Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 245

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the market did not have as many people as expected. Instead, only the elderly and the owners who stayed behind at the stalls came and went. All of these were the permanent residents of the town. The town is big or small. The only places where old residents can buy groceries are this old market and the shopping street where Qianyi used to work. During his working period, it seems that many aunts have spread a lot of rumors, and he has also executed several Project activities have all been done on-site, so there are not a few customers who are familiar with his face and can even be named.

It just so happens that several of these former customers are here, so this caused the above situation-after entering the market, the aunt asked and the uncle at the booth beckoned to ask a few words. Old people like it. Looking for a companion, come and go, joking with these young couples who are rarely seen in the vegetable market.

"Why does this happen, Mr. Mushan, are you the legendary self-propelled plan to destroy the machine?"

Today's Shi Yu looks more in line with the style of this age, a bit less elegant and noble temperament, a bit more youthful and beautiful, although her words seem to vent her dissatisfaction, but her tone is faint With a little joy.

This is the affirmation of those people for Qianyi's previous work effect, for Shiyu this is an unexpected gain.

In particular, he did not specifically correct some statements.

"Thank you for the kind of robot that sounds so convenient, please give me one, and since you are all like this, don't come over!"

Qianichi was a little helpless, and when he entered the vegetable market, the unique taste rushed towards him. Shi Yu's reaction was only to wrinkle his nose, and then continue to rub his face and hold his hand. The reason why so many neighborhoods ridiculed him Most of it is because of this.

No question at all.

His speech just now.

That box of pocky, as if it had never appeared before.

"Huh? How do you feel that there is something in your words."

"Even if it is the destruction machine of the human nature self-propelled plan, it is only a'poetry feather type'."

"Puff, isn't it stupid to say that, and it's not the character of Ethic Monarch who pretends to be stupid."


"You can call this name normally now."

She looked up at him weirdly, and his expression was somewhat emotional.

"Don't tell me you are jealous?"


"That's right, after all, it is a woman who took the initiative to send it to the door. It is normal to be uncherished."

"Hey, did you listen to me!"

"Yo yo yo"

Fake crying!

As for the attitude between Shi Yu and Lun Ye, Qian Yi didn't have any extreme thoughts. When Shi Yu took the initiative to kiss Lun Ye, he felt something was wrong. Later when everything was slowly revealed, he only felt that Shi Yu Yu is really an hopelessly stupid woman.

"...With regard to Ren Ye, has he been upset recently?"

"En? Why do you ask? Does that guy look abnormal?"

Obviously, I was crying fakely for the last second, and the movement changed when I lower my head and look up...

"No, I just want to help Ying Lili ask questions. If you want to walk into a person's heart, you have to stay with the other person and start with the other person's'weakness', right?"

After all, he did it himself.

"I will put aside your subtle sense of pride. You said it was for Eiri?"

"Yes indeed."


Shi Yu looked like he was holding back a smile, but he wanted to laugh but held back, his entire face was a little distorted.

"Because Ying Lili also has a good impression of Ren?"



"...Aanichi, I hope you don't use this attitude to tell Sawamura again when you go back."


This is for her good.

"I hope I can see you tomorrow, it's that simple."

"Oh! I see. It must be a thin-skinned face, right? Yes, I didn't worry about this. After all, there are some cute girls around Renye, if I was putting pressure on Yinglili like this. , That guy will definitely be shy."


Shi Yu released her hand and held her forehead.

"You really have a strong imagination in understanding the hearts of young girls, Qianyi, maybe you are more suitable for writing romance novels than me."

Write specifically the kind of blood ending.

"It always feels like you are taunting me..."

"Okay, the digression ends here. From now on, we will formally collect the materials, um~ let me see..." Shiyu took out a notebook from her coat. She didn't have a bag or jewelry today. Like an ordinary and beautiful female high school student, she removed that layer of resistance.

At a vegetable market with mixed smells and poor sanitation, she is now like a white lotus that has grown out of silt and is not stained.

Qianichi looked a little fascinated.

It turns out... She also has such an ordinary side.

After a while, she closed her notebook. The vegetable market is not big. They have been walking around the meat stalls and the dry goods area since just now. Compared with the stench on the meat stall, they still sell dry goods. To give people a better sense, Shi Yu took Qianyi towards the meat stall after hesitating.

"Why not go there?"

"Didn't the pork seller greet you just now? They also praised you for being young, promising, and having a cute and smart girlfriend."

The last half sentence is the point!

"Wait, what should I do later?"

"You can do whatever you want. You don't have to do anything deliberately, just as if you would go shopping with me."

What kind of material is this?

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, this time is just past the peak of the flow of people, and also missed the time when the ingredients are freshest, especially meat ingredients. It is her mistake to choose this time, no experience, this Dian Qian wrote it down secretly, and had to talk to her afterwards.

Sure enough, I came to the uncle's booth that greeted Qianichi with a cigarette just now. There were only a few pieces of pork ribs hanging on it with hooks. It seemed that the color and texture of the meat were not very good, and the fishy smell became more intense when I approached the booth. .

However, Shi Yu greeted the boss enthusiastically.