurbished, and the old elevator that was creaking in operation was finally replaced. I don’t know at the door. When there are a few more white marks, it may be a prank of a neighbor's kid, or a stressed young man is venting.

Many, many small details have changed. I hadn't noticed this before, but now I touch everything with a nostalgic mentality and look at it without a second glance, and I noticed different details.

Human beings are really amazing.

Although she was very reluctant, Ying Lili went back after sending Asaichi and Shiyu to this side, as if there was a family dinner for her back. She seemed to have won several awards in the British fashion design competition. Very heavy, in the name of "Ronggui", her parents seem to have invited many important people.

But what she was dissatisfied with was not that she was being'utilized'. She had long been used to things of this level. What she was upset about was that she wanted Qianichi and Shiyu to be alone.

Before leaving, she gave a warning.

'Don't let you smell something unclear.'

That tone and eyes are extremely dangerous.


The furnishings of the room remain the same, there is no change in the interior, there is no dusty, no cobwebs, the computer in the living room is still the same. When Qianichi left, Shiyu said that the room would be kept, so Qianyi didn't. Dispose of things, but leave them as they are. The furniture is still there. The main unit is flashing, the quilts on the bed are scattered, but there are wrinkles on the sheets, just like people often use here, everything is full Breath of life.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Qian gave a sigh of relief, and he took off his jacket shortly after entering the door. The heating here is not as high-level as central control, but after returning, he felt the heating rushing over his face. It seems that Shiyu had prepared these things before going to the airport. All right.

Shiyu followed the door, she also took off her coat, naturally hung the coat on the aisle, lined up with Qianichi's coat, seeing this scene that she had thought about countless times, she smiled laugh.

"Nothing, after all, this is my creative place."

"...It turns out that this has become your studio, so should I charge for usage?"

Qianyi lay down on a second-hand sofa. The golden kennel and silver kennel are not as good as his own kennel. It is full of the life he once lived. At that time, he was poor and had no extra money to buy furniture. The sofa was just bought at the flea market. , He still remembers what happened on the way, how nostalgic it is.

"Yes, then I will give you the'expense' now."

"I'm going to play—"

Before finishing talking, the beautiful lady bullied him into his arms, and the plumpness pressed on his chest, a little deformed. The plump thigh silky feeling wrapped in black silk can be clearly felt even after a layer of clothing. Her breath covers the smell of his body, hands Surrounded by his staying power, exhaled like a blue, glamorous like a silk, interrupted him with a movement. Although her limbs were cold, her red lips warmed their bodies.

She kissed him directly.

The lips overlap.

With the familiar warm and soft touch, her lips were not as dry as winter, and the water was damp, so he did not push her away for the first time.

After a few seconds, Shi Yu used her own way to release the enthusiasm she had been suppressing.
