Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 210

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Chapter 6 I'll see it

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Meme~~ Get a recommendation ticket. Home> Doujin> You will definitely see the sixth chapter of Sleeping and Passerby

Fiction: sleep to take care of the household and passers-author of the novel: a gentleman fisherman Updated: 2015-11-04 00:28:56 Tucao: 98 Word Count: 3429

During dinner time, Shi Yu seemed to have a family dinner at home tonight. It is rare that her father went home, so she did not stay with her for dinner.

Then, when she left, she said something like this:

'Aan, I am very thankful that you did not disappoint me.'

Sure enough, this group of people have the'Mind-reading Skills for Qianyi', Qianyi can only think so.

If you didn’t think wrong, that night, Xiaohui spoke to herself in front of the cave. Both of them should have heard her. Yinglili and Shiyu should have known her gaffe. That’s why Yinglili directly agreed to go abroad. Therefore, Shiyu would do that night, and would be forgiven for a year and a half.

They all knew what a self-respecting man Mushan Asaichi was.

A year and a half later, she saw Qian Yi’s performance and attitude when she came back, showing a positive attitude towards life. He is growing up, and according to his own pace, he has not stagnated, escaped, or been decadent.

That's why she said this sentence to express that her anxiety has been eliminated.


[Puff, puff, heart shaking, here again]

Not long after Shiyu left, Qianyi, who had just eased in his mind, received today's message - from Xiaohui who did not show up today. She had clearly told her when she would come back, although she had not specifically asked her to pick up the plane. But not a word of welcome back.

Is it really annoying?

That’s right, traitors like myself...

It's just that, when did she become a radio girl during this period of time, and she kept saying this kind of unclear words, it's not true. The full tram scene I saw on the road today, if there are people eating...Is it...?

Qianichi didn’t know why he looked out the window, and now it’s windy outside. The weather in winter makes people still outside feel bad. Even inside the house, just hearing the whistling sound seems to feel The cold hits head on.

Is she...

The vague and ominous premonition in my heart became stronger and stronger.

At this moment his phone rang suddenly.

"Hello, who are you?"

Because I changed my mobile phone, although I changed my calling card after returning to China, all the numbers stored in the phone are gone, so it seems that the serial number displayed on the phone can’t tell who it is.

Qianichi is still very polite.

"Oh oh oh! Is this the legendary polite etiquette?"

Then the voice on the other end of the phone was a super silly voice...

"What... It turned out to be Ren Ye, you guy, tusk."

"Hey! You were absolutely stunned just now, right! Also! Why did your attitude suddenly change so much!"

This guy’s voice is still as energetic as ever. No matter what happened to him this year and a half, he must still have the same vitality in the past, but this will not change. He is such a magical person who can make people. Believe it subconsciously.

"If I have been so polite to you, you will think I have something wrong, right? You say yes? Shake M's freshman."

"...How do I feel that the tone of your statement is getting closer and closer to Shiba-senpai..."

They are so unrelenting.

Qianyi raised his head and looked out the window. In this ghostly weather, dark and windy night, a figure seemed to faintly emerged from the howling sound. While talking, he walked to the bathroom and turned on the electric water heater.

"Fortunately! Why don't you guys come to pick up my machine today!"

"Hey! Isn't it enough for you to have two beautiful girls to pick you up? I don't think the scene of two straight men reuniting and meeting is cute."


"Where has our friendship gone?"

"Friendship also depends on the time. I recently worked all night in the liver system project book, I was almost dead, didn't I tell you a while ago, I formed a game production club in the university."