Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 239

"It's been tough since just now, this restless thing."

"Please don't use this quantifier to describe it!"

"Oh, I jumped again, and it's on my lap again."

"Why are you so calm suddenly as if you pressed the switch!"

"Face me up?"

"I won't grin! Because, because they are brothers and sisters!"

Unpleasant emotions flashed across her eyes, and then she took a breath.

Even me, it's okay!

"Then let me check if I will be in estrus with my lovely sister, this beast thing."

"So don't use it anymore-ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

When Qian Yi wanted to vomit again, she was defeated by a tight envelopment from her lower body.

It hurts!!

Wailing cuts through this quiet and warm morning of the camp.


When Kanichi saw Yinglili again, it was time for the party that was agreed in the evening.

As early as the afternoon, Lun had been recruited by Qianichi, who was feeling a little complicated, to carry out moving and coordinated work-a complete set of furniture was sent from Yinglili, accompanied by a schematic diagram of Yinglili, in the staff With his help, I just finished moving these furniture the next afternoon.

The furniture style is also in line with the mural feeling. So far, the home style that Ying Lili wants to present has been revealed, and it is easy to mistakenly think that she is in a different place if she is confused-this is the power of her art.

Does she really need herself?

Recognizing this fact again, Qianyi couldn't help but doubt himself.

Ying Lili appeared with Shiba Xiaohui and the others. They appeared after everything had been completed and even the "special soup base" needed for Kanto cooking was boiled. It was a wonderful time.

After a lapse of one and a half years, the members of the community got together again, and the five people were sitting around the rectangular dining table as the master.

"Speaking of which, it turns out Yinglili you can not only draw 18 forbidden..."

Lun also looked up at the mural near the dining room. She deliberately drew the style of an ordinary family restaurant, with people coming and going, and the levels are distinct, making people feel that a hustle and bustle is coming.

"You should have realized this kind of boring facts a long time ago."

Ying Lili, who was sitting across from Lun Ye, bit her chopsticks and stared at the high-quality beef that had just been put in the pot.

"I would like to know why I have to paint such a scene that would be bored after ten days. Is the artistic sense of beauty not enough? Poor genius end."

Next to Yinglili is Shiyu. It was the first time she saw the finished product. For the picky-taste, she didn't talk about it until now when she entered the door. This can prove from the side how amazing Yinglili's ability is.

Ying Lili glanced at her disdainfully, without saying anything, this woman thought she did this for what, not for—

"There is no such thing, Shiyu-senpai, I think this kind of feeling is quite good, even when eating alone, it will not feel lonely, and it will give people a sense of life. There is a very kind feeling."

Sitting next to Lun Ye was Xiao Hui, because Qian Yi sat in the master seat, Xiao Hui and Shi Yu were both separated from him.

With an unobtrusive momentum.

"Yes, yes, I feel that way too! I think this is pretty good."

Qian Yi deeply agrees that the dining room is connected to the kitchen, and above is his attic, where he sleeps.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously raised his head and glanced at Ying Riri. She hadn't spoken to him directly since entering the door just now.

'I, I just fell asleep!'

She ran away after saying these words this morning.

It just so happened that she was also looking here, and when they touched their eyes, both of them quickly looked away, especially Ying Lili, whose ears were red.

The reaction of the two fell in the eyes of the three present.

There is an inside story.

"By the way, Qianichi, since you have all moved here, what about where you used to live?"

"Ah, Mr. Ethics, I think I have to remind you that my name is written in the owner's column? Did your cousin let you use hot pants and thighs to make you feel confused?

Shi Yu was still not salty or weak, she picked up the Chinese cabbage from the pot and put it in a shallow bowl.

"Didn't I say that I won't mention Michiju today..."

"Wait, wait, Shiyu, this seems to be unfamiliar."

The two men present felt the pressure from Shiyu named Kasumigaoka at the same time!

"Xiao Qian, the lettuce in the hamburger is all raw. I think you learned this level of common sense in addition to the'sibling relationship' when you were in the UK."

Smiling obviously, but why do you feel like hiding a knife in your smile...


Ying Lili wanted to say something, but she still didn't say anything, just bluffing to show unpleasantness.

"Didn't I tell you not to be so rude."

Qianyi, who had been watching her reaction, immediately noticed Ying Lili's movements and frowned.


"You—hey! Wait, Xiaohui, that's beef! That's not cooked yet! Carrots can't be half-baked!"

Asaichi was trying to preach to Ying Lili, but was interrupted by Xiaohui who kept putting raw food in his bowl.

"It's okay, Qianyi, you have lost weight recently. When I hugged you the day before yesterday, I didn't feel the same as before. Eat more, I don't care?"

Too many slots!

"Really, really worthy of being Sima Hui..."

Lun next to him also subtly admires, and at the same time he is somewhat thankful.

"But, but this is raw? It's not cooked yet? I will get bacterial infection if I eat it?"

"It's okay, you are so thin."